Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Ўзбек таомлари
Таом - танани қувватли қилади, касалликларни енгади, организмни зарур дармондорилар билан таъминлайди, керак бўлса, шифо бахш этади, десак, муболага бўлмайди. Ер ҳар хил озуқа маҳсулотларини етиштириб берар экан, уларнинг таъми, ҳиди ва вазифаси турлича эканини билиб лол қоласан киши. Ушбу туркум рисолаларимизда ана шундай шифобахш таомлар тайёрлаш усулларини келтирдик.
Tarixga sayohat
Ushbu kitob sizni sir-sinoatga to`la moziy sari ajoyib sayohatga yetaklaydi, insoniyat tarixida bo`lib o`tgan qiziqarli va olamshumul voqealardan hikoya qilinadi. Shuningdek, buyuk tarixiy shaxslar, kashfiyotlar, mo`jizaviy inshootlar, turli xalqlar tomonidan yaratilgan tamaddunlar haqida ma`lumot beriladi.
Темур тузиклари
Бугунги куннинг ўткир ва долзарб муаммолари биздан замонавий тараққиётнинг асосий тамойилларини ҳар томонлама чуқур таҳлил этиш билан бирга, инсониятнинг яқин-олис тарихидаги бой тажрибасини ҳам теран идрок этишни, шу асосда амалий хулосалар чиқаришни тақозо этмоқда, яъни тарих тажрибаси одамзод учун тобора муҳим аҳамият касб этмоқда.
POWER EXCEL with MrExcel 617 Excel Mysteries Solved
I n 1989, Bill Jelen took a job in a finance department to maintain a very expensive reporting tool. When he discovered on day one that this new tool did not work, he began to learn how to use a $299 spreadsheet program in ways no sane person would ever think to use it. To the manager who hired him, he now wants to admit that all the reports that allegedly came out of the $50K 4th GL reporting tool from 1989 through 1994 really were actually produced with Lotus 1-2-3 and, later, Excel.
Монография рассчитана для ученых, докторантов, магистрантов и научных работников технических и химических специальностей, занимаюшиеся исследованием базальтовых и базальтоподобных минеральных сырьевых ресурсов Узбекистана, направленные на разработку технологии переработки минералов и организации производство продукции на их основе.
Office VBA: Macros You Can Use Today
A simple macro language appeared in version 3 of VisiCalc. When Lotus 1-2-3 introduced the keystroke macro recorder, accountants everywhere began developing arcane little macros to automate the daily task of importing and formatting sales data in their spreadsheets. When Excel 5 shipped with a new macro language called VBA in 1993, the world changed. Using VBA, it became possible for every one of the 400 million users of Microsoft Office to develop great looking and powerful applications.
BIOS и тонкая настройка ПК. Началиl
Как разобраться в настройках компьютера, как не растеряться среди многочисленных параметров BIOS, как увеличить произвjдительностъ компьютера и при этом сохранить стабильность его работы, как разогнать компьютер и зачем это нужно - обо всем этом легко, достуrпю и лаконично написано в данной книге. BIOS многим пользователям кажется сложной и непонятной, но благодаря этому изданию вы быстро научитесь работать с BIOS и сможете с ее помощью эффективно настроить компьютер. Книга рассчитана на начинающих пользователей, но и любители компьютерных экспериментов откроют для себя много интересного.
Excel® 2016 VBA and Macros
EPUB is an open, industry-standard format for e-books. However, support for EPUB and its many features varies across reading devices and applications. Use your device or app settings to customize the presentation to your liking. Settings that you can customize often include font, font size, single or double column, landscape or portrait mode, and figures that you can click or tap to enlarge. For additional information about the settings and features on your reading device or app, visit the device manufacturer’s Web site.
100 Excel VBA Simulations
This book is not about the basics of Visual Basic (VBA) either. It only uses VBA to make simulations faster, better, and more user-friendly. If you want to learn VBA from the bottom up, I would recommend my interactive CD-ROM: http://genesispc.com/tocvba2013CD.htm. Yet, here are a few basic rules for using VBA:
Excel® 2016 Power Programming with VBA
This book focuses on Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the programming language built into Excel (and other applications that make up Microsoft Office). More specifically, it shows you how to write programs that automate various tasks in Excel. This book covers everything from recording simple macros through creating sophisticated user-oriented applications and utilities.
Advanced Excel
Advanced Excel is a comprehensive tutorial that provides a good insight into the latest and advanced features available in Microsoft Excel 2013. It has plenty of screenshots that explain how to use a particular feature, in a step-by-step manner. This tutorial has been designed for all those readers who depend heavily on MS-Excel to prepare charts, tables, and professional reports that involve complex data. It will help all those readers who use MS-Excel regularly to analyze data.
Темур ва Темурийлар салтанати
Кенг китобхонлар оммасига ҳавола этилаётган ушбу рисолада Мовороуннаҳр ва Хуросон ерларида ташкил топган Темур ва Темурийлар салтанатининг барпо этилиши жараёнлари, бу давлатнинг ички ҳаёти, ташқи муносабатлари, соҳибқирон ва ворисларининг мамлакат ободончилиги йўлида олиб борган амалий фаолиятлари ҳақида хикоя қилинади.
Advanced Excel Reporting for Management Accountants
Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifi cally disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fi tness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profi t or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.
Excel 2013 Power Programming with VBA
This book focuses on Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the programming language built into Excel (and other applications that make up Microsoft Office). More specifically, it will show you how to write programs that automate various tasks in Excel. This book covers everything from recording simple macros through creating sophisticated user-oriented applications and utilities.
Surnay navolari
Yozuvchi, munaqqid va adabiyotshunos olim Rahimjon Otayevning yangi to'plami qissalar va badialardan tashkil topgan. Asar qahramonlari - zamondoshlarimiz, olimlar, ijodkorlar, ziyolilar, bugungi qayta qurish davrining faol zahmatkashlari bo'lmish yoshlardir.
Ushbu monografiyada karyerlarda chang-gaz rejimini boshqarish muammolarining zamonaviy holati tahlili va zaboykaning portlatib maydalash samaradorligiga ta’sirini tahlili amalga oshirilgan. Portlovchi modda skvajina zaryadlarida zaboyka parametrlarini matematik modellashtirish va tadqiq etish, karyerlarda yalpi portlatishda ajralib chiqadigan zaharli gazlarning hosil bo‘lishini tadqiq etish va portlashdan keyingi zaharli birikmalarni neytrallash qobiliyatiga ega bo‘lgan yutuvchi qorishmani olish metodikasini ishlab chiqish masalalari yoritilgan. Karyerlarda portlatish ishlarini olib borishda chang-gaz ajralib chiqishini pasaytirish usulini ishlab chiqilgan va sanoatda sinovdan o‘tkazish natijalari keltirilgan.