Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
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Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
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Nonprofits and Advocacy : Engaging Community and Government in an Era of Retrenchment
Does nonprofit mean nonpolitical?When the Susan G. Komen foundation pulled funding for Planned Parenthood's breast exam program, the public uproar brought new focus to the high political and economic stakes faced by nonprofit organizations. The missions of 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations, political action committees, and now Super PACs have become blurred as issues of advocacy and political influence have become increasingly entangled.Questions abound: Should a nonprofit advocate for its mission and its constituents with a goal of affecting public policy? What are the limits of such advocacy work? Will such efforts fundamentally jeopardize nonprofit work? What can studies of nonprofit advocacy efforts reveal? Editors Robert J. Pekkanen, Steven Rathgeb Smith, and Yutaka Tsujinaka recognize the urgent need for relevant research and insight into these issues as direct and indirect government services are squeezed by federal cutbacks.Nonprofits and Advocacy defines advocacy and clarifies the differences among advocacy, lobbying, political activity, and education, as well as advocacy measurements. Providing original empirical data and innovative theoretical arguments, this comparative study is organized into two parts. The first part focuses on local and national dimensions of nonprofit advocacy, and the second part looks at organizational politics and strategies.
'Painstaking preparation means that luck will run your way'. Advocacy explains how to win cases in court. Focusing on the techniques and methods of successful advocates, David Ross QC shows how to prepare a case for court. Written in simple, clear language he gives the benefit of his many years of local and international experience as he describes • how to hold a court's attention • how to start and stop a witness • how to cross-examine all types of people, from liars to experts • the methods of taking objections to questions • how to address a jury • how to follow etiquette and behave ethically • how to win impossible cases. All the principles of advocacy are explained, from the striking start to knowledge of human affairs, and Advocacy is rich with examples taken from real cases.
Ичиндаги ичингдадур
Ичиндаги ичингдадур Мавлона Жалолиддин Румийнинг турли мажлисларда билдирган утлуғ фикирларидан таркиб топган. Сиз ушбу рисолани ўқиб, инсон ва олам, онг ва борлиқ, инкор ва исбот, ҳаёл ва амал сингари фалсафий тушунчаларнинг асил моҳиятини англайсиз.
Advocacy : Championing Ideas and Influencing Others
When a group of people gather together to generate ideas for solving a problem or achieving a goal, sometimes the best ideas are passed over. Worse, a problematic suggestion with far less likelihood of success may be selected instead. Why would a group dismiss an option that would be more effective? Leadership and communications expert John Daly has a straightforward answer: it wasn't sold to them as well. If the best idea is yours, how can you increase the chances that it gains the support of the group? In Advocacy: Championing Ideas and Influencing Others, Daly explains in full detail how to transform ideas into practice. To be successful, leaders in every type of organization must find practical and action-oriented ways to market their ideas and achieve buy-in from the members of the group. Daly offers a comprehensive action guide that explains how to shape opinion, inspire action, and achieve results. Drawing on current research in the fields of persuasion, power relations, and behavior change, he discusses the complex factors involved in selling an idea—the context of the communication, the type of message being promoted, the nature and interests of the audience, the emotional tenor of the issues at stake, and much more. For the businessperson, politician, or any other member of a group who seeks the satisfaction of having his or her own idea take shape and become reality, this book is an essential guide.
Labour Law: Principles and Practice in Cameroon
There is a dearth of well researched books on important disciplines in law written by Cameroonians. This regrettable situation has invariably meant a reliance of substantive and practice books written mostly by Nigerian and English writers. While books written by these writers have been helpful, they have not always captured the peculiarities and judicial attitudes of the Cameroonian context. When approached from the perspective of practice in the Anglophone regions, not even Cameroonian writers of French orientation have done justice to this situation. This book contributes to filling this gap. It is a comprehensive review that combines an analysis of the principles and basic procedure of labour law in Cameroon. Yanou draws on solid academic research as well as a wide ranging experience in legal practice across Cameroon and Nigeria to present a coherent and practical elaboration of themes such as employment, dismissal, remedies for wrongful dismissal, compensation for industrial injuries, and trade unions. The book is also motivated by the desire for a repository for members of the Bar and Bench, judges, academics, students and human resources practitioners.