Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Kutubxonashunoslik va arxivshunoslik
Atmosphere in Urban Design
This book offers an ethnographic exploration of the role that atmosphere plays in work processes undertaken within an urban design studio. It provides understandings of how architectural practices are fuelled with atmosphere in various configurations throughout different design phases of selected projects for construction. From the outside architectural practices commonly appear well-ordered and carefully considered, established by proof and rationally justified. This book though poaches on architects’ preserves in order to draw attention to features of unpredictability and uncertainty within the design phases. By opening up into the ‘machinery room’ of urban designers, the goal is not to spoil the plaster saint cover of a ‘starchitect’ business, but to remind about the crucial value that pockets of doubt issuing questions rather than answers, open-mindedness instead of single-mindedness, play to the processes of design production and creativity. The book identifies these pockets as atmospheres enveloping the architectural practice.
Private Law and Power
The aim of this edited collection of essays is to examine the relationship between private law and power – both the public power of the state and the'private'power of institutions and individuals. It describes and critically assesses the way that private law doctrines, institutions, processes and rules express, moderate, facilitate and control relationships of power. The various chapters of this work examine the dynamics of the relationship between private law and power from a number of different perspectives – historical, theoretical, doctrinal and comparative. They have been commissioned from leading experts in the field of private law, from several different Commonwealth Jurisdictions (Australia, the UK, Canada and New Zealand), each with expertise in the particular sphere of their contribution. They aim to illuminate the past and assist in resolving some contemporary, difficult legal issues relating to the shape, scope and content of private law and its difficult relationship with power.
A Dictionary of Symbols
At every stage of civilization, people have relied on symbolic expression, and advances in science and technology have only increased our dependence on symbols. An essential part of the ancient arts of the Orient and Western medieval traditions, symbolism underwent a twentieth-century revival with the study of the unconscious. Indeed, symbolic language is considered a science, and this informative volume offers an indispensable tool in the study of symbology. Its alphabetical entries--drawn from a diverse range of sources, including all of the major world religions, astrology, alchemy, numerology, heraldry, and prehistoric art--clarify the essential and unvarying meanings of each symbol. Whether used as a reference or browsed for pleasure, this informative volume offers a valuable key to elucidating the symbolic worlds encountered in both the arts and the history of ideas.
Writing Architectures
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc does not have any control over, or responsibility for, any third-party websites referred to or in this book. All internet addresses given in this book were correct at the time of going to press. The author and publisher regret any inconvenience caused if addresses have changed or sites have ceased to exist, but can accept no responsibility for any such changes.
Мевали дарахтларни томчилатиб суғориш режими бўйича тавсиялар.
Қўлланмада Ўзбекистон шароитида кўп тарқалган олма, ўрик ва шафтоли каби дарахтларни етиштириш, уларни парваришлашнинг ўзига хос жиҳатлари, мевали дарахтларни томчилатиб суғориш тартиби, хусусан суғориш меъёрлари ва суғоришлар муддатлари бўйича тавсиялар ёритилган.
Невероятный русский – 2.
Мария Аксёнова хорошо известна как автор и издатель «Энциклопедии для детей Аванта +», автор и ведущая популярной телепрограммы «Знают ли русские русский?». Она академик РАЕН, лауреат премии Президента РФ в области образования. Говорить на родном языке для нас так же естественно, как дышать. Но насколько хорошо мы знаем русский? Истории о происхождении слов увлекательнее любого романа и таинственнее любого детектива.
Architectural Affects after Deleuze and Guattari
Architectural Affects after Deleuze and Guattari is the first sustained survey into ways of theorising affect in architecture. It reflects on the legacy and influence of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in the uptake of affect in architectural discourse and practice, and stresses the importance of the political in discussions of affect. It is a timely antidote to an enduring fixation on architectural phenomenology in the field. The contributors offer a variety of approaches to the challenges presented in discussing the relation between affect and architecture, and how this is contextualised in the broader field of affect studies. Ranging from evaluations of architectural and urban productions and practices, to inquiries into architectural experience, to modes of affective inquiry in education, to experimental affective writing, each contribution to this seminal volume suggests ways of developing a more sustained approach to a crucial thematic domain.
The Philippines a Century Hence
"The Philippines a Century Hence" by José Rizal is a political and social commentary written in the late 19th century. This thought-provoking piece was originally published in a serial form in the Filipino fortnightly review "La Solidaridad" and subsequently compiled for readers in the early 20th century. The work discusses the potential future of the Philippines in relation to colonialism, governance, and national identity, positioned against the backdrop of Spanish rule and the growing influence of other powers, particularly the United States. In this book, Rizal explores various potential scenarios for the Philippines over the next century, contemplating whether it would remain a Spanish colony, achieve independence, or fall under the rule of other foreign powers. He critiques the status quo, arguing that the Filipino people must be educated and recognized as equal in order to navigate their destiny. The essay emphasizes the need for reform and the incorporation of Filipino representatives in governance, warning that continued oppression could lead to violent revolts. Ultimately, Rizal advocates for a more enlightened and liberal policy from Spain to foster goodwill, insisting that the future of the Philippines depends on the empowerment and self-determination of its people. Through rich historical analysis and forward-thinking insights, Rizal articulates a vision for national progress and unity, establishing himself as a herald of Filipino nationalism.
Encyclopedia of Time: Science, Philosophy, Theology, & Culture
Surveying the major facts, concepts, theories, and speculations that infuse our present comprehension of time, the Encyclopedia of Time: Science, Philosophy, Theology, & Culture explores the contributions of scientists, philosophers, theologians, and creative artists from ancient times to the present. By drawing together into one collection ideas from scholars around the globe and in a wide range of disciplines, this Encyclopedia will provide readers with a greater understanding of and appreciation for the elusive phenomenon experienced as time.
Мева ва сабзавотлар микробиологияси
Дарслик олий ўқув юрти бакалавриатура йўналишида таълим олувчи талабаларга етарли даражада назарий ва илмий қамда амалий маълумотлар бериши мумкин.
W Kregu geografii politycznej i dyscyplin "okolicznych"
Obciążenie niemal od zarania samodzielnego istnienia bagażem posądzeń o lansowanie dogmatycznych i abstrakcyjnych teorii, w tym nieuchronności wybuchu sporów granicznych, wyznaczyło – by nawiązać do przypadającej na wspomniane stulecie „epoki” ewolucjonizmu – dalszą drogę rozwojową tej dyscypliny.
Modern architecture in Latin America
By pointing out this difference, I am not asking the reader to get lost in the sophisticated subtleties of language that might be somewhat insignificant. Rather, the issue is of greater importance: “Latin Americanists” argue that the culture produced in the region is radically different from that which is generated in other parts of the world. They think that there is a constitutive, constant, and shared core that generates a dynamic sense of “ownership” or “critique” with regard to what happens outside the region. Moreover, in the last instance, they think that there is a sort of indivisible “I” that belongs to the region (perhaps a soul?) that expresses itself in clearly identifiable traits and that makes it react in unison against any external stimuli.
Eric Voegelin was one of the most creative and prolific philosophers of the twentieth century. Up to the present, however, he is only sparsely celebrated as such. There are various reasons for this relative lack of recognition.
A bibliography for after jews and arabs
The babel Working Group is a collective and desiring-assemblage of scholargypsies with no leaders or followers, no top and no bottom, and only a middle. babel roams and stalks the ruins of the post-historical university as a multiplic-ity, a pack, looking for other roaming packs with which to cohabit and build temporary shelters for intellectual vagabonds.
Twentieth century architectuure
This book examines pictorially the architecture of the twentieth century. It has been designed in such a way that the reader will be able to follow through in the buildings actually built the changes which have occurred over the last century. The book does not ignore the many unbuilt, projected schemes, but in order to trace the development of twentieth-century architecture by built examples, unbuilt schemes have been isolated in the introductory sections. It is not possible, of course, to include every building of major importance that has been erected in the world over the century, nor is it necessary to do so. The aim has been to underline the importance of those buildings which themselves have influenced successive structures and which have provided acceptable, and often highly original, solutions to specific design problems.
Чорвачилик тармоғида инновацион, ресурс-тежамкор технологияларни иқтисодий баҳолаш бўйича тавсиялар
Тасияларда чорвачилик тармоғида инновацион, ресурс-тежамкор технологияларни иқтисодий баҳолашнинг мақсад ва вазифалари, ўтказиш босқичлари келтирилган.