Ommaviy kommunikatsiya. Jurnalistika. Ommaviy axborot vositalari
Veterinariya va chorvachilik
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
IN ancient time conflicts How essential side social ties were considered in the mythology and religion of different peoples, folklore And monuments ancient literature, judgments antique thinkers. In the ancient laws of the Hittite king Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC) contains dozens of ways to resolve conflict situations. By According to legend, King Solomon (965-928 BC) became famous for his wisdom and skill avoid And allow conflicts. IN Russians giving considered socio- political conflicts Togo time.
Острые лейкозы
Во втором издании книги (первое вышло в 1978 г.) освещены данные о распространенности острых лейкозов, глубже раскрыты основные этапы цитогенеза, детально рассмотрены иммунологические аспекты острых лейкозов.
To‘qimachilik materiallarini o‘rash nazariyasi
„To'qimachilikmateriallarini о‘rash nazariyasi“ fani ip vaipsimon materiallami o‘rab joylama hosil qilishning nazariy asoslarini va amaliy jihatlarini o'rganish va tadqiq qilishda ishlatiladigan asosiy matematik usul va hisoblash vositalaridan foydalanish, o‘rash mexanizmlari turlari, tuzilishi va ulami loyihalashning zamonaviy usullarini, o‘rash jarayonlari va о‘rash joylamaiarini loyihalash usullari va bunda talab qilingan ko'rsatkichlami ta’mmlash yo'llari va imkoniyatlarini o'rganishga qaratilgan. Darslik 5A520712, 5A540501, 5A540502, 5A540503, 5A540505 mutaxassisliklari hamda 5520700 va 5540500 yo‘nalishlari talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan.
Intellectual systems
This working science program is prepared on the subject of "Intellectual systems" studied in the field of baccalaureate course 5330100-Mathematical and software of information systems. includes the following set of knowledge and skills that must be acquired: Intelligence is the ability to understand the relationship between facts in life. This ability is needed to develop actions that lead to the achievement of a set goal. From the concept of "intelligence" defined above, it can be concluded that intelligence belongs only to humans and used to be a specific measure of human mental ability, now this concept is also applied to computers.
Physiology of plants
educational methodological set of the subject was reviewed and recommended for use at the Faculty Council of Biology
Microbiology and virology
Educational methodological set of the subject was reviewed and recommended for use at the Faculty Council of Biology
The electronic teaching complex is designed for students of specialties English language and literature. The content of this EEMC implies the study of the following issues: the purpose of the discipline, main branch of linguistics, lexicology and lexicography. The complex contains materials of theoretical and practical nature, necessary for any philologist in the study of word meaning. In addition, it can be useful to students and teachers of other specialties, as well as schoolchildren, teachers, all people interested in vocabulary.
Social work activities in self-governing bodies and organizations
Today, one of the widely discussed issues of social work at the international level is the issue of training professional specialists in the field of social work. In this case, it is important to have a creative approach to the combination of theoretical and practical training and acquire the skills of independent analysis. It allows to optimize the interaction of the teacher and students, to bring education closer to practice. "Social work in self-governing bodies and organizations ", deals with the theory and practice of social work carried out in self-governing bodies of citizens, its formation and development features, in foreign countries and in Uzbekistan. includes theoretical- empirical knowledge of models of self-management bodies and methods, technologies, mechanisms and means of active application of social work practice in them. In the course of teaching this subject, masters will acquire detailed knowledge about the basics of social work implemented in the self-management system.
Электрокардиография крупного рогатого скота в условиях жаркого климата
В работе исследованы электрокардиографические данные сердца у крупного рогатого скота различных пород при воздействии высокий температуры и солнечной радиации а также при различных физиологических состояниях (лактация, стельность откормивание ).
English for Specific Purposes
The electronic teaching complex is designed for students of specialties English language and literature. The content of this EEMK implies the study of the following issues: the purpose of the discipline, main tasks of English, problems and solution of translation issues. The complex contains materials of theoretical and practical nature, necessary for any philologist in the study of word meaning. In addition, it can be useful to students and teachers of other specialties, as well as schoolchildren, teachers, all people interested in vocabulary.
Foregn language and literature: English
Language Study Methodology, the working curriculum based on the State Educational Standard and the model work program, the annual calendar thematic plan, the study technology of the subject, return and unified test controls, o 'learning includes examination of work topics and visual presentations. Texts of lectures provide practical knowledge to students of foreign language study, methods (methods), principles, organization of study, and at the same time, the training is a methodical, skill that acquires practical things in future work. and the formation and development of experiences is taken from the special. The methodology of foreign language study in the complex is based on active methods of modern study and pedagogical information and communication technologies. This educational-methodical complex helps students of the 4th year to further develop their computer and foreign language study methodology. Training technology audio-video equipment and computer technology have made presentations on the go.
Проектирование технологических процессов
Методическое указание составлено для обучения бакалавров по направлению 5320900 Технология и конструирования изделий легкой промышленности (текстильная промышленность) для студентов бакалавров IV курса по изучению «Проектирование технологических процессов». На основе современных педагогических методах преподавания составлены и приведены расчеты технологических процессов проектируемых фабрик: БПОК, шелкомотальной, шелкокрутильной и шелкопрядильных фабрик. В методическом указании представлены информативные материалы по организационно-технологическим и технологическим частям. Приведены расчеты оборудований для фабрик. Рассчитаны нормировочные карты по переходам технологического процесса.
Дипломное проектирования
Методические указания по дипломному проектированию для студентов специальности 1– 37.01.01 «Двигатели внутреннего сгорания» отражают порядок организации, проведения дипломного проектирования и требования к дипломному проекту, его содержанию и оформлению. Указания включают в себя общие положения, в которых определены цели дипломного проектирования и процедуры формирования тем дипломных проектов. В издании приведены обязанности руководителя, консультанта и рецензента дипломного проекта. Весь изложенный материал базируется на существующих нормативных документах ЕСКД, ЕСТД и других, а также принятых в области высшего образования и в техническом университете, а также применительно к технической специальности «Двигатели внутреннего сгорания».
“Materials science of polymers” Training-methodology complex For 60710100 - Chemical technology (High molecular compounds)
In the text ofthe lecture "Material science", the types of polymers and plastics, raw materials and materials used in their production, technological and operational properties, the influence of their structure and nature on the properties of strength and heat resistance, the types of polymerization and polycondensation polymers and their influence on their properties , differences between operational properties, technological properties of raw materials and their explanations, theoretical and practical information of general technology are described. In order to further strengthen students' knowledge of this subject and to facilitate repetition of their topics, control questions and assignments are given on the described sources, methods and technologies.
Қорақалпогистон Республикасини ижтимоий-иқтисодий ривожлантиш стратегияси
Барча ҳуқуқлар Ўзбекистон Республикаси Вазирлар Маҳакамаси ҳузиридаги Прогнозлаштириш ва макроиқтисодий тадқиқотлар институти Қорақалпоғистон Республикаси Вазирлар кенгаши, Бирлашган Миллатлар Ташкилоти Тараққиёт дастури ва Германия халқаро ҳәмкорлик жамиятининг Ўзбекистондаги ваколатхоналарига тегишлидир. Ушбу материалларни такрорлаш, кўпайтириш, нашр этиш, тарқатиш ва бошқа усулда ишлатиш фақат ҳуқуқ эгаларининг ёзма рухсати билан амалга оширилиши мумкин. Нашрда баён этилган фикр- мулоҳазалар муаллифларга тегишли бўлиб, улар ҳуқук эгалари нуқтаи назари билан мос келмаслиги ҳам мумкин.
Руководство по апробации овощных культур и кормовых корнеплодов
Даны ботанические даны классификация овощных культур и кормовых корнеплодов, показаны апробационные признаки сортов и их изменчивость. Подробно описаны сорта гибриды овощных культур и кормовых корнеплодов. указаны их хозяйственные свойства.