Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Иллюзия бессметрия.
О книге Корлисса Ламонта «Иллюзия бессмертия» можно сказать, что на ее долю выпала счастливая судьба. Написанная почти полвека назад, она и поныне привлекает внимание читателей, а у библиофилов считается редкостью. Для издания, которое не является художественным, долголетие весьма завидное. Впервые «Иллюзия бессмертия» была выпущена в 1934 г. в США, где переиздавалась несколько раз. Она была переведена во многих странах. А в 1961 году представилась возможность познакомиться с ней и советским читателям, которые недвусмысленно выразили свое отношение к ней: весь тираж был распродан в течение нескольких дней.
Mard O'g'lonlar Nomi Barhayot
Vatan oldidagi burchini ado etish chog 'ida yurtimiz ozodligi, xalqimizning bugungi tinch va osoyishta hayotini ta'minlash yo'lida halok bo'lgan mard va jasur o'g lonlarimizning aziz xotirasiga ehtirom ko'rsatish biz uchun ham farz, ham qarzdir. Ushbu kitobda osoyishta hayotni ta'minlash yo'lida halok bo'lgan mard va jasur o'g lonlar haqida yozilgan.
Jahon savdo tashkiloti
Jahon savdo tashkiloti (JST) a'zo mamlakatlarning savdo bilan bo`g`liq muammolarini hal etish yo`llarini muhokama qiladigan tuzilmadir.
Оценка точности измерений в курсе физики средней школы.
В книге рассматриваются простые методы оценки погрешностей физических измерений, приводятся конкретные примеры из практики школных лабораторных работ.
Abdusharif Otajonov (ijodiy merosiga chizgilar)
Ushbu monografiya O'zbekiston Respublikasida xizmat ko'rsatgan artist, O'zbekiston kompozitorlari va bastakorlari uyushmasi a'zosi, kompozitor Abdusharif Otajonov hayoti va ijodiy faoliyatiga bag'ishlanadi. Mazkur kitobdan musiqa va san'at yo'nalishi foydalanuvchilari foydalanishlari mumkin
Наталия Янов-Яновская. Грани творчества
Монография «Наталия Янов-Яновская. Грани творчества» - выполяена на кафедре «Истории музыки и критики» Государственной консерватории Узбекистана, посвящена жизни и деятельности одного из крупных представителей музыкальной науки XX-XXI века Натальи Соломоновны Янов-Яновской.
Education Abroad: Learning Environments in a Global Context
Education abroad is an essential part of the university student experience. Initiatives such as IIE's Generation Study Abroad encourage more U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to study abroad. According to the Open Doors 2019 Report by the Institute for International Education (IIE), 341,751 students participated in post-secondary education abroad programs during the 2017/2018 academic year. This figure represents an increase of 2.7% of U.S. students studying abroad from the previous year. Research shows that education abroad provides students with opportunities not only to see the world but also to develop intercultural competence, which is increasingly crucial in the 21st century workplace. There are also numerous studies that show gains in autonomy, confidence, and tolerance for ambiguity in students who complete some type of study abroad experience. In sum, the education abroad experience in itself represents a powerful learning environment that continues to support personal and professional development long after returning home. Nonetheless, these learning environments must be cultivated along with faculty who develop and lead programs, as well as university partners and providers. Furthermore, education abroad programming and assessment is complex and must take into consideration many factors including academic goals, purposeful curricular development, and a balance between academics and leisure activities on site. This book explores the many aspects of education abroad as a learning environment, such as student learning outcomes, faculty development, and program assessment and evaluation. In addition, several chapters present education abroad experiences as a model for community engagement and activism.
Kommuna Ismoilova
Ushbu kitob zamonamizning betakror xonandasi, umrini musiqa ijrochiligiga baxshida etgan buyuk san'atkor O'zbekiston xalq artisti Kommuna Ismoilovaning hayoti va ijodiga bag'ishlangan. qo'llanma musiqa sohasi bo'yicha barcha akademik litsey va kollejlrda taxlil olayotgan o'quvchilarning mutaxassislik ansambl va ijrochilik amaliyoti fanlari uchun mo'ljallangan.
Lata Mangeshkar
Ushbu monografik ocherkda hind musiqasi nomoyondalaridan biri Lata Mangeshkar hayoti va ijodiga bag'ishlangan. Kitobda hind musiqasiga oid ma'lumotlar keltirilgan.
Андижон вилояти шароитида турли суғориш усулларида етиштириладиган эртаки ва кечки картошканинг суғориш режимини аниқлаш
Тадқиқотнинг мақсади: Aндижoн вилoятининг суғoрилaдигaн ўтлоқи бўз тупрoқлaри шaрoитидa эгатлаб ва ёмғирлатиб суғориш усулларида эртаки ва кечки картошкадан юқoри вa сифaтли ҳoсил олишни таъминловчи мақбул суғoриш тaртиблaрини аниқлаш ҳамда aмaлиётгa тaвсиялaр беришдaн ибoрaт.
Chang cholg'usida ijrochilik san'ati: monograflk ocherklar
Ushbu monografik ocherkIarda chang choIg'usi haqida qisqacha tarixiy ma'lumotlar berilib, o'z davrida ijro mahorati bilan bu sozni o'ziga bo'ysindirgan ijrochilarning serqirra ijodiy faoliyati va shu biIan birga ijro maktabini yaratib ketgan ustoz-sozandalarimizning o'ziga xos ijro yo'llari yoritilgan. Mazkur risoIa madaniyat va san'at OIiy o'quv yurtlari, magistr va maIaka oshirish tinglovchilari, musiqa va san'at kollejlari, milliy cholg'ularda ijrochilik san'at tarixi fani talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan.
Опыт количественного анализа таджикского фольклора. Том 1.
В сборнике предлагаются результаты количественного анализа систематизированных произведений прозаических и поэтических жанров устного народного творчества таджиков.
O'zbek musiqa folklori namunalarini to'plash va yozib olish tarixi
Mazkur Monografiya o’quv qo’llanma tarzida Oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim muassasalari talabalari hamda ixtisoslashtirilgan san’at maktablari o'qituvchiiari uchun mo’ljallangan.
Uranium Matters Central European Uranium in International Politics, 1900–1960
The present study concentrates on the development of uranium industries in the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany and Czechoslovakia during the crucial years after the war, and touches on how and why Soviet influence was extended far into the center of Europe.
Embracing the Future: Creative Industries for Environment and Advanced Society 5.0 in a Post-Pandemic Era
This book will enrich the mind of everybody who is an enthusiast of innovative research on creative industries, human-centered technologies, environmental design, and excellent society 5.0 post-pandemic era.