Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
BLICK Mittelstufe Deutsch für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene Arbeitsbuch BAND 3
hr Freund/Ihre Freundin geht heute Abend zum ersten Rendezvous mit sei neuen Freund. Welche Ratschläge würden Sie ihm/ihr geben? Die Ausdrücke im Kasten he Beispiel: Zieh (doch) deine neuen schwarzen Jeans anl nziehen sich die Haare schneiden lassen/sich eine neue Frisur machen sich... schminken das Mundspray nicht vergessen kaufen den kleinen Bruder/die kleine Schwester mitnehmen lieb zu ihm/ihr sein sich nicht verspäten ihm/ihr etwas Nettes über sein/ihr Aussehen sagen mit ihm/ihr in die Disko gehen ihn/sie zum Essen bei... einladen keine anderen Mädchen/Jungen anschauen.
Саморегуляция и активность личности в юношеском возрасте
В практической деятельности работающего с молодежью психолога возникает множество вопросов. Они могут быть связаны и с необходимостью психологической помощи.
Ushbu o'quv qo'llanma hamma fakultet talabalarining amaliy mashg'ulotlarga tayyorlanishlari uchun mo'ljallangan. Qo'llanma bir nechta bo'limlardan iborat. Muofiq bo'limdagi har bir mavzu yoki umuman bo'limda mashg'ulot materiallari qaysi fakultet talabalari uchun mo'ljallanganligi ko'rsatilgan. Har bir mashg'ulot materialida uning maqsadi, mavzuning asosiy savollari hamda mashg'ulotga tayyorlanishda qaysi savollarga e'tiborni qaratish lozimligi ham ko'rsatilgan. Har bir mashg'ulotning xulosa qismida talabalar mashg'ulotda qanday amaliy vazifalarni bajarishi kerakligi ham berilgan
Inson o'zini qurshab olgan tabiat bilan uzviy aloqada yashaydi. Suv, havo, tuproq, o'simliklar olami odamlar hayot kechirishining muhim omili sanaladi. Tabiatda inson salomatligiga ta'sir ko'rsatuvchi turli omillar mavjud. Ushbu o'quv qo'llanmada bo'lg'usi o'rta bo'g'in tibbiyot xodimlari gigiyena va uning kishi salomatligida tutgan o'rni, atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish, bemorlarni gigiyena talablari asosida parvarishlashga doir keng qamrovli ma'lumotlar bilan tanishadilar. Mazkur o'quv qo'llanma kasb-hunar kollejlari uchun mo'ljallangan. bo'lib, undan shu soha bilan qiziquvchilar ham foydalanishlari
Информационное и прикладное программное обеспечение
Проектировщик обращается к средствам СПР для выполнения конкретной проектной процедуры или получения сведений, необходимых для принятия обоснованных решений.
This text is intended to meet the needs of undergraduate courses in mechanics of materials, required of students in many engineering curricula. It is written primarily for use as an introduction to the area, but, depending on which topics are emphasized, it can be used in more advanced levels as well. Mechanics of materials has been taught pretty much the same way for many years, using topics and methods described beautifully over 50 years ago in classic texts by Stephen Timoshenko. There are now many texts based on his approach, which emphasizes deriving formulas and working problems involving stresses and deforma- tions in simple structures built with linear elastic materials.
Программирование, отладка и решение задач на ЭВМ единой серии язык фортран
По мере внедрения ЭВМ В Практику и привлечения к программированию большого числа людей стало очевидно, что нельзя использовать при программировании только машинные коды. Появилась необходимость в языках программирования, которые были бы удобны для пользователей, обладающих различной квалификацией.
Eshkak eshish nazariyasi va islubiyati
O'quv qo'llanmada eshkak eshish sporti turlarining rivojlanish tarixi eshkak eshish sportida o'rgatish uslubiyati, eshkak eshish sportida trenirovka asoslari, eshkak eshish sportida rejalashtirish, eshkak eshuvchilarning jismoniy sifatlari, taktik tayorgarlik, ruhiy tayorgarlik, o'quv mashg'ulotlarini tog f rejalashtirish, musobaqa qoidalari mavzulari keng ochib berilgan. Bulardan tashqari, eshkak eshish sporti turlari bilan shug'ullanuvchilarning jismoniy holatini baholash uslublariga alohida urg'u berilgan.
The first unit of this book is an introduction to business finance. This unit starts with the elaboration of finance and defined it as a major function of every business regardless of size and nature of business. There are two broad functions of finance, one is controlling and second is treasury.
Shaxmat qadimdan komil insonni tarbiyalash ishiga munosib hissa qo‘shib keladi.1966 yildan boshlab har yili butun dunyo miqyosida Xalqaro shaxmat kuni nishonlanadi. Ushbu bayram Butunjahon shaxmat federatsiyasi (FIDE) qaroriga binoan o‘tkaziladi.
Автомобильные дороги специальные сооружения
Из года в год расширяется строительство автомобильных дорог в различных регионах нашей страны отличающихся климатическими рельефными и гидрогеологическими особенностями.
This chapter develops a definition of public administration. It consid- ers what distinguishes public administration from the administration and management of private enterprises, focusing on the roles of the Constitution, the public interest, economic market forces, and sover- eignty. The tendency for public administration to provide both service and regulation is explored. The bulk of this chapter discusses three general and competing approaches to public administration. One sees public administration as essentially management, another emphasizes its political nature, and the third, its legalistic concerid and processes. Each perspective favors a different set of values, offers distinctive or- ganizational approaches for maximizing these values, and each con- siders the individual in different ways.
Abdimurodox D.D. Xaydarova Sh.M. “Ingliz tili adabiyoti" O’quv-uslubiy qo'llanma - Shahrisabz: “Shahrisabz tuman bosmaxonasi" MJC11. 2024 - 68 bet. "Ingliz tili adabiyoti" - Ushbu o’quv-uslubiy qo'llanma bakalavriat ta’lim standard ariga kiriltilgan "Ingliz tili adabiyoti" fanini "Xorijiy til va adabiyoti" yo'nalishi mavjud bo'lgan oliygohlarda o’qitishga mo'ljallangan.
Препринимательтство и малый бизнес
Переход к рыночным отношения обусловлена обусловид необходимость коренного преобразования производства
Enjoying Literature
Why do we read literature? The title of this book gives the answer. We read literature to enjoy it. Stories, poems, nonfiction, and drama enable us to enjoy sharing the thoughts and experiences of interesting characters. We meet these characters just as we meet people in our own lives. We may travel with literary char- acters to places that we might otherwise never visit. Through IIt- erature we may enjoy new adventures, challenges, and victories. Enjoying literature, however, means much more than getting pleasure from our reading. Enjoyment also includes understand- ing. Literature is a kind of mirror that enables us to see ourselves better and to understand what we see.
Инженерные расчеты и проектирование систем автоматического управления станками
В книге представлены методы расчетов системы управления металлорежущими станками а также приемы выбора основных технических решений.