Xazina. Otam haqida hotiralar
Atoqli san'atkor G'anijon Toshmatov serqirra ijodiy faoliyati va sharafli hayot yo'li davomida xalqimizning asriy an'analari milliy urf-odatlarini e'zozlab kuy-qo'shiqlar yaratdi munosib shogirdlar chiqardi el-yurt koriga yaraydigan farzandlar tarbiyaladi.
Аналитик кимё
Дарсликнинг биринчи кисмида гравиметрик ва титриметрик анализ усуллари баён этилган. Кислота — асосли узаро таъсирлашув, чуктириш, комплекс хосил булиш ва эритмада борадиган оксидланиш-кайтарилиш реакциялари хамда бу реакциялар асосида килинадиган анализ усуллари берилган.
ASP.NET Core 5 for Beginners
This book covers the following exciting features: Explore the new features and APIs introduced in ASP.NET Core 5 and Blazor Put basic ASP.NET Core 5 concepts into practice with the help of clear and simple samples Work with Entity Framework Core and its different workflows to implement your application’s data access Discover the different web frameworks that ASP.NET Core 5 offers for building web apps Get to grips with the basics of building RESTful web APIs to work with real data Deploy your web apps in AWS, Azure, and Docker containers Work with SignalR to add real-time notifications to your app
Artificial Intelligence and Machine: Learning for Sustainable Development
The book examines cutting-edge innovations, practical applications, and potential challenges in harnessing AI and ML to address global sustainability issues. It offers insights into how these technologies can optimize resource management, improve environmental monitoring, enhance decision-making processes, and promote equitable, eco-friendly solutions. This book would be of special interest to researchers, policymakers, and practitioners seeking to leverage cutting-edge technology for a more sustainable future.
Русский язык . Учебное пособие для самостоятельной работы.
Данное учебное пособие предназначено для групп с узбекским языком обучения консерватории включает информационный блок содержащий учебнометодический материал и контролирующий где даны задания и тесты для оценки полученных знаний и умений задания для самостоятельной работы.
Медицинская радиология
В учебнике изложены основы радиоизотопной диагностики и лучевой терапии. Каждая глава содержит задания для немедленного контроля усвоения материала. Текст иллюстрирован большим числом оригинальных схем и фотографий, отражающих техническое обеспечение радиоизотопной диагностики и лучевой терапии и применение ионизирующих излучений в клинике с диагностической и лечебной целями. Благодаря своей клинической направленности учебник принесет пользу студентам, изучающим медицинскую радиологию, также субординаторам, интернам, принимающим участие в диагностике различных заболеваний и лучевом лечении больных, главным образом со злокачественными новообразованиями. Учебник написан в соответствии с программой, утвержденной Министерством здравоохранения СССР, и предназначен для студентов медицинских институтов. В учебнике 148 рис., 10 табл, и 6 схем
Applied Data Science Using PySpark. Learn the End-to-End Predictive Model-Building Cycle, Second Edition
This comprehensive guide, with hand-picked examples of daily use cases, walks you through the end-to-end predictive model-building cycle, including the latest techniques and tricks of the trade. The first three chapters start by setting up the environment, covering the basics of PySpark, and focusing on data manipulation. Feature engineering is where data science professionals spend 70 percent of their time. As we make you comfortable with the language, we build upon that to introduce you to the mathematical functions available off the shelf. Before you move to the next chapter, you learn about the predictive modeling framework.
Advent of Go Microservices
This book is for everyone who writes applications for a living. I will cover a wide area of subjects that are related to effective microservice development. You'll super love this book if you're into CI and DevOps. I hope to show you a bit of the world outside of Go, with examples of effective approaches you can use to develop your microservices. It is the intent of the book to provide a daily exercise which will teach you things about Drone CI, bash, Makefiles, Docker, and anything else which might help you put together the foundation for your microservice or app.
Advanced Java A book for Advanced Users and not for beginners
Introduction to Generics. The Java Generics was added to JDK 1.5 which allowed programming generically. It allows creating classes and methods that work in the same way on different types of objects while providing type-safety right at the compile-time It makes the code stable by detecting the bugs at compile time. Before generics, we can store any type of objects in the collection, i.e., non-generic. Now generics force the java programmer to store a specific type of objects.
The Routledge History ol Literature in English
W ide-ranging. very accessible highly attentive- to cultural and sen lai change and. above all to the- c hanging history ol the language* An expansive, generous and can ed textbook ot British hlci.irv historc addressed equally to the British and the foreign reader
CHizmachilik (Proeksion chizmachilik)
CHizmachilik darsligi chizmachilik o'qituvchisini tayyorlashga mo'ljallanganligi uchun u keng qamrovli bo'lib undan chizmachilik yoki muhandislik grafikasi o'qitiladigan barch oliy o'quv yurtlari, kasb hunar kollejlari o'quvchilari hamda o'rta maktab o'qituvchilari samarali foydalanishlari hisobga olingan.
Third Edition SOLUTIONS
p4 HoGdiya TcxrM jn d v-wtor attr x.ticr^ (pquaf-jm, u \ t k’.r t c ) tntroduaion bcoch.htreaiorA. etc) Grammar. Post simple SpeakHg: De$cnb<ng ho-djys
Advanced Golang Programming Beyond the Basics Explore the Cutting
Have you conquered the basics of Golang? Built a few cool applications? Now, the hunger for more sets in. You crave the power to tackle complex challenges, design high-performance systems, and push the boundaries of what Golang can achieve. Welcome to Advanced Golang Programming. This isn't your average "hello world" tutorial. This book is your gateway to the hidden depths of Golang, where elegance meets power, and efficiency reigns supreme.
A Guide to Kernel Exploitation. Attacking the Core
A Guide to Kernel Exploitation: Attacking the Core discusses the theoretical techniques and approaches needed to develop reliable and effective kernel-level exploits, and applies them to different operating systems, namely, UNIX derivatives, Mac OS X, and Windows. Concepts and tactics are presented categorically so that even when a specifically detailed vulnerability has been patched, the foundational information provided will help hackers in writing a newer, better attack; or help pen testers, auditors, and the like develop a more concrete design and defensive structure.
A Gamers Introduction to Programming in C#
Turn your love of video games into a new love of programming by learning the ins and outs of writing code while also learning how to keep track o high scores, what video game heroes and loot boxes are made of, how th dreaded RNG (random number generator) works and much, much more This book is the first in an ongoing series designed to take readers from no coding knowledge to writing their own video games and interactive digita experiences using industry standard languages and tools.