Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Жаҳон миқёсида аҳолининг озиқ-овқат хавфсизлигини таъминлашда аграр соҳанинг ўрни ва аҳамияти кундан-кунга ошиб бормоқда. Жумладан, мамлакатимизда ҳам мавжуд ресурс ва имкониятлардан оқилона фойдаланиб, аҳолини қишлоқ хўжалик маҳсулотлари билан кафолатли таъминлаш, ҳосилдорлик ва манфаатдорликни янада ошириш, соҳага илм-фан ютуқлари ҳамда замонавий ёндашувларни жорий этиш долзарб масаладир
Sarafan marketing
Endi Sernovits sarafan marketing bo'yicha o'qituv- chi. U GasPedal sarafan marketingga ixtisoslashgan maslahat kompaniyasi, hamda 5MM- dunyoning yetak- chi brendları jamiyatini boshqargan. Endi universitetda sarafan marketing kursini va internet tadbirkorlik kursi- da tahsil olgan. Shuningdek, u biznes-inkubatorni bosh- qargan vaqtida oltita yangi kompaniyaga ish boshlash uchun yordam bergan. Shu bilan birga ko'plab kompani- yalarga asos solgan.
Тизимли бизнес.
Ушбу китоб бизнес эркинликка эришиш йўлидаги бирин- чи қадамдир. Муаллиф оддий ишчидан иккита муваффақиятли компания эгасига айланган шахс. У компанияларда бизнес эга- си ролини бажаради: стратегик ривожланиш билан шуғуллана- ди, филиалларини очади, шахсий брендини ривожлантиради ва ҳоказо. Бошқача қилиб айтганда, у «ёнғинларни ўчирмайди» ва ходимларининг ишини бажармайди. Нима учун? Чунки Евгений Фролов тизимли бизнесга асос солди. Ушбу китоб оркали сиз, на- тижага олиб борадиган йўл харитаси билан батафсил танишасиз. Мутолаани кечиктирманг, тизимли бизнесингизга илк қадамни ҳозироқ қўйинг!
Музокара олиб бориш сирлари.
«Биз айнан музокараларни олиб бориш қобилиятимиз даражасида яшаймиз», дейди китоб муаллифи ва ишби- лармонлик ишончи бўйича етакчи эксперт Игорь Ризов. «Му- зокара олиб бориш сирлари» китоби мансабдор шахслар, топ-менежерлар ва бизнес «гуру»лари билан музокараларда ўз шартлари асосида ғалаба қозонишни ўрганмоқчи бўлган- лар учун муҳим дарсликдир.
Emerging Civic Urbanisms in Asia
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Participatory Research and Planning in Practice
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Innovation for the urban age
The editors of this book, which incorporates many excellent papers of the 14th Winelands Conference at the School of Public Leadership of the University of Stellenbosch, would like to place on record their gratitude and acknowledgement to several people and organisations who made this publication a reality. First of all we would like to thank the University of Stellenbosch for their confidence in us in terms of assembling this book. They gave us complete freedom in terms of the editing. We would also like to thank the Director of the School of Public Leadership Prof. Dr. Johan Burger and the Director and Staff of the Winelands Conference led by Mr. David Daniels for the highly successful 2014 Winelands Conference. In this context, several people are thanked for their assistance in terms of ensuring that this publication initiative bears fruition.
Capital Cities and Urban Sustainability
This book provides insight into the unique role that capital cities can and should play as leaders in sustainability. The authors show persuasively that capital cities are different from other types of cities: they are home to the national government, numerous networks of NGSOs, media and think-tanks, and are linked though embassies to the wider global community. Capital cities can – potentially – stimulate the process of developing sustainability solutions in novel ways which in turn can be disseminated throughout the rest of the country, and the international community.
Carbon Footprints
This series aims to broadly cover all the aspects related to environmental assessment of products, development of environmental and ecological indicators and eco-design of various products and processes. Below are the areas fall under the aims and scope of this series, but not limited to: Environmental Life Cycle Assessment; Social Life Cycle Assessment; Organizational and Product Carbon Footprints; Ecological, Energy and Water Footprints; Life cycle costing; Environmental and sustainable indicators; Environmental impact assessment methods and tools; Eco-design (sustainable design) aspects and tools; Biodegradation studies; Recycling; Solid waste management; Environmental and social audits; Green Purchasing and tools; Product environmental footprints; Environmental management standards and regulations; Eco-labels; Green Claims and green washing; Assessment of sustainability aspects.
Carbon Footprint and the Industrial Life Cycle
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Development of Recycled Polypropylene Plastic Fibres to Reinforce Concrete
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Use of Recycled Plastics in Eco-efficient Concrete
Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein.
La Editorial Dykinson autoriza a incluir esta obra en repositorios institucionales de acceso abierto para facilitar su difusión. Al tratarse de una obra colectiva, cada autor únicamente podrá incluir el o los capítulos de su autoría.
Green Building Materials
The concept of sustainability in connection to the production of building materials provides two directions. The first direction relates to the involvement in production as substitutes for traditional components of various industrial and domestic wastes, primarily construction waste. This approach requires pre-treatment of secondary raw materials, which is ultimately justified by a decrease in the volume of accumulated waste and the cost of storing it. The range of waste used is extensive: from construction debris, metallurgy, and thermal energy plant waste to worn tires and plastic containers. The second direction is the widespread use of natural materials as substitutes for traditional components in building materials. Various bio-additives and bio-fillers, bio-fibers as reinforcing and strengthening elements, are not a complete list of the possible use of bioresources in the production of building materials. The use of crop waste occupies a special place. Using volcanic rocks, various soils, sea and desert sand, etc., as building materials components also deserves close attention.
Structural geology. Second edition
There are a variety of manual compasses available to measure planar and linear structures, and we will not go through the details of how to use them here. In addition, there are several apps for smartphones that can be very useful (see online resources for more information). These apps allow you to easily measure, plot and directly or indirectly present measurements on maps or images, but they have their own shortcomings with respect to accuracy, battery power, etc. that must be taken into account. Unfortunately, different notations are being used for orientation measurements. In particular, planes can be represented by their strike/dip values, or by dip and dip direction (dip azimuth), and although conversion is simple, unambiguous field notes are important to avoid confusion.
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