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Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
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Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
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Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Плакат и работа над ним
Благодаря массовости распространения, лаконизма изображения и быстроте воздействия на зрителя, плакат является мощным орудием агитации, разъясняющим массам в простой, ясной доступной и наглядно-образной форме идеи и лозунги партии и правительства.
Fundamental financial accounting concepts
Thomas P. Edmonds, Ph.D. is a Professor of Accounting at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). He has been actively involved in teaching accounting principles throughout his academic career. He coordinated the accounting principles courses at the University of Houston and currently coordinates the principles sequence at UAB. He has received five prestigious teaching awards including the 1995 UAB President's Excellence in Teaching Award and the distinguished Ellen Gregg Ingalls Award for excellence in classroom teaching (1993).
Nation of nations-a narrative history of the American republic
This book was set in Caledonia by York Graphic Services, Inc. The editors were Christopher J. Rogers and Judith Kromm; the designer was John Lennard; the production supervisor was Laura Lamorte. Von Hoffmann Press, Inc., was printer and binder
Bridge and structure estimating
This entire publication is dedicated to the premise that the estimator's primary objectives are to achieve safety, quality, economy, and productivity. All examples and illustrations given are theoretical. The actual application of these means and methods must be given the attention to detail that the specific project, site condition, and operation warrants. No representations or responsibility is implied.
Технология и свойства жароупорных бетонов
Эта лаборатория проводит экспериментальные и теоретические исследования сопротивления бетонов, растворов и других силикатных материалов воздействию постоянной и переменной высокой температуры с резкими и медленными теплосменами в условиях различных сред нейтральной, кислой или щелочной, влажной или сухой и т. п.
Readings and notes on financial accounting-issues and controversies
Stephen A. Zeff is Herbert S. Autrey Professor of Accounting, Rice University. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Colorado, M.B.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan, and an honorary doctorate of economics from the Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, in Finland. From 1977 to 1982, he was Editor of The Account- ing Review, and in 1985-86 he was President of the American Accounting Association. In 1988, he was recipient of the AAA's Outstanding Educator Award, and in 1989 he was selected by Beta Alpha Psi as its Accountant of the Year-Educator. He is author of more than 75 articles in research and profes- sional journals and has written or edited 20 books.
Итого реализации Стратегии действий по приоритетным направлениям развития Узбекистана в 2017-2021 годах
Итого реализации Стратегии действий по приоритетным направлениям развития Узбекистана в 2017-2021 годах
Introduction to accounting-an integrated approach
First, and foremost, we dedicate this text to our families without whose love and support we never could have completed this project. To our spouses, Scott Ainsworth, Linda Deines, Marlene Plumlee, and Doug Larson, and to our children, Heather, Dusty, Jennifer, Jeff, Matt, Sarah, Ashley, J. D., and Robyn, we love you and we thank you for your patience. We would also like to thank the studets of Kansas State University who used previous drafts of this textbook and gave us valuable suggestions for improvement. Finally, we would like to thank our development editors, Leslye Givarz and Kelly Lee, our executive editor, Jeff Shelstad, and the production and marketing departments at Irwin.
Connections for Health
Advances in our understanding of wellness and disease prevention occur at an almost unprecedented rate. This is true of our understanding of the elements that contribute to effective learning as well. The third edition of Connections for Health reflects these advances in health education.
The portable MBA in finance and accounting
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.
Informatika va axborot texnologiyalari fanini o'qitish metodikasi
Informatika va axborot texnologiyalari fanini o'qitish metodikasi
Ushbu uslubiy ko’rsatma oliy o’quv yurtining Kimyo fanidan ta`lim oluvchi barcha bakalavriyat talabalari uchun mo’ljallangan bo’lib, ko’rsatmaning asosiy maqsadi talabalarni kimyodan oladigan nazariy bilimlarini mustashkamlash va tajriba yo’li bilan sinab ko’rishdan iborat. Laboratoriya mashg’ulotlarini ma'ruza bilan paralel ravishda o’tkazilishi mashg’ulotlarning unumli va foydali bo’lishiga yordam beradi.
Tikuv buyumlari texnologiyasi
Ushbu uslubiy ko`rsatma O’zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi 2018 yil 25 avgustdagidagi 774-sonli buyrug’ining 6-ilovasi bilan tasdiqlangan “Tikuv buyumlari texnologiyasi” fani dasturi asosida tayyorlangan
Ushbu “Materialshunoslik” fanidan tayyorlangan uslubiy ko’rsatma 5150900- Dizayn (kostyum) yo’nalishidagi bakalavrlar uchun mo’ljallangan.
Contemporary money, banking, and financial markets
Why write a textbook on money, banking, and financial markets? As we set out on this project, we envisioned a book that would be different and, we believed, better than those available in the market: a book that (1) would deal with the real-life financial system and the real-life conduct of monetary policy, (2) would be based on a coherent, recognizable, economic framework, and (3) would be accessible to anybody who has completed an introductory course on the principles of economics. Accessibility is crucial. Why write a book if it cannot be read by those it addresses? But sacrificing substance for accessibility would be a hollow success. A substantive approach to money, banking, and financial markets requires an analytical framework that permits one to tackle important issues rather than to skirt them, especially during a period of great change and even upheaval in financial markets, as the past 15 years have been.