Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Veterinariya va chorvachilik
Демография - наука не новая. Ей уже более 300 лет. Но она все еще остается новой (в смысле - малоизвестной) наукой для большинства наших граждан. Правда, в последние годы положение меняется. Слова «демография», «демографический» в различных словосочетаниях теперь нередко можно встретить в газетах, услышать по радио или по телевидению. Расширяется преподавание демографии на социологических, юридических и других гуманитарных факультетах университетов (правда, по-прежнему в стране нет ни одного учебного заведения, готовящего специалистов-демографов)
Ilmiy tadqiqot metodologiyasi
Mazkur darslikda ilmiy tadqiqot mavzusini asoslash, mavzuga oid bosma va elektron ma'lumotlar tizimidan foydalanish, tadqiqotning vazifalarini shakllantirish, tadqiqot materiallari bilan ishlash, tadqiqotni zarur ko'rgazmali ilovalar bilan ta'minlash, olingan ma'lumotlarni tahlil qilish va umumlashtirish, tadqiqot natijalarini aprobatsiya qilish hamda taqdim etish usullari yoritilgan. Qo'llanma O'zbekiston Respublikasi oliy o'quv yurtlari 70110102-Pedagogika va psixologiya mutaxassisligi magistrlariga mo'ljallangan. Shuningdek, qo'llanmadan ta'limning barcha sohasidagi talabalar, magistrlar, doktarantlar, shuningdek oliy o'quv yurtlarining professor-o'qituvchilari o'z malakasini oshirishda foydalanishlari mumkin.
Know Go - Generics
This book is about generics in Go. We'll talk about exactly what that means in more detail later on, but, briefly, it's about defining (and using) generic functions and generic types. First, what's a generic function? It's one that doesn't specify the types of all its parameters in advance. Instead, some types are represented by placeholders, called typeparameters. Generic types work the same way. For example, we might want to define a slice of elements of some unspecified type, or a struct with some field of a type that will be known later. Like many things in programming, generics sounds complicated at first, but once you get your head round it, it's actually quite straightforward.
Ushbu darslikda quvurlar kanallar va gidrottexnik inshootlardagi gidravlik jarayonlar bayon etilgan va ularning gidravlik hisobi innformatsion texnologiyalardan (EHMdan) foydalangan holda bajarish uslublari keltirilgan.
Job Ready Go. Land your first role with one of the leading modern programming languages
There are many programming languages a person can pick to create applications. Go, also known as Golang, is an opensource programming language that was designed at Google with a focus on simplicity and safety. Go first appeared to the public in 2009 and was officially released in 2012. Go is similar to the C programming language in the syntax and concepts that it uses. Go is a fast, small programming language that lets you focus on the solutions you want to build. Go also provides features to make a developer's life easier. This includes garbage collection, memory safety, and structural typing. It also includes features such as built-in concurrency primitives, support of lightweight processes, an interface system, and more.
How to teach English with Technology
Covering the various methods for teaching grammar including the practice and integration of grammar and how NOT to teach grammar! Explores different techniques for teaching grammar including inductive and deductive approaches. Covers practising, testing, error correction and how to integrate grammar with various methodologies such as communicative language teaching and task-based learning. Sample lessons show a range of teaching approaches and grammar items in context.
Java Challengers
Java is one of the most used programming languages in the world, and it's also very powerful. Developers who know Java in depth are highly valued by the market and able to create high-quality, maintainable code. Java is not a simple language to master, but this book will provide valuable guidance for developers who want to harness its full power and be a reference as a software engineer. Even senior developers may not be familiar with some key concepts of the Java language, and that will impact the quality of the code they write. But reading a book is not enough to really acquire a skill. Developers have to put their knowledge into practice by applying what they've learned in some way. This book provides at least 5 Java Code Challenges per chapter to test your understanding of the and trully absorb the concepts it introduces. You'll get up-to-date with the most recent Java versions and will learn Java from real project situations so that when you come across similar situations you will know how to respond effectively.
McGraw-Hill Education TOEFL iBT: 3 Practice Tests
McGraw-Hill's TOEFL will help you reach the exam score you want. Inside you will find a full-scale test-prep program that combines book, interactive CD-ROM, and online audio to give you the most complete TOEFL instruction and practice available anywhere.
Darslikda tog’ jinslarining va qatlam flyuidlarining fizik va kimyoviy xususiyatlari, ularning neft va gaz uyumlarining hosil bo’lishidagi ahamiyati, quduqlarni burg’ilash, kern va shlam olish, geologik-geofizik malumotlarni qayta ishlash, qatlamni ochish va quduqni teshish metodlari berilgan.
Introduction to the Math of Neural Networks
This book introduces the reader to the basic math used for neural network calculation. This book assumes the reader has only knowledge of college algebra and computer programming. This book begins by showing how to calculate output of a neural network and moves on to more advanced training methods such as backpropagation, resilient propagation and Levenberg Marquardt optimization. The mathematics needed by these techniques is also introduced. Mathematical topics covered by this book include first, second, Hessian matrices, gradient descent and partial derivatives. All mathematical notation introduced is explained. Neural networks covered include the feedforward neural network and the self organizing map. This book provides an ideal supplement to our other neural books. This book is ideal for the reader, without a formal mathematical background, that seeks a more mathematical description of neural networks.
Darslik О'zbekiston Respublikasi oliy va о rta maxsus ta 'lim vazirligi tomonidan tavsiya etilgan bo lib, oliy o'quvyurtlarining mexanika 5310600-Yer usti transport tizimlari ш ularning ekspluatasiyasi (avtomobil transporti), 5313100 Avtomobil transporti, yo'l qurilish mashinalari va jihozlarining ekspluatasiyasi (avtomobil transporti bo 'yicha), 5610100 - Xizmatlar sohasi (avtomobil transporti) la ’lim yo nalishlari va boshqa yo nalishlari bo yicha oliy о quv yunlarida ta ’lim olayotgan bakalavriat va professional ta ’lim muassasalari talabalari, magistrantlar, doktarantlar, о qituvchilar, avtotransport va avtoservis korxonalari muhandis-texnik xodimlariga mo'jallangan.
Адабиёт уқитиш методикаси
Мазкур «Адабиёт укитиш методикаси» дарслиги амалдаги укув режаси ва шу режа асосидаги укув дастури асосида яратилган. Унда адабиёт укитишнинг энг долзарб муаммолари бугунги кун талаблари нуктаи назаридан ёритиб берилган. Укув куллаимаси педагогика университетлари ва институтларининг филология факультетлари талабалари учун мулжалланган
Ushbu darslik oliy o'quv yurtlarining kimyodan boshqa ixtisosga o'qiydigan tallabalari uchun mo'ljallangan lekin unda o'rta maxsus o'quv yurtlarining talabalari hamda kimyoviy analiz bilan shug'ullannuvchilar bilan foydalanishhlari mumkin
Irsiyat turlari. Irsiyat va o‘zgaruvchanlik har bir organizmning asosiy xususiyatlaridan hisoblanadi. Irsiyat va o‘zgaruvchanlikni o'rganishda avvalambor organizm bir butunligicha o‘rganilmasdan, balki uning ayrim belgilari va xususiyatlari o‘rganiladi. Genetikada belgi va xususiyatlar asosiy tushunchalar hisoblanadi. Belgi va xususiyat bular shartli o‘lchov bo‘lib, organizmning morfologik, fiziologik va bioximik xususiyatlarini ko‘rsatadi. Har bir tur, zot yoki o‘simlik navi o‘ziga xos irsiy belgi va xususiyatga egadir, u bulami keyingi avlodlarga o‘tkazishga harakat qiladi. Hayotning ma’lum bir davrlarida hayvonlarda va o'simliklarda shu zot yoki nav uchun xos bo‘lgan belgi va xususiyatlar shakllanadi va ular tartibli ravishda keyingi avlodlarda namoyon bo‘lib tur, zot, navning xususiyatlrini saqlab qoladi.
В учебнике рассматриваются теоретические проблемы и современная практика исламского права. Основу книги составляет анализ главных разделов канонического исламского права, положений, регулирующих торговлю и финансы, налоговую систему; изучает законы о браке и семье, запреты и наказания, вопросы собственности, статуса личности и прав мусульманина, систему судопроизводства. Предназначен для бакалавров и магистров юридических вузов, слушателей и адъюнктов Академии МВД, а также для тех, кто интересуется вопросами исламского права. Авторы будут благодарны всем тем, кто направит свои замечания и предложения по дальнейшему совершенствованию данного учебника.