Geodeziya. Kartografiya
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Modellashtirish asbоblar panellaridagi barcha buyruqlarni misоllar yordamida oʻzlashtirish
Mazkur uslubiy koʻrsatma 60721200 -Yengil sanoat buyumlari konstruksiyasini ishlash va texnologiyasi (tо`qima, ipak mahsulotlari ishlab chiqarish, trikotaj, yigirilgan ip ishlab chiqarish) ta`lim yo`nalishi uchun moʻljallangan boʻlib, koʻrsatmada Muhandislik kompyuter grafikasi fanining kompyuter grafikasi qismidagi «Modellashtirish asbоblar panellaridagi barcha buyruqlarni misоllar yordamida oʻzlashtirish» mavzusining bajarish usullari keltirilgan. Ushbu uslubiy koʻrsatma TTYeSI da faoliyat yuritayotgan yosh oʻqituvchilar va boshqa ta`lim yoʻnalishidagi barcha talabalar foydalanishi mumkin.
Muhandislik va kompyuter grafikasi fanining chizma geometriya qismidan Kо`pyoqliklar. Kо`pyoqlikda yotuvchi nuqta va tо`g`ri chiziq. Kо`pyoqlikni tekislik bilan kesishgan chizig`i
Mazkur uslubiy ko`rsatma TTYeSIning «Kompyuter grafikasi» fanini o`zlashtirayotgan 60721200-Yengil sanoat buyumlari konstruksiyasini ishlash va texnologiyasi (yigirilgan ip ishlab chiqarish) bakalavriyat ta`lim yonalishi talabalari uchun mo`ljallangan. Lekin qo`llanmadan ushbu fanni o`zlashtirayotgan barcha talabalar ham foydalanishlari mumkin. Ushbu qo`llanmaning asosiy maqsadi talabalarning «Muhandislik va kompyuter grafikasi» fanining amaliy mashg`ulotlaridan olgan bilim va ko`nikmalarini mustahkamlash va topshiriqlarni mustaqil bajara olishlari uchun to`liq ma`lumot berishdan iboratdir. Mazkur qo`llanmani amaliy mashg`ulotlarda keng foydalanish mumkin.
Sanoat ekologiyasi va mehnat muhofazasi fanidan laboratoriya mashg’ulotlarini bajarish bo’yicha uslubiy ko’rsatma
Uslubiy ko‘rsatma “Sanoat ekologiyasi va mehnat muhofazasi” fani bo‘yicha 5610600-Xizmat ko’rsatish texnika va texnologiyasi (paxta, to’qimachilik va yengil sanaoat) ta’lim yo‘nalishi mutaxassisligi talabalari uchun laboratoriya mashg‘ulotlarini bajarishga mo‘ljallangan. Ushbu uslubiy ko’rsatma talabalarni “Sanoat ekologiyasi va mehnat muhofazasi” fanidan laboratoriya mashg’ulotlarni o’zlashtirishiga amaliy ko’mak beradi va soha bo’yicha kerakli bilimlarni egallashida muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi.
Основы теории линейных электрических цепей
В книге изложены основных методов теории линейных электрических цепей составляет содержание одноименного курса, который введен в учебные планы ряда заведений радиотехнического профиля.
Геоахборот тизим ва технологиялар
Ушбу услубий кўрсатма олий таълим муассасаларининг Геодезия, картография ва кадастр, Ер тузиш ва ер кадастри йўналишлари бўйича таълим олаётган талабаларга мўлжалланган бўлиб, унда Географик ахборот тизимлари ва технологияларида манбаларни тўплаш, маълумотлар базасини яратиш, мавзули карталарни тузиш усуллари батафсил баён этилган.
Mахsus fаnlаrni o`qitish mеtоdikаsi
Ushbu uslubiy ko`rsаtmа “Mахsus fаnlаrni o`qitish mеtоdikаsi” fаnidаn tаlаbаlаrning mustаqil ishlаrini tаshkil etishgа mo`ljаllаngаn bo`lib, tаlаbаlаrning mustаqil fikrlаshlаrini shаkllаntirishning mаqsаdi vа vаzifаlаri ko`rsаtib o`tilgаn.
Передача энергии постоянным током
В книге рассмотрены современные схемы и режимы работы передач и вставок постоянного тока, описаны методы испытаний высоковольтных вентилей. Приведены вопросы координации изоляции, принципы разработки разрядников, методы компенсации реактивной мощности, принципы автоматического управления передачами и вставками постоянного тока.
International financial reporting and analysis-a contextual emphasis
The globalization of financial markets has increased the value of knowledge about how business is conducted in other countries. One important aspect of that understanding is an awareness of the way in which international financial results are reported. Indeed, understanding the measurement and reporting process has a special urgency when considered as part of the capital formation and allocation process. Thus, one of the principal objectives of this book is to ex- plore and understand the financial reporting practices used by companies from various countries around the world.
Case studies in finance-managing for corporate value creation
Robert F. Bruner is presently Associate Professor of Business Administration, Darden Graduate School of Business, University of Virginia. Published in such journals as Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quanti- tative Analysis, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and Journal of Money. Credit, and Banking, his research has dealt mainly with the effects of the various forms of corporate restructuring. Three graduating classes of M.B.A. students have recognized him for excellence in case teaching; and he is a recipient of the First Wachovia Award for Faculty Excellence in case writing. He has consulted for various industrial corporations and financial institutions.
Managerial accounting
Dale Morse is the Charles E. Johnson Professor of Accounting and Chairman of the Accounting Department at the University of Oregon. He received his M.B.A. in accounting from the University of Oregon and his Ph.D. in accounting from Stanford University. He was a faculty member at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, from 1978-1991 and has held Visiting Professorships at the University of Auckland; the Dalian Institute of Technology, China; the University of Helsinki; the Universitas Merdeka Malang, Indonesia; and Koc University, Turkey. He also held a Fulbright Scholar position at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Dr. Morse's research has appeared in the Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, The Accounting Review, and Accounting Horizons. His monograph, "Efficient Capital Markets and Accounting: A Critical Analysis," (with Tom Dyckman) is part of the Prentice-Hall "Contemporary Topics in Ac- counting" series.
Financial statement analysis-theory, application, and interpretation
We are all aware of the exciting and dynamic practice of financial statement analysis, as well as its enormous implications for economic development. allocation of financial resources, and the economic well-being of a wide range of individuals. Because of these implications, financial statement analysis plays a very prominent role in how we educate the current and next generation of information users and providers. This book's goal is to give readers a distinct competitive advan- tage in an increasingly competitive marketplace as it continues to set the standard in showing students the keys to effective financial statement analysis. Our collective challenge is to equip today's student with the analysis skills necessary to compete in the business world and this book meets that challenge.
Охрана окружающей среды
Методические пособие по подготовке и оценке магистерской диссертационной работы описывает правила и процедуры для руководства и процесса написания магистерской диссертации в ЭкоГИС центра ТИИМ.
Табиий география
Услубий кўрсатма “Табиий география” фанидан амалий машғулотларни бажариш учун тайёрланган бўлиб, магистрларнинг ўзлари яшайдиган вилоят, туман (шаҳар, жамоа хўжалиги) нинг ёхуд магистрлик диссертация иши доирасида тадқиқот олиб бориладиган маъмурий туманда табиий географик жараёнлар ва қонуниятлар ҳисобга олиниши таъминланади
Muqobil yorug'i turlari va ularning texnologiyalari
Uslubiy ko`rsatmalar o`quv rejasidagi ―Muqobil yoqilg`i turlari va texnologiyalari‖ fani bo`yicha ToshDTUning ―5312400-Muqobil energiya manbalari‖ ta‘lim yo`nalishi bo`yicha bakalavr talabalariga laboratoriya ishlarini bajarish uchun mo`ljallangan. Fan bo`yicha asosiy qonuniyatlar, har bir mavzu bo`yicha qisqacha nazariy ma‘lumot, zamonaviy laboratoriya jihozlarida amaliy mashg`ulotlar o`tkazish uchun eng zarur tajribaviy ma‘lumotlar hamda ularni tajribada sinash usullari batafsil yoritilgan.
New Course of Economic Theory
Presented textbook is a result of joint work of scientists of "Economic theory" scientific schools of Russia and Uzbekistan. The expediency of integration of science schools based on the study of fundamental changes in economy reflecting the spheres of human life is substantiated in the textbook. A synthesis of ideas of various economic schools and trends is more profoundly presented in the process of statement of the course of economic theory. The book has parts on current problems in the theory of market system of economic management and formation of new economic system. The authors suggested a new approach in analysis of various economic phenomena in the conditions of market relations based on the study of behavior of economic subjects at micro- and macroeconomic levels.
Inside the technical consulting business-launching and building your independent practice
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. -from a declaration of principles jointly adopted by a committee of the American Bar Association and a committee of publishers.