Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Ommaviy kommunikatsiya. Jurnalistika. Ommaviy axborot vositalari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Ommaviy kommunikatsiya. Jurnalistika. Ommaviy axborot vositalari
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Ommaviy kommunikatsiya. Jurnalistika. Ommaviy axborot vositalari
Материалы о биологической роли ретикулярных клеток костного мозга при острой лучевой болехни
В монографии Е. Д. Гольдберга освещена часть материалов, касающихся гематологии острой лучевой болезни, вызываемой облучением на ускорительных установках — бетатронах с различной энергией. Здесь представлены итоги многочисленных экспериментов, освещающих реакции ретикулярных клеток костного мозга после тотального облучения животных в дозах от 450 до 10000 рад.
Discourses, Modes, Media and Meaning in an Era of Pandemic A Multimodal Discourse Analysis Approach
This book examines various discourses, modes and media in circulation during this early period of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how these have significantly impacted our daily lives in terms of the various meanings they express that have come to form the (new) realities we experience and interact with daily.
Structural analysis fundamentals
Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint.
The Law of Contract 1670–1870
The foundations for modern contract law were laid between 1670 and 1870. Rather than advancing a purely chronological account, this examination of the development of contract law doctrine in England during that time explores key themes in order to better understand the drivers of legal change. These themes include the relationship between lawyers and merchants, the role of equity, the place of statute, and the part played by legal literature. Developments are considered in the context of the legal system of the time and through those who were involved in litigation as lawyers, judges, jurors or litigants. It concludes that the way in which contract law developed was complex. Legal change was often uneven and slow, and some of the apparent changes had deep roots in the past. Clashes between conservative and more reformist tendencies were not uncommon.
Цветы для Элджернона
Эта фантастическая история обладает поразительной психологической силой и заставляет задуматься над общечеловеческими вопросами нравственности
The Cambridge Guide to Australian English Usage
Since the first publication of The Cambridge Australian English Style Guide, electronic communication has become almost universal, used in parallel to or instead of print. Wordprocessors are now the primary means for drafting documents, whether they are to appear in hard copy (i.e. on paper) or to be transmitted over the internet. The new medium impacts on numerous aspects of language and style which are reflected in updated entries in this new edition.
Fundamentals of Ground Improvement Engineering
No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.
Структуры рудных полей и месторождений
Главную и наиболее денную часть работы представляет фактический материал по структурам, собранный в поле автором и группой молодых совет-ских геологов, большей частью бывших аспирантов Московского геолого-разведочного института и Московского института цветных металлов и золота.
Mediation in Collective Labor Conflicts.
Disseminating cutting edge theories and empirical research in the field of industrial relations and conflict management, from an interdisciplinary approach, and firmly based in theories on human behaviour in relation to work and organizations. Formally the series will publish monographs and contributed or edited volumes from leading psychology and other social sciences scholars. Specifically, the series integrates theories and research from industrial relations (sociology, business, law and psychology), with those on conflict management, mediation and more generally well-being and productive behaviour in the workplace.
The Choice of Law Contract
This book offers a contractual framework for the regulation of party autonomy in choice of law. The party autonomy rule is the cornerstone of any modern system of choice of law; embodying as it does the freedom enjoyed by parties to a cross-border legal relationship to agree on the law applicable to it. However, as this study shows, the rule has a major shortcoming because it fails to give due regard to the contractual function of the choice of law agreement. The study examines the existing law on choice of law agreements, by reference to the law of both common and civil law jurisdictions and international instruments. Moreover, it suggests a new coherent approach to party autonomy that integrates both the law of contract and choice of law. This important new study should be read with interest by private international law scholars.
Aussie Slang
The colloquial Workbook of Australian Idiom-Aussie Slang is a guide to the everyday language, which is peculiar to and used by Australian folk from all walks of life, no matter what or who they are or the level of success, education, credence or place in society they have attained. The idiom and slang found in this Wordbook is used prolifically across Australia however, some slang words or idiom may differ slightly from state to state.
FOLLOW FOR NOW, Vol. 2 More Interviews with Friends and Heroes
In the late aughts, I did a talk at several events and on several college campuses called “How to Do Stuff and Be Happy.” The title was a joke, but the advice was real. It was a bunch of things I’d learned in the pursuit of various interests, mostly writing and publishing. Someone asked me recently why I bother to do any of the things I do. What follows emerged from an attempt to answer that question.
Musiqa ta'limi tasviriy sanat va muhandislik grafikasi fanlarini zamonaviy dasturlar yordamida o'qitish istiqbollari
Talaba istedodini rivojlantirish va ijodiy salohiyatini oshirish singari masalalar ustida izlanish va ularni ijobiy hal qilishni talab etadi.
Mtt mashg'ulotlar jarayonida multimedia texnologiyasidan foydalanish
Monografiyada bo‘lajak o‘qituvchilarda pedagogik kompetentlik sifatlarini rivojlantirish masalasini nazariy jihatdan asoslangan hamda malakali kadrlar tayyorlash jarayonida o‘qituvchining pedagogik kompetentlik sifatlarini yaratishga doir metodik tavsiyalar ishlab chiqilgan. Maktabgacha ta’lim muassalari tarbiyachilari va maktabgacha ta’lim yo‘nalishi talaba va magistrlari hamda pedagogika-psixologiya ta’lim yo‘nalishi talabalariga mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib keng kitobxonlar e’tiboriga havola etiladi
Postracial Resistance Black Women, Media, and the Uses of Strategic Ambiguity
This book developed in part from my own everyday experience of negotiating resistance to microaggressions in a world where racism and sexism continue to be a given for some, and a fantasy for others.
Мазкур дарслик касб-ҳунар коллежларининг ер тузиш йўналиши бўйича таълим олаётган ўқувчиларига мўлжалланган дастур асосида ўзбек тилида биринчи бор ёзилган. У 9 бўлимдан иборат бўлиб, уларда геодезия фани ва унинг вазифалари, геодезик ўлчашлар, геодезик асбобларнинг тузилиши, улар ёрдамида геодезик ўлчашлар ва съёмкаларни бажариш ва натижаларини математик ишлаб чиқиб план ва карталарни тузиш ма салалари муайян мисоллар асосида атрофлича баён қилинган. Китобдан геодезия фанини ўрганадиган таълим йўналишлари бўйича таҳсил олаётган олий ўқув юртлари талабалари ҳам фойдаланишлари мумкин.