Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Analitik, fizikaviy va kolloid kimyo
Mazkur darslik organik moddalar sintezi, neft va gazni qayta ishlash va neft kimyoviy sintez texnologiyasi ta'lim yo'nalishlarida tahsil olayotgan talabalar uchun m o‘ljallangan bo`lib, unda texnologik jarayonlarni ishlab chiqish (yaratish) va samarali tarzda o‘tkazilishida har bir mutaxassis bilishi kerak bo‘lgan fizikaviy kimyo fanining eng zarur bo'limlari, ya’ni termodinamika va termokimyo qonunlari, jarayonlarda boradigan reaksiyalarga (ayniqsa mahsulot hosil bo`lish unumdorligiga) ta’sir etuvchi omillar va uning unumini oshirish choralari, fazalararo muvozanat va agregat holatlaming o'zgarishi (fazalararo) bilan sodir boladigan jarayonlarda moddalarning taqsimlanishi.
Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology
Written by experienced and internationally renowned contributors, this is the fourth edition of what has become the standard reference for cosmetic scientists and dermatologists seeking the latest innovations and technology for the formulation, design, testing, use, and production of cosmetic products for skin, hair, and nails. New to this fourth edition are chapters on dermatocosmetic vehicles, surface film, causes and measurement of skin aging, make-up products, skin healing, cosmetics in sports, cosmetotextiles, nutricosmetics, natural ingredients, cosmeceuticals, and regulatory vigilance.
Tibbiy biologiya va genetika
Chuqur nazariy bilim va keng ko'lamli dunyoqarashga ega boigan malakali tibbiyot xodimini tayyorlashda biologiya fanining o'mi o'ta muhim, chunki shu fangina hayot- ning rivojlanish qonuniyatlari yechimini ko'rsatib bera oladi. Ushbu darslik tibbiyot institutlari talabalari uchun tavsiya etilganligini nazarda tu- tib, tirik mavjudotlardagi murakkab biologik jarayonlaming tahlili, tabiatning ajralmas bo'lagi hamda organik olam rivoji va tarixiy iarayonining qonuniy mahsuli bo'lgan odam organizmi nuqtayi nazaridan kelib chiqqan holda yoritildi
An Introduction to Sustainable Transportation. Policy, Planning and Implementation
This book is an effort to illuminate how to move towards sustainability in transportation. It addresses the question of how to shape transportation planning, policy-making and citizen activities in a direction of greater social and environmental benefit to society and Planet Earth. The general discussion of sustainable transportation to be found in current literature is much less developed than the general discussion of sustainability. Transportation is one of the most basic of human activities linked to almost all daily routines, from employment and obtaining essential services to shopping and recreation. It is intimately linked to land-use planning and urban design. It provides many benefits to individuals, but aspects of it pose serious problems for the environment and society. Almost all of the motorized ways or modes in which individuals, goods or materials move around our cities and Planet Earth consume considerable amounts of energy and resources, most of which are not renewable. Most of these modes are highly dependent on fossil fuels and are deeply implicated in the processes of greenhouse gas emissions and their atmospheric accumulation. This book explores the ways in which many transportation benefits can be retained, while its social and environmental burdens are reduced.
Психологик хизмат
Мазкур дарслик илк бор Ўзбекистонда психология мутахассислиги магистрлари учун бугунги психологик хизмат фанига қўйилган талаблар асосида тайёрланди. Унда фаннинг назарий-методологик асослари, замонавий методлари, бугунги ҳолати ва амалий-татбиқий йўналишларига алоҳида урғу берилади.
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design
This text is intended for students beginning the study of mechanical engineering design. The focus is on blending fundamental development of concepts with practical specification of components. Students of this text should find that it inherently directs them into familiarity with both the basis for decisions and the standards of industrial components. For this reason, as students transition to practicing engineers, they will find that this text is indispensable as a reference text. The objectives of the text are to: Cover the basics of machine design, including the design process, engineering mechanics and materials, failure prevention under static and variable loading, and characteristics of the principal types of mechanical elements. Offer a practical approach to the subject through a wide range of real-world applications and examples. Encourage readers to link design and analysis. Encourage readers to link fundamental concepts with practical component specification.
Automation Production Systems and ComputerIntegrated Manufacturing
This book has a history. It was originally published in 1980 as Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Aided Manufacturing. Topics included automated flow lines, assembly line balancing, numerical control, CAD/CAM, control theory, process control, production planning, group technology, and flexible manufacturing systems. A revised edition was published in 1986 with a change in title to Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. Additional topics included industrial robotics, programmable logic controllers, automated assembly systems, material handling and storage, automatic identification techniques, shop floor control, and the future automated factory. The second edition of the new title was released in 2000 with a 2001 copyright. Many of the topics remained the same as in the 1986 edition, but much of the material on control theory was eliminated. The book was reorganized substantially, and most of the chapters were rewritten to bring the technical subject matter up to date. The third edition was released in 2007 with a 2008 copyright. It contained expanded coverage of new and emerging technologies (e.g., radio frequency dentification, Six Sigma, lean production, enterprise resource planning).
Policy Process Theories Concepis and Models of Pulic Policy Making.
The fourth edition of this widely-used text relates theory to practice in the public policy process. In a clear, conversational style, author Tom Birklandconveys the best current thinking on the policy process with an emphasis on accessibility and synthesis. This new edition has been reorganized to better explain the role of policy analysis in the policy process.
Nuclear Energy An Introduction to the Concepts Systems,and Applications of Nuclear Processes.
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Descriptive Geometry.
Relieving that no one study plays a larger part than Descriptive Geometry in the shaping of the student’s mind into the analytic thinking machine, necessary to success in any engineering profession, the author has outlined and written the text with this as its chief aim.
Packaging technology. Fundamentals, materials and processes
This is the second major text we have edited, aimed at providing a learning resource for those studying the Diploma in Packaging Technology. The first, Fundamentals of Packaging Technology (FOPT to those in the know) was published in 1996 and was a ‘translation' of Walter Soroka's excellent text of the same title, with additional sections to give a European focus. With the development of a new syllabus for the Diploma, clearly a new text is now required. Finding subject specialists who are both willing and able to write chapters is never easy, but we feel we have a good combination of experiences in the text and are grateful to all the contributors for their hard work. In many cases the chapter contents go beyond the Diploma syllabus, and this is to be commended, as the book is intended to be a useful resource for experienced as well as new practitioners in the industry.
A Practical Guide to Logistics. An introduction to transport, warehousing, trade and distribution
A down-to-earth definition was the tongue-in-cheek comment made by the managing director of a national retailer to an audience of senior logistics managers some years ago - ‘All you lot do is run sheds and lorries.' Some in the audience might have essentially agreed with Tom Peters, and said it means ‘Ensuring that the right quantities of the right items are in the right place at the right time at the right cost.' Both contain a large element of truth. Whilst the discipline of logistics is broader than the physical activities of running warehousing and transport, and not all transport movements are made by trucks, these elements represent its core. It is also fairly common for organizations to restrict their definition of logistics to just these core elements, placing them under the remit of their logistics function (maybe using suppliers), whilst handling the remainder elsewhere in-house, perhaps unwittingly creating a situation in which their subcontractors do indeed only run sheds and lorries.
An Introduction to the Policy Process.
It has long been said that one never really gets to know a subject until one has to teach it. If this is true, it's doubly true that one really learns a subject when one writes a book about it.
Introduction to Seismology
This book provides an approachable and concise introduction to seismology theory. It clearly explains the fundamental concepts, emphasizing intuitive understanding over lengthy derivations. Topics include all that is needed for a comprehensive first course in seismology: stress/strain theory, seismic wave equation, ray theory, tomography, reflection seismology, surface waves, source theory, anisotropy and earthquake prediction. Detailed exercises follow each chapter, giving students the opportunity to apply the techniques they have learned to compute results of interest and to illustrate some of Earth's seismic properties. In several cases, computer subroutines are provided to assist with these exercises. Numerous illustrations accompany the text, including examples of seismograms and images of the global seismic wavefield. This textbook is ideal for any introductory course in seismology taught to upper-division undergraduates or first-year graduate students, and is especially suited for a one-semester class on seismology.
Банковское дело
В учебнике рассмотрены различные аспекты банковской деятельность. Дана характеристика банков и банковской системы. Особое внимание уделено эволюции кредитных отношений, сущности банка, банковскому рынку. Впервые в учебник по банковскому делу включены вопросы управления в банковской сферы: управление ликвидностью, персоналом, рисками в банке. Подробно рассмотрены вопросы банковского маркетинга, дана характеристика банковской отчетности и контроля.
Fundamental Astronomy
As the title suggests, this book is about fundamental things that one might expect to remain fairly the same. Yet astronomy has evolved enormously over the last few years, and only a few chapters of this book have been left unmodified. Since the book is used also by many amateurs, the introductory chapter has been extended to give a brief summary of different celestial objects to “soften” the jump to rather technical topics. The chapter on the solar system was very long. It has now been split into two separate chapters. Chapter 7 deals with general properties of the solar system. Individual objects are discussed in Chap. 8, which is more prone to change when new data will accumulate. Also, new data on exoplanets is obtained at an increasing rate. Therefore exoplanets are given a chapter of their own; it is at the end of the book, since it is closely related to astrobiology, already included in the previous edition. These last chapters may change more than the rest of the book in the future.