Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
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Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Turizm va O'zbekiston milliy merosi
Mazkur o'quv qo'llanma o'lkamiz tarixi va madaniyati, uning "Buyuk Ipal Yo'li" sarhadlarida vujudga kelgan betakror milliy arxetektura va arxeologiya yodgorliklari hamda ajdodlarimiz tomonidan yaratilgan me'morchilik va shaharsozlik sohasidagi bunyodkorlik faoliyatini yoritishga bag'ishlangan.
Кутубхоначининг вазифаси нафақат фойдаланувчиларнинг қобилиятини аниқлаш, уларни тушунишдан иборат балки уларга ёрдам ҳам бериши керак. Фойдаланувчиларга профес-сионал даражада ёрдам бериш учун кутубхоначидан кўпгина билим ва кўникмаларни билиши талаб этилади. Кутубхона-чилик соҳаси кундан кунга ривожланиб бормоқда. У нафақат бадиий адабиётни шунингдек тараққиётга эришиш учун илм-фан ва техниканинг янги чўққиларга интилиши зарур. Мутахассислик таълимига эга бўлган кутубхоначининг фаолиятини муваффақиятли бўлишига замин яратади.
Tourism Management
Tourism Management is the management of all activities related to tourism business. This tutorial introduces you to various types of tourism, geographical milieus, destination awareness, development, and management, market segmentation, tourism products and services, impacts of tourism, and trends in tourism.
A Practical Guide to Tourism Destination Management
A local tourism destination is a physical space in which a tourist spends at least one overnight. It includes tourism products such as support services and attractions and tourist resources within one day’s return travel time. It has physical and administrative boundaries defining its management, and images and perceptions defining its market competitiveness. Local destinations incorporate various stakeholders often including a host community, and can nest and network to form larger destinations. Destinations could be on any scale, from a whole country (e.g. Australia), a region (such as the Spanish ‘Costas’) or island (e.g. Bali), to a village, town or city, or a self-contained centre (e.g. Center Parc or Disneyland).
Next generation tourism planning A guideline for planners in Queensland
Next Generation Tourism Planning is a guideline for local government planning in Queensland. Its aims are: • assisting planners when writing plans, or considering tourism proposals to satisfy the Queensland Government’s planning policy for tourism. This policy—‘grow the tourism industry’—is found in Queensland’s State Planning Policy (SPP) (DSDIP, 2013a), and this handbook is guidance material for the SPP
Importance of managing Heritages for Tourism
Heritage Tourism is a collection of activities along with services for providing visitors with the unique experience of enjoying and understanding special interests related to a heritage. For keeping the heritage sites in good condition it is necessary to recognize and preserve the assets for the long term. When used in combination with other interests heritage tourism offers several opportunities.
Tourism Strategy 2017-2021
You will see throughout the strategy reference to our headline ‘mountains, myths and maritime’. These have been identified as the three elements that will create a strong and distinctive image for our area. Our promise, ‘delivering epic moments’ is focused on redefining our visitor destination experiences associated with the mountains and the coastline and those stories unique to us. Ultimately repositioning Newry, Mourne and Down into one of the premier year round destinations in Ireland.
Sites culturels en france tourisme d’affaires tourism french cultural sites
La richesse culturelle de la France participe de son rayonnement à l’international et s’avère toujours propice au rêve. Châteaux, musées ou abbayes ; autant d’édifices fascinants, que ce soit pour leur architecture majestueuse ou grâce à l’atmosphère qui s’en dégage. Parmi eux, de nombreux sites disposent d’infrastructures idéales pour l’organisation de vos événements. Profitez de ces cadres d’exception qui donneront un caractère unique à votre séminaire, réception, congrès ou autre réunion. Ce catalogue va vous permettre de partir à la recherche du lieu remarquable qui accueillera votre prochain événement.
Traveler, Singapur Putevoditel utopii
Скользить по каналам неспешно несущим свои воды путешествовать на маленьках деревенских лодках слушат обрывки зазговоров.
This book is meant as a manual in Stylistics forming part of curri cula of Master’s and Postgraduate courses of philological Institutes and Universities. It is intended for MA and BA students, teachers of English, postgraduates and young scholars.
Stylistics, A resource book for students
Assuming no prior knowledge, books in the series offer an accessible overview of the subject, with activities, study questions, sample analyses, commentaries and key readings – all in the same volume. The innovative and flexible ‘two-dimensional’ structure is built around four sections – introduction, development, exploration and extension – which offer self-contained stages for study. Each topic can be read across these sections, enabling the reader to build gradually on the knowledge gained.
Stylistics, sometimes called lingvo-stylistics, is a branch of general linguistics. It has now been more or less definitely outlined. It deals mainly with two interdependent tasks: a) the investigation of the inventory of special language media which by their ontological features secure the desirable effect of the utterance and b) certain types of texts (discourse) which due to the choice and arrangement of language means are distinguished by the pragmatic aspect of the communication. The two objectives of stylistics are clearly discernible as two separate fields of investigation.
Problemi stilistiki v poslednee vremya vsyo bolee prevlikayut vnimanie teoretikov yazikovedov i literaturovedeov,praktikov prepodavateley rodnogo i inostrannix yazikov, perevodchikov s rodnogo yazika.
Lectures on English Stylistics
Учебное пособие предназначено для курса стилистики английского языка для студентов специальности «Лингвист-переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации», а также может использоваться студентами других лингвистических специальностей в качестве как дополнительного, так и основного учебного пособия по данной дисциплине.