Texnika va amaliy fanlar
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Дарслик физкультура институтлари спорт факультетларниинг студентларига футбол программасига мувофиқ ёзилган. Дарсликда футбол ўйинининг техника 'ва тактикаси масалалари, шунингдек таълим бериш ва тренировка қилиш методикаси куриб чикилади.
Event-Driven Architecture for Beginners using RabbitMQ and .NET
This book is designed for developers eager to delve into the practical aspects of event-driven architecture using RabbitMQ and .NET. Whether you are starting your journey in enterprise development or a seasoned professional aiming to enhance your expertise, the content presented here is geared to be both informative and applicable. By the conclusion of this exploration, you will possess the knowledge and skills required to navigate the realm of event-driven architecture using RabbitMQ and .NET. Embrace the future of application development with confidence, armed with the insights and practices outlined in this book.
Сопротивление Материаллов
В сопротивлении материаллов задачи решаютс простыми математическими методами с использованием ряда упрошений и гипотез, с использованием эксперименталных данных, а также с примением математического пакета "Mathcad".
Bir yillik o'simliklardan sellyuloza va qog'oz olish texnologiyasi
Darslik asosan sellyuloza va qog'ozishlab chiqarish mutaxassisligi bo'yicha ta'lim olayotgan talabalar, magistrantlar va ilmiy tadqiqotchilarga mo'ljallangan. bo'lsa-da, undan shu sohaga qiziqqan barcha kitobxonlar ham foydalanishlari mumkin.
Konserva ishlab chiqarishda sterilizatsiya va pasterizatsiya jarayonlari
Darslikda keltiriladigan sxema va matnlar, formula va misollar, kollej talabalariga fanni o'zlashtirshda , kurs va bitiruv malaka ishlarini bajarishda katta yordam beradi.
Essential C++
For the practicing programmer with little time to spare, Essential C++ offers a fast-track to learning and working with C++ on the job. This book is specifically designed to bring you up to speed in a short amount of time. It focuses on the elements of C++ programming that you are most likely to encounter and examines features and techniques that help solve real-world programming challenges. Essential C++ presents the basics of C++ in the context of procedural, generic, objectbased, and object-oriented programming. It is organized around a series of increasingly complex programming problems, and language features are introduced as solutions to these problems. In this way you will not only learn about the functions and structure of C++, but will understand their purpose and rationale.
Embedded Robotics. From Mobile Robots to Autonomous Vehicles with Raspberry Pi and Arduino. Fourth Edition
This book gives a practical, in-depth introduction to embedded systems and autonomous robots, using the popular Raspberry Pi and Arduino microcontrollers. We demonstrate how to build a variety of mobile robots using a combination of these controllers, together with powerful sensors and actuators. Numerous application examples are given for mobile robots, which can be tested either on the real robots or on our freely available simulation system EyeSim. This book combines teaching and research materials and can be used for courses in embedded systems as well as in robotics and automation. We see laboratories as an essential teaching and learning method in this area and encourage everybody to reprogram and rediscover the algorithms and systems presented in this book.
Музыкальная картинка для духового оркестра
Марши композиторов. Содержание; Е. Макаров (Московские зори ) - марш, Б. Диев ( Солдатская дружба ) - марш, В. Масюков, Молдавский марш, Н. Полынский. (Сыны Отчизны ) - марш Р. Симонов ( всегда в строю )- марш.
Узбек адабиёти тарихи.
Урта Осиёнинг феодал хужалигида, сиёсий ва маданий хаётида вужудга келган тушкунлик XVI асрнинг охири ва XVII асрнинг бошларида янада равшанрок намоён була бошлади.
Injenerlik geodinamikasi
«Injenerlik geodinamikasi» fani injenerlik geologiyasining yo‘nalishlaridan biri bo'lib, litosferaning yuqori qatlamlarida kechadigan geodinamik jarayon va hodisalarni o'rgatadi. «Injenerlik geodinamikasi» fani Yer yuzasi — litosferaning yuqori qatlamlarida yuz beruvchi asosan ekzogen va qisman endogen jarayonlarning tarqalish qonunlarini o'rganish, turli tabiiy va sun’iy omillar ta’sirida vujudga keluvchi jarayonlar rivojlanish dinamikasining yuzaga kelish sabablarini, inson injenerlik faoliyati natijasida yuzaga keluvchi jarayonlarning tarqalish qonunlarini, geologik jarayonlarning maydon mustahkamligiga, inshoot turg'unligiga ta’sirini bashoratlash, son va sifat jihatidan baholash; ularning oldini olish, ularga qarshi kurashish chora-tadbirlari, o'rganish usullarini ishlab chiqadi va o‘rgatadi. Darslik ushbu mavzularga tegishli analitik yechimlar va chizmalarni o‘z ichiga olgan. Gidrogeologiya va muhandislik geologiyasi yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha va boshqa tegishli soha bakalavriatura talabalari uchun hamda lyossli hududiarda qurilish ishlari olib boruvchi mutaxassislar uchun m o‘ljallangan
English for Academic purposes: an advanced versource book
This book is compact, yet surprisingly broad in grammatical, lexical, and academic scope, making it ideal for advanced level English for academic purposes or academic transitions reading/writing classes that have to balance academic content with grammar.This book also includes an answer key, including sample paragraphs for all of the independent writing assignments, allowing for individual, autonomous study.
Концертные обработки органных сочинений И. С. Баха для фортепиано
Основная задача предлагаемой серии-пополнение педагогического репертуара музыкальных училищ и консерваторий а также концертного репертуара пианистов художественно ценными музыкальными произведениями.
Узбек халк огзаки поэтик ижоди.
Олий ва урта таълимнинг ислох килиниши дарслик ва кулланмалар олдига янги-янги талаблар куйди.
DZYUDO. (Jas õspirim, balalar sport mektepleri ushin sabaqlıq)
Dzyudo gúres türlerinen biri bolip, ilantırıw menen hir qatarda awırıwh hám qurtiwshi usıllarga da ruqsat beriledi. Sırımaq (kimono) hám shalbar kiygen, ayaq kiyimsiz sportshilar arnawlı tatamide güresedi. Turğan jagdayda güresip atırğanda türli usıllardan (sayaxat, sıpırıw, ilaqtırıw ham tağı basqa) güresshiler bir-birin tatamige taslawga håreket etedi; jatqan jağdayda gúreskende, uslap turıw håm teris háreketlerden paydalangan halda, qarsilastı 30 sekund dawamında tatamige bekkem baylanıstırıp qoyadı yamasa tek qolınan qattı uslap tunshiqtırıw menen oni jeńiliwdi tán aliwga májbúr etedi.
Школа игры на трубе
Данное учебное пособие ставит своей целью научить юных музыкантов правильным приемам игры на трубе способствовать овладению техникой инструмента и дать им некоторое общее музыкальное развитие.
Ijtimoiy Ekologiya
Darslik 5630100-"Ekologiya va atrof muhit muhofazasi" bakalavriat ta'lim yo'nalishi talabalari uchun tavsiya etiladi.