Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
BARR’S The Human Nervous System
In this Tenth Edition, the improvement and changing of illustrations has continued, and nearly all are now colored. The text and recommended readings have also been updated. Readers of this edition have access to the publisher’s Web site—www.lww.thepoint.com—which includes a variety of additional materials. These include labeled and unlabeled versions of all the illustrations for instructors, sample exam questions and clinical cases, an extended glossary, and biographical information about researchers and physicians whose names are associated with anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the nervous system.
O’quv-uslubiy majmua Andijon davlat universitetining 2022-yil “30”. 08 dagi “1” – sonli buyrug’i bilan tasdiqlangan “Pedagogik trening asoslari” fani dasturi asosida ishlab chiqildi.
Bonney’s Gynaecological Surgery
The infl uence of Victor Bonney and his pupils upon gynaecological surgery has developed from the publication of the fi rst edition of A Textbook of Gynaecological Surgery in 1911. The fi rst to the fourth editions were the results of the collaboration of Bonney with Sir Comynus Berkeley. Following the death of the latter, Victor Bonney produced the fi fth and sixth editions alone. Bonney ’ s pupils Howkins and Macleod then produced the seventh edition. The death of Macleod signalled virtually the end of those practising surgeons who had been trained by Victor Bonney. The very successful eighth edition was prepared by John Howkins and Sir John Stallworthy. These two great fi gures of Commonwealth Gynaecology had worked together as junior colleagues during the last years of Bonney ’ s clinical career.
All of the vocabulary taught or practised in this workbook is in the A & C Black Dictionary of Medical Terms. The Dictionary of Medical Terms gives definitions in simple English which students can read and understand. Many of the examples and definitions in the workbook are taken directly from the dictionary. Students should have a copy of the Dictionary of Medical Terms for referring to when completing the exercises; using the dictionary is an essential part of successful language learning.
Clinical Environmental Medicine
Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds or experiments described herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made. To the fullest extent of the law, no responsibility is assumed by Elsevier, authors, editors or contributors for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein.
Clinical Neuroanatomy
Medicine is an ever-changing science. As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy are required. The author and the publisher of this work have checked with sources believed to be reliable in their efforts to provide information that is complete and generally in accord with the standards accepted at the time of publication. However, in view of the possibility of human error or changes in medical sciences, neither the author nor the publisher nor any other party who has been involved in the preparation or publication of this work warrants that the information contained herein is in every respect accurate or complete, and they disclaim all responsibility for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from use of the information contained in this work. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources. For example and in particular, readers are advised to check the product information sheet included in the package of each drug they plan to administer to be certain that the information contained in this work is accurate and that changes have not been made in the recommended dose or in the contraindications for administration. This recommendation is of particular importance in connection with new or infrequently used drugs.
The Color Atlas of Fa mily Medicine
Family physicians probably see a wider variety of rashes, eye conditions, foot disorders, lumps and bumps, and undifferentiated problems than any other specialty. In speaking with healthcare providers and medical students over the years, it became clear that a comprehensive atlas that aided in diagnosis using visible signs and internal imaging would be of tremendous value. We have assembled more than 2000 outstanding clinical images for this very purpose, and are proud to present the second edition of the first modern comprehensive atlas of family medicine ever produced. Some photographs will amaze you; all will inform you about the various conditions that befall our patients.
Curbside Consultation in Refractive and Lens-Based Surgery
This series of Curbside Consultation books is the brainchild of Dr. David Chang. Like everything he does, David thoughtfully crafted a collection of books that focus on the most common, but crucial topics in each of the specialties. Without David’s vision, this useful reference would never have materialized.
Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors accuracy of information contained in the published chapters. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book
Haemostasis in surgery
It is significant that the first medical description of the clinical and genetic features of haemophilia was by the ‘‘father of surgery’’ Abu al-Qasim Khalaf bin ‘Abbas el-Zahrawi (940?--1031 C.E.), so called for his extensive original descriptions of operative techniques and instrumentation. Characteristically he also described a method for stopping bleeding in haemophilia by local pressure and cauterisation, which he had witnessed.
IAP Color Atlas of Pediatrics is an innovative attempt of IAP under Presidential Action Plan 2012, envisaged to disseminate academics in a novel pictorial format, for the first time in the history of IAP, probably only second in the world after Color Atlas of Tropical Pediatrics by American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). This mammoth collection of images compiled in an atlas should be a visual treasure in the library of an academician, which should also serve as ready-reckoner for a busy practitioner and a boon for postgraduate students as well. I am sure this master creation artfully crafted by a dedicated team of Executive Editors comprising, Drs Vijay N Yewale, Piyush Gupta, Ritabrata Kundu, Digant Shastri and Publication Editor, Dhanya Dharmapalan and the 37 learned Section Editors who are experts in their respective specialty, under the leadership of Dr A Parthasarathy, the Editor-in-Chief, the past President of IAP, who is not only the custodian but crusader of child health. I must admit, the conceptuality was inspired and conceived from the Color Atlas of Tropical Pediatrics but my dream was realized by missionary Dr A Parthasarathy and his editorial board taking the challenge on war-footing and completing the job in a span of six months.
In a landmark paper published in 1995, Dr. Joel Cooper reported the initial results of a procedure that he termed “bilateral pneumectomy.” A modern reincarnation of an operation conceived nearly a half century earlier by Otto Brantigan, Dr. Cooper’s technique involved bilateral resection of significant amounts of diseased lung tissue in emphysema patients, in an effort to improve respiratory function by decompressing the thoracic cavity and increasing pulmonary elastic recoil. Almost instantaneously, worldwide interest and enthusiasm were directed toward this potential panacea for the millions of patients suffering and dying from end-stage emphysema. Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS), as the new procedure soon came to be known, became the subject of numerous articles in the lay media, if not in scientific journals, gaining the attention of patients, physicians, and the general public. Despite a paucity of objective data, surgeons willing to perform the procedure were inundated by hundreds of self-referring patients desperate for a new lease on life.
Management of Wilson Disease
The cornerstone of achieving best care and maximizing outcome for disease management is the partnership between health care provider and patient. This “Handbook” was therefore targeted to primary physicians to help them understand more about the underlying physiology, diagnosis, and treatment of the rare disorder, Wilson disease. We have focused the subjects included on what we consider relevant care issues for patients. Patients may also benefit from reading this book and discussing specific subject matter with their caregivers.
Tarixiy manba deganda biz o‘tmishdan qolgan xamda jamiyat xayotining ayrim bosqichi yoki tomonlarini o‘zida mujassamlashtirgan moddiy va ma’naviy yodgorliklarni tushunamiz. Tarixiy manbalar qatoriga qadimgi odamlarning manzilgoxlari, qadimgi shaharlar, qal’alar va ularning xarobalari, sug‘orish inshoatlari, qoldiqlari, ajdodlarimizning mehnat qurollari, uy-ro‘zg‘or buyumlari, zeb-ziynatlar, tangalar, qoyatosh sur’atlari, petrogliflar, yozma xujjatlar va boshqalar kiradi.
O’zbekiston tarixi
Respublikamizda keyingi vaqtda, diniy ekstremizm va fundamentalizm kabi milliy qadriyatlarimizga yot, zararli oqimlarning suqilib kirib, ayrim yoshlarimizning o’zligini yo’qotib qo’ygan manqurtlarga, har xil manfur guruhlarning malayiga aylanib qolishi Birinchi Prezidentimiz Islom Karimovning Yuqoridagi gaplari naqadar to’g’ri ekanini yana bir bor isbotladi. 1998 yilda respublikamizning bir guruh faylasuf, tarixchi, siyosatshunos, sotsiolog, psixolog, pedagog va adabiyotshunos olimlar bilan uchrashuvida yurboshimiz “... pirovard maqsadimiz bo’lgan ozod va obod Vatan, erkin va farovon Hayot qurish borasidagi intilishlarimizda biz uchun ruhiy-ma`naviy kuch-quvvat manbai, ilmiy asos - bu milliy g’oya, milliy mafkura bo’lishi shart” - deb ta`kidladilar. Darhaqiqat, xalqimizning fidoiy, sog’lom fikrlovchi, bilimdon ziyolilari ommaga milliy mafkurani tushuntirishi va singdirishi lozim.