Kutubxonashunoslik va arxivshunoslik
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms
This is a book of hard words alphabetically arranged and briefly explained. It cannot purport to fulfil the functions of a balanced expository guide to literary criticism or literary concepts, nor does it attempt to catalogue the entire body of literary terms in use. It offers instead to clarify those thousand terms that are most likely to cause the student or general reader some doubt or bafflement in the context of literary criticism and other discussion of literary works
Storybook dictionary
A brand-new kind of dictionary for beginners over 2500 words. More than 1000 pictures in full color hours of fun and learning.
Ўзбек-рус-инглиз немис тилларида сўз бошқарувига доир луғат-маьлумотнома
Ўзбек-рус-инглиз немис тилларида сўз бошқарувига доир луғат маьлумотнома олий ўқув юртлари ва ўрта мактаблар учун мўлжалланган.
Автотрактор атамалари луғати
Луғат автомобиллар ва тракгорларнинг турлари,тузилиши,ишлатилиши,уларни таъмирлаш,техник хизмат кўрсатиш,механизмларни ростлаш,шунингдек кўча харакати қоидаларига оид 5000 дан ортиқ сўзларни ичига олган. Луғат хақидаги фикр-мулохазаларингизни Ўзбекистон нашриётига юборишингизни сўраймиз.
O`zbek tilining imlo lug`ati
Original maketdan bosishga ruxsat etildi 2. 06. 2003. Bichimi 84x108/32. Kegli 11 shponli. Tayms gam. Ofset bosma usulida bosildi. Bosma t. 15,0. Shartli b.t. 12,60. Nashr.t. 8,6. 40 000 nusxada bosildi.
Psixologik atamalar izohli lug'ati
Hozirgi kunda har tomonlama yetuk, jismonan sog’lom avlodni tarbiyash, bozor iqtisodiyoti munosabatlari sharoitida jahaon mamlakalatlari standartlariga mos, raqobatbardosh kadrlarni tayyorlash asosiy maqsadlarimizdan bo’lib, buni amalga oshirish masalasi O`zbekiston Respublikasi xalq talimi tizimi, «Ta`lim to`g`risidagi Qonuni» va «Kadrlar tayorlash milliy dasturida ko`zda tutilgan vazifalar va qarorlarda o’z aksini topadi. Oldimizga qo’yilgan maqsadni muvofaqiyatli hal etish ko`p jihatdan talabalar o’zlashtirayotgan manbalarga bog’liq. Shu munosabat bilan psixologiya fan sohalarini o’zlashtirish jarayonini yuqori darajada bo’lishi, “fan tili”ni mukammal bilishiga bog’liqdir.
Kutubxonashunoslik va bibliografik atamalarning izohli lug'ati
Ushbu izohli lug‘atda kutubxonashunoslik va bibliografiyaga oid zamonaviy atamalarning izohi tushunarli qilib, ixcham bayon etilgan. Zarur o‘rinlarda atamaning xalqaro tildagi varianti va ma’nodosh muqobili ham ko‘rsatilgan.
Science Dictionary for kids
Special thanks and lots of love to: Ken and Irene Westphal, my mom and dad. You have always been there for me, excluding the backyard swing incident, of course.
Англо-русский словарь. 53 000 слов
Словарь профессора В.К. Мюллера хорошо известен читателю. В настоящем издании проведена дальнейшая работа по усовершенствованию ряда словарных статей, по уточнению отдельных значений слов и порядка их следования. Уточнен и пополнен состав даваемой за ромбом фразеологии. Проведена большая работа по уточнению переводов. Пересмотрены стилистические пометы. Проведена работа по проверке фонетической транскрипции по новому, 13-му изданию словаря Даниеля Джоунса
Oxford dictionary of idioms
The aim of the Oxford Dictionary of Idioms is to provide clear definitions of phrases and sayings for those who do not know what they mean, but also to offer the curious reader interesting facts about the origins of phrases and examples of their use. This second edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Idioms is based on the first edition, edited by Jennifer Speake. It maintains the first edition's focus on contemporary and historical phrases, sayings, and proverbs, and uses a combination of definition and (where required) explanatory note and illustrative quotation to provide a rounded picture of idiomatic usage
NTC’s Super-Mini English Dictionary
NTC’s Super-Mini English Dictionary is for persons who are seeking to improve their ability to speak, read, write, and understand American English. It is a small, portable dictionary that will help with spelling, pronunciation, part of speech, meaning, irregular forms, and the appropriate use of 8,200 senses of 7,600 common words. This dictionary defines words using the smallest possible vocabulary, but when necessary, uses additional words to define difficult concepts. In many cases, more than one definition is given to help in figuring out the meaning of a word or expression.
NTC’s Thematic Dictionary of American Slang
This dictionary is a collection of slang and colloquial expressions in frequent use in the United States in the twentieth century. It contains expressions that are familiar to many Americans and other expressions that are used primarily within small groups of people. The entries represent the language of the underworld, the nursery, the college campus, California beaches, urban back streets, and Wall Street. We hear from prisoners, surfers, junkies, Valley Girls, blacks, weight lifters, surfers, and just plain folks. Fad words, metaphors, wordplay, and various figures of speech make up the body of the dictionary.
McGraw-Hill’s Super-Mini Phrasal Verb Dictionary. Second Edition
This dictionary is a compilation of 1,800 phrasal verbs consisting of either a transitive or intransitive verb and its particle or adverb. In many cases, additional prepositional phrases are shown as part of the entry, but the dictionary focuses on phrasal or two-word verbs. This second edition of the basic phrasal verb collection is based on McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. The format of the dictionary is designed to provide the information needed by learners who are attempting to read and write conventional American English.
McGraw-Hill’s Super-Mini American Slang Dictionary
This dictionary is a resource cataloging the meaning and usage of frequently occurring slang and colloquial expressions in the U.S.A. It contains expressions that are familiar to many Americans and other expressions that are used primarily within small groups of people. These expressions come from movies, novels, newspaper stories, and everyday conversation. The entries represent the vocabulary found in many places, such as the college campus and urban streets. We hear slang from surfers, weight lifters, and young people in general.
McGraw-Hill’s Essential Phrasal Verb Dictionary
This dictionary is a compilation of 1,800 phrasal verbs consisting of either a transitive or intransitive verb and its particle or adverb. In many cases, additional prepositional phrases are shown as part of the entry, but the dictionary focuses on phrasal or two-word verbs. This second edition of the basic phrasal verb collection is based on McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. The format of the dictionary is designed to provide the information needed by learners who are attempting to read and write conventional American English.
McGraw-Hill’s Essential American Idioms Dictionary
Every language has phrases that cannot be understood literally. Even if you know the meanings of all the words in such a phrase and you understand the grammar completely, the total meaning of the phrase may still be confusing. English has many such idiomatic expressions. This dictionary is a selection of the frequently encountered idiomatic expressions found in everyday American English. The collection is small enough to serve as a useful study guide for learners, and large enough to serve as a reference for daily use.