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Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
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Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Introduction to IFRS. 8th ed.
The purpose of this book is to set out the principles and conceptual issues of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In addition, the book includes schematic summaries of the accounting and disclosure requirements of the applicable accounting standards. From an academic point of view, the publication targets second-year students in the professional accounting programmes at SAICA-accredited universities in South Africa. In addition, the needs of second- and third-year students at other institutions have also been considered. We hope that this publication will assist such students in their endeavour to obtain a thorough knowledge of the accounting standards that are discussed. This publication focuses on certain core accounting standards specifically relevant to the level of students the publication is aimed at. For these accounting standards we attempt to discuss them on a fundamental, yet thorough, basis. This publication is therefore not an attempt at a comprehensive review of the entire series of International Financial Reporting Standards; it is rather an in-depth discussion of certain accounting standards, limited in some instances to specific sections of those standards. This edition is also updated to include changes to the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and Financial
Cost Accounting Fundamentals. Essential Concepts and Examples
Cost Accounting Fundamentals addresses all key cost accounting topics, including inventory valuation, job costing, process costing, and standard costing. It also covers the role of the cost accountant in setting prices, not only to outside customers, but also to other subsidiaries. The book delves into many other areas of concern to the cost accountant, including target costing, constraint analysis, capital budgeting, the cost of quality, and even cost collection systems.
Internal Audit Quality. Developing a Quality Assurance and Improvement Program
Internal Audit Quality: Developing a Quality Assurance and Improvement Program is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to better practice internal auditing. Written by a global expert in audit quality, this guide is the first to provide complete coverage of the elements that comprise an effective internal audit quality assurance and improvement program. Readers will find practical solutions for monitoring and measuring internal audit performance drawn from The IIA's International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, and complemented by advice and case studies from leading audit practitioners from five different continents.
Management Accounting Best Practices. A Guide for the Professional Accountant
Praise for ''Management Accounting Best Practices'' - 'It doesn't matter where you start reading, even the most experienced accountant will find some useful ideas' - Alan H. Boycott, Chartered Accountant, Dusseldorf, Germany. 'This is one of the best books about new accounting practices in practical accounting. I highly recommend this book for accountants of all levels' - Andrei Ralko, Controller, International Center for Transitional Justice, New York, NY.The only practices worth following are the best practices. Destined to become an essential desktop tool in helping professionals make management decisions in accounting, ''Management Accounting Best Practices'' introduces over 100 best practices from accounting expert Steven Bragg for questions such as: how does the system of interlocking budgets work.
Purchasing, inventory, and cash disbursements. Common frauds and internal controls
Purchasing and cash disbursements are common targets for fraud in any entity's environment. Today, many practitioners, auditors, and management in industry are aware of the criticality of adequate internal controls, but may be uncertain whether existing controls in their organizations are adequate. It is important to understand common frauds and internal controls over the purchasing and cash disbursement cycle. Topics discussed include: The acquisitions cycle: ordering, receiving, and warehousing. Cash disbursements cycle. Payroll and expense reimbursement frauds. External auditing and forensic investigations: conceptual and procedural differences. Controls and design.
Financial Accounting: From Its Basics to Financial Reporting and Analysis
This book will appeal to individuals interested in developing their knowledge in financial accounting, including students sitting the Edexcel London exams, entrepreneurs and managers. It explains the process of recording transactions in depth by considering value added tax. The book adopts a practical approach, and highlights the main documents that lead to business transactions, while also describing accounting controls like bank reconciliation. In addition, the text addresses the main features and final accounts of different enterprises like sole trader, partnership, clubs and companies. Questions are provided at the end of each chapter in order to help the reader understand the main techniques shown here.
Accounting best practices
Destined to become an essential desktop tool in helping professionals make management decisions in accounting, Management Accounting Best Practices introduces over 100 best practices from accounting expert Steven Bragg for questions such as: How does the system of interlocking budgets work? What does a sample budget look like? What best practices can I apply to the budgeting process? How can I integrate the budget into the corporate control system? How do throughput concepts impact the budget. Now, when members of your management team come calling with questions, you'll have the answers at your fingertips, in Management Accounting Best Practices. It's the easy-to-use, daily reference manual for every accountant in a management position.
Financial Accounting: Reporting, Analysis and Decision Making
Financial Accounting, 6th Edition presents accounting in a cutting-edge interactive digital format designed to motivate students by taking the road blocks out of self-study and to facilitate mastery though drill-and-skill practice. Available as a full-colour printed textbook with an interactive eBook code, this text enables every student to master concepts and succeed in assessment, and supports lecturers with an extensive and easy-to-use teaching and learning package.
Financial Management for Decision Makers
Financial Management for Decision Makers provides you with an introduction into the world of financial management. Assuming no previous knowledge of financial management, this book gradually builds your knowledge of the subject and how to apply these theories into practice. Alongside the book, you can visit the new Financial Management for Decision Makers companion website at pearsoned.co.uk/atrill to access a comprehensive range of student-learning resources, including additional questions, web links for further reading and a glossary of key terms.
Schaum's Outline of Principles of Accounting I (5th Ed.)
Confusing Textbooks? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time? Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's Outlines. More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum's is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills. This Schaum's Outline gives you Practice problems with full explanations that reinforce knowledge Coverage of the most up-to-date developments in your course field In-depth review of practices and applications Fully compatible with your classroom text, Schaum's highlights all the important facts you need to know. Use Schaum's to shorten your study time-and get your best test scores! Schaum's Outlines-Problem Solved.
Financial Analysis. A Controller's Guide
This book is designed to assist a company controller, or any other member of the accounting and finance staffs, in the analysis of all corporate activities (from the Preface). It offers advice on evaluating acquisitions, analyzing risk, improving corporate performance, asset procurement, increasing shareholder value, detecting and diagnosing problems, using financial analysis reports, and predicting future conditions. Appendices include lists of symptoms and solutions and commonly used ratios. Bragg has worked as a chief financial officer and as a consulting manager.
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Introductory Financial Accounting, 9e provides a unique and perfect blend of robust financial statement analysis with early statement of cash flows coverage. It is directed at those who will analyze real financial statements, and make business decisions based upon that analysis. Real statements are used throughout (Starbucks). Statement of Cash Flows comes earlier in this book than most. Material is focused on analysis of financial statements — ratios introduced early and often, special “Portfolio” section provides a “road map” to financial statement analysis, and special section in end-of-chapter problems focuses on analyzing financial statements (using Starbucks financial statements). Features strong coverage of statement of cash flows (Ch 5) --an essential financial statement, one of growing importance, and should be regarded as a basic statement.
Accounting demystified
For new students of accounting, entry-level accounting professionals, and business professionals whose own work relates directly to the numbers on the ledger, a basic understanding of core accounting functions and documents is critical. Accounting Demystified provides a simple and straightforward description of universal elements of the accounting process, plus accessible tutorials in creating, interpreting, and using financial statements. Haber's clear language will let readers understand accounting basics, find errors quickly, prepare accurate financial statements, analyze financial documents, determine the financial health of a business, prepare a financial prospectus for potential investors and lenders. From the classroom to the back room to the board room, Accounting Demystified serves as a valuable primer on the basics of accounting and the purposes they serves.
Corporate Governance: A Pragmatic Guide for Auditors, Directors, Investors, and Accountants
This book facilitates a systematic comprehension of internal workings of corporate governance in practice. Facets of this multidisciplinary, constantly evolving field are discussed and interrelationships among them are explained to provide insights on how certain precepts come into play for various roles in governance. This book pragmatically explains and illustrates with a view to integrate. To keep the scope achievable, the emphasis is placed on the U.S.-based companies; where possible, differences in governance around the world are identified. Three rich sources of knowledge help shape the message of this book: existing paradigms, personal experience in governance, and research on issues and challenges of governance.
Accounting for Payroll a Comprehensive Guide
The most comprehensive resource available on the subject, Accounting for Payroll: A Comprehensive Guide provides up-to-date information to enable users to handle payroll accounting in the most cost-effective manner. From creating a system from scratch to setting up a payroll department to record-keeping and journal entries, Accounting for Payroll provides the most authoritative information on the entire payroll process. Ideal for anyone new to the payroll system or as a skill-honing tool for those already immersed in the field, this hands-on reference provides step-by-step instructions for setting up a well-organized payroll system or improving an existing one.
Auditing. A Risk-Based Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit
Prepare yourself for the dramatic changes in today's auditing environment by using Johnstone/Gramling/Rittenberg's AUDITING: A RISK-BASED APPROACH TO CONDUCTING QUALITY AUDITS, 9th EDITION. This newest edition reflects the clarified auditing standards and the newest PCAOB standards, discusses COSO's updated Internal Control-Integrated Framework, integrates discussion of fraud risk throughout the text, and features entirely new and significantly revised end-of-chapter homework problems.