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Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Practical Learning in Hospitality Education
A long standing debate has occurred in hospitality degree programmes about the need for and merits of embedding practical training components in what are ostensibly management degrees. The debate goes to the heart of training versus education quandary facing hotel management, hospitality and tourism programmes.
Sustainability, Technology and Innovation 4.0,
Sustainability, Technology, and Innovation 4.0is a holistic perception and analysis of innovation at the level of public organizations, innovation in industry, and innovation in HR. Its chapters collectively present a thesis that Innovation 4.0 signals a technological revolution that has the opportunity to prevent environmental degradation and, in particular, to stop climate warming, the effects of which may disrupt the process of sustainable development.
Service Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality
Hospitality is a category of the service industry. The hospitality industry is diverse, with many categories, but customer service (CS) is the unifying element that all segments of the industry share. It mainly entails addressing customer satisfaction and catering to guests’ needs.
The Basics of Finance
The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to financial decision-making, and the framework in which these decisions are made. The Basics of Finance is an accessible book for those who want to gain a better understanding of this field, but lack a strong business background. In this book, we cover the essential concepts, tools, methods, and strategies in finance without delving too far into theory.
Tourism is one of the world’s largest and fast est growing economic sectors, emerging over the past fifty years as a key instrument for global growth, development and job creation. Never theless, in the aftermath of the global econom ic downturn, it is clear that the sector faces a number of serious challenges, from the econo my to longer-term sustainability issues.
Principles of Finance
Principles of Finance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license, which means that you can distribute, remix, and build upon the content, as long as you provide attribution to OpenStax and its content contributors.
Financial Markets and Institutions SEVENTH EDITION
A common stock(typically just called a stock) represents a share of ownership in a corporation. It is a security that is a claim on the earnings and assets of the corporation. Issuing stock and selling it to the public is a way for corporations to raise funds to finance their activities.
The MeThods and skills of hisTory A Practical Guide
This book first saw the light of day in 1979 with the title History: A Workbook of Skill Development. The first revision came almost a decade later (1988), with a new title (the present one) and a new publisher, Harlan Davidson. Over the years the book attracted a loyal group of users, making it more successful than we had any reason to expect, prompting a second revised edition in 2000, a third one in 2010, and the present one, issued by Wiley Blackwell, in 2015.
Located on the crossroads of the largest Eurasian trade routes, Central Asia has connected the empires of Rome, Byzantium, and Iran with China, India—with the countries of the Eastern Europe since ancient times, facilitating cultural exchange and dialogue between the East and the West. Powerful migration processes in the region, settling and assimilation of the peoples and tribes from the East, West, North, and South of the continent influenced the formation of civilizations based on the symbiosis of different cultures, ethnic groups, and religions, tolerance and common social mentality as well as the absence of ethno-psychological obstacles to the perception and accumulation of cultural and technological achievements.
Uzbekistan Resilient Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Development
This report was prepared by James Newman (Disaster Risk Management Specialist, World Bank), Barbara Minguez Garcia (Disaster Risk Management and Cultural Heritage Specialist Consultant, World Bank), Manjusha Rai (Urban Specialist Consultant, World Bank), Rohit Jigyasu (Cultural Heritage Expert Consultant, Professor at the UNESCO Chair Program on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management at R-DMUCH), Dowon Kim (Cultural Heritage Expert Consultant, Associate Professor at R-DMUCH), Junko Mukai (Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage Specialist Consultant), and Juliana J. Biondo (Assistant Curator, World Bank).
Tarixiy Tadqiqotlarning Metologiyasi va Zamonaviy usullari,
Maxsus darslik tarixiy tadqiqotlar metologiyasi va zamonaviy usullarini o'rganishga bag'ishlangan.Unda tarix fanining maxsus usullari bilanbirgalikda ilmiy tadqiqotlarning umumiy usullari, shuningdek,boshqa fanlardan tarix faniga joriy etilgan usullar tahlil qilinadi,
Актуальность темы диссертации. Вопросы денежного обращения эпохи раннего средневековья требуют комплексного привлечения письменных (наи-более информативных, но неизбежно выборочных), нумизматических (дающих массовый материал) и тесно связанных с ними эмблематических источников (тре-бующих особых методов анализа). Применительно к Восточной Европе IX–XI вв. наиболее актуально последовательное изучение этих трех типов источников, по-скольку письменные источники фрагментарны, нумизматические не обобщены и в значительной степени не обработаны, а эмблематико-семиотическиесистемы ран-них государств региона недостаточно изучены как самостоятельныйисточник. За последние десятилетия значительно расширена и пополнена источниковая база, на основе которой делаются новые наблюдения о становлении экономических систем, специфике форм и функций торговых отношений и ранних этапах политогенеза.
Актуальность темы. В истории народов Центральной Азии времяVIII-Х вв. является одним из важнейших периодов, на протяжении которого происходили очень важные про-цессы в политической, экономической и культурной жизни. В самом начале этого перио-да захват арабами большей части центральноазиатских территорий и включение их в со-став Халифата привнесло сюда вместе с новой идеологией- исламом и новые формы го-сударственности, общественной и культурной жизни.
В 2013 г. в окрестностях с. Смирново Диве-евского района Нижегородской области был найден клад из 37 куфических монет второй половины Х в. Они располагались компактным скоплением на склоне оврага; следов какой-либо упаковки не выявлено. Через два года на том же месте был обнаружен еще один экземп-ляр (Список монет, № 36)
World Heritage Policy Compendium,
The World Heritage Policy Compendium is a database of the policies that have guided the implementation of the World Heritage Convention since its adoption in 1972. The Policy Compendium assembles the policies adopted by the World Heritage Committee and General Assembly of States Parties in their decisions, resolutions and other strategic texts.,
Introductory Chemistry A Foundation,
This is an electronic version of the print textbook. Due to electronic rights restrictions, some third-party content may be suppressed. Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. The publisher reserves the right to remove content from this title at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. For valuable information on pricing, previous editions, changes to current editions, and alternate formats, please visit www.cengage.com/highered to search by ISBN#, author, title, or keyword for materials in your areas of interest.