Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
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Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Charles Perrault. Cendrillon. Книга для чтения на французском языке.
Знаменитая западноевропейская народная сказка, литературно обработанная французским сказочником Шарлем Перро еще в XVII веке наиболее известна в двух своих версиях. В уже названной версии Шарля Перро и в не менее известной версии братьев Гримм. Книга для чтения « Cendrillon » представляет собой дидактизацию текста сказки, с целью развития навыков чтения, понимания прочитанного, обогащения и активизации лексического запаса, формирования грамматических и лексико-грамматических навыков; навыков самостоятельной работы, самоконтроля, работы со справочными материалами. Адресована школьникам и всем, изучающим французский язык и желающим развить свои навыки владения им.
Strategizing Communication : Theory and Practice
Strategizing Communication offers a unique perspective on the theory and practice of strategic communication. Written for students and practitioners interested in learning about and acquiring tools for dealing with the technological, environmental, and managerial challenges which organizations face when communicating in today's mediascape, this book presents an array of theories, concepts, and models through which we can understand and practice communication strategically. Strategizing entails looking beyond-but not past-instrumental, rational plans in order to become better able to understand and manage the concrete, incremental practices and contexts in which communication becomes strategic. This book argues that although strategic communicators do (and should) make plans, a plan in itself does not determine the success of strategic communication. Rather, contextual factors, such as competition, technological developments, global cultural trends, and local traditions, as well as employees'skills and attitudes, will determine the organization's communicative success. Against the backdrop of the comprehensive changes to communication brought about by the rise of digital communication technologies and related contextual developments, Strategizing Communication provides better and more up-to-date tools for understanding and managing strategic communication processes. [Subject: Business, Communication]
NOTA EDITORIAL: Los puntos de vista, opiniones y contenidos expresados en esta obra son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus respectivos autores. Dichas posturas y contenidos no reflejan ne-cesariamente los puntos de vista de Dykinson S.L, ni de los editores o coordinadores de la obra. Los autores asumen la responsabilidad total y absoluta de garantizar que todo el contenido que aportan a la obra es original, no ha sido plagiado y no infringe los derechos de autor de terceros. Es responsabilidad de los autores obtener los permisos adecuados para incluir material previa-mente publicado en otro lugar. Dykinson S.L no asume ninguna responsabilidad por posibles in-fracciones a los derechos de autor, actos de plagio u otras formas de responsabilidad relacionadas con los contenidos de la obra. En caso de disputas legales que surjan debido a dichas infraccio-nes, los autores serán los únicos responsables.
Texnik tizimlarda axborot texnologiyalari
О‘quv qо‘llanma “Texnik tizimlarda axborot texnologiyalari” fanini o‘qitishning ma’ruza, tajriba va amaliy mashg‘ulotlari texnologiyalarini ishlab chiqish usul va vositalari, o‘quv maqsadlari asosidagi muhim belgilaridan iborat ularni qo‘llash bo‘yicha uslubiy tavsiyalar bayon etilgan.
Tener Demasiado: Ensayos Filosóficos sobre el Limitarismo.
Prefacio del traductor. Introducción a la filosofía del limitarismo. Los límites a la riqueza en la historia de la filosofía occidental.
Tarazit begona o`tlar bioekologiyasi va ularga qarshi kurash choralari
О ‘quv qo llanmada О ‘zhekiston sharoitida parazit hegona о liar -sfiumg ‘iya va zarpechakning bioekologiyasi, morfologiyasi va unga qarshi kurash usullari hayon elilgan. Parazit begona о ‘darning o'sishi, rivojianishi va xo'Jayin-o'simlik bilan munosabati hamda uningmadaniy ekinlarga zarari haqidagi ma'lumotlar keldrilgan. Parazit begona о ‘tlarga qarshi kurash usullari ham yorililgan.
Essentials of urban design
The industrial revolution and the advent of the motor car saw many cities transition from mixed use ‘places for people’ into specialised and separated areas serviced by roads and freeways. The street that makes up 80% of a city’s public realm was increasingly dominated by motor vehicles rather than people. This model, particularly those cities that grew up post the motor car, started in the 1960s to fail, economically, socially and environmentally. Commentators such as Jane Jacobs and Jan Gehl noticing this trend started to advocate for a return to people-based cities and emerged as the new urban philosophers. They argued for a new approach that was neither planning as it had emerged in the 20th century nor the architecture of the modern movement, but rather the general practice of urban design. As general practice is the platform for specialisation in medicine, then urban design is increasingly emerging as the platform from which planning, architecture, engineering and landscape architecture specialities need to spring. Not surprisingly, as more and more people live in cities a common understanding of what makes cities good places to live is emerging. Basic ingredients such as mixed use, density, good connectivity, local character and a high quality of public realm are now emerging as the drivers of social cohesion, economic vitality and sustainability.
Networking China The Digital Transformation of the Chinese Economy
After reviewing the worrisome situation of worldwide deflation and slow recovery ever since the 2008 economic crisis, he assured the global audience of an optimistic outlook for the Chinese economy.
Исполнительская подготовка учителя музыки
Сборник включает программы по основным исполнительским дисциплинам предметной подготовки учителя музыки и состоит из двух разделов: 1) инструментальная подготовка; 2) дирижерско-хоровая и вокальная подготовка. Программы разработаны коллективами преподавателей кафедр музыкальных инструментов, пения и хорового дирижирования музыкального факультета МПГУ и основаны на многолетнем опыте преподавания данных дисциплин. Сборник адресован преподавателям и студентам музыкальных факультетов педагогических вузов. Программы являются примерными и ни в коем случае не ограничивают возможности кафедр в составлении собственных вариантов учебных программ.
Wild diplomacy : cohabiting with wolves on a new ontological map
This book addresses a problem that is above all one of land usage. How are we to react to the spontaneous return of predators to a region from which they had vanished? Taking the return of wolves to France as our case study, we shall consider the implications of their dispersal throughout a mountainous landscape so depopulated that it has almost reverted to its pre-Roman past. This return developed into a problem without much fanfare.
Tadbirkorlik (biznes) huquqi
“Tadbirkorlik (biznes) huquqi” darsligi bozor m unosabatlarini rivojlantirishda tadbirkorlikfaoliyatini am alga oshirishning huquqiy asoslari yaratilib, takom illashib borayotganligi, tadbirkorlarga keng imkoniyatlar, im tiyoz va preferensiyalar berilayotganlig.
The New Americans Recent Immigration and American Society
While it is well-established that founders influence strategies and performance in young companies, little is known about the influence of founders’ immigrant status on the early internationalization or the survival and growth of new high technology ventures.
International Tourism : Identity and Change
This book is one of several indications that the sociology of tourism is on the move.... these articles raise relevant important themes in the study of tourism.... The contributors to this very readable book provide valuable insights, many of which have been derived from empirical research, that should interest anyone involved in the study of international tourism. And by moving us away from polarised positions over the social impact of tourism toward more complex but also more considered perspectives they have also helped alter the agenda for future research′ - David Harrison, University of Sussex Tourism is becoming an increasingly prominent feature of contemporary life. More of us travel for pleasure than ever before, yet the social scientific literature on tourism is relatively scant. This book provides an original contribution to the field of tourist studies. The contributors to International Tourism reconceptualize the local and the global, avoiding such crude oppositions as centre v periphery, modern v traditional, macro v micro and North v South. Instead, they demonstrate that the local cannot be understood without the global, and that the global can never be isolated from the regional setting within which it operates. Providing new insights into theories of touristic practice, this volume places tourism within the same framework as other transnational global studies.
Современный русский язык.
Пособие составлено в соответствии с Программой по русскому языку для подготовительных отделений и содержит разделы.
Suv yo‘llari va portlar
O‘quv qo‘llanma VIII bobdan iborat bo‘lib, I bobda suv yo‘llari to‘g‘risida umumiy ma’lumotlar. cuv trasportini axamiyati, suv yo‘llari va portlarini asosiy turlari to‘g‘risida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.
Дневник самоконтроля для юношей
Настоящий дневник предназначен для юношей 16—18 лет, занимающихся физической культурой самостоятельна,