Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Мобил алоқа тизимларининг 4G авлоди
Ушбу ўқув қўлланмада тўртинчи авлод мобил ва кенг полосали алоқа тизимларининг ривожланиши тарихи, 4G авлод тизимлари ҳақида асосий тушунчалар, мобил ва кенг полосали алоқа тизимларининг кейинги ривожланиш истиқболлари кўриб чиқилган. Ҳаракатдаги радиоалоқа тизимларининг ривожланиш таҳлили, уларнинг синфларга бўлиниши, сотали тизимларнинг эволюцияси келтирилган. LTE мобил алоқа технологияларининг, Wi-Fi ва WiMAX кенг полосали симсиз алоқа тизимларининг ўзига хос хусусиятлари кўрсатилган. Ўқув қўлланма олий таълим муассасалари талабалари ва мобил алоқа соҳасида фаолият кўрсатувчиларга мўлжалланган.
Методы контроля каналов передачи информации
В учебном пособии рассмотрены вопросы создания моделей и методов синтеза устройств контроля каналов передачи информации распределенных систем. Модели процессов контроля суммарного, раздельного и поучасткового измерения остаточного затухания устройств контроля каналов передачи информации освещены как формализованного метода синтеза автоматизированной системы контроля, основанный на математические модели и их технические операторы. Предназначено для бакалавров по направлениям образования 552200 - «Телекоммуникация», 5140900 - «Профессиональное образование («Телекоммуникация»)», 5521800 - «Автоматизация и управление», а также для магистров специальности 5А522210 - «Обслуживание и техническая эксплуатация систем и сетей связи на железнодорожном транспорте».
Оптические системы передачи и транспортные сети
Изложены основные принципы построения оптических систем передачи, современное определение моделей оптических транспортных сетей с точки зрения Международного союза электросвязи (МСЭ), технологии мультиплексирования и сопряжения транспортных сетей. Рассмотрены различные виды сетевых элементов с оптическими и электрическими компонентами, структуры сетей на их основе, включая сети синхронизации и управления. Уделено внимание новейшим направлениям развития транспортных сетей на основе стандартов OTN-OTH, Ethernet, T-MPLS, автоматически коммутируемых сетей (ASON/ASTN) и т.д. Детально рассмотрены схемы защиты оптических транспортных сетей. Определены принципиальные подходы к проектированию. Все разделы содержат примеры и вопросы для самоконтроля. Книга предназначена для студентов вузов, обучающихся по направлению «Телекоммуникации». Также может быть полезна специалистам отрасли «связь», самостоятельно повышающим свою квалификацию.
Tizimlar va signallami qayta ishlash
Ushbu o'quv qo'llanmada axborot, xabar, tizimlar va signallami qayta ishlash haqida umumiy tushunchalar, signal laming matematik modellari, davriy signallami Furye qatoriga yoyish, Furye almashtirishi va uning xossalari, nochiziqli elementlar xarakteristikalarini approksimatsiyalash, nochiziqli zanjirlami tahlil etish usullari, analog modulyatsiyalangan signallar, analog modulyatsiylangan signallami detektorlash, diskret va impulsli modulyatsiya, uzluksiz signallami diskretlash va kvantlash, uzluksiz signallami raqamli shaklda uzatish, raqamli modulyatsiyalangan signallar, tasodifiy jarayonlar, tasodifiy jarayonlar ning energetik spektri, signallami qabul qilish asoslari, diskret signallami optimal qabul qilish masalalari yetarli darajada yoritilgan.
Practical ASP
Practical ASP.NET Web API provides you with a hands-on and code-focused demonstration of the ASP.NET Web API in action. From the very beginning, you'll be writing working code in order to see best practices and concepts in action. As the book progresses, the concepts and code will become more sophisticated. Beginning with an overview of the web service model in general and Web API in particular, you'll progress quickly to a detailed exploration of the request binding and response formatting that lie at the heart of Web API. You'll investigate various scenarios and see how they can be manipulated to achieve the results you need.
Java Enterprise Best Practices
Java developers typically go through four "stages" in mastering Java. In the first stage, they learn the language itself. In the second stage, they study the APIs. In the third stage, they become proficient in the environment. It is in the fourth stage --"the expert stage"-- where things really get interesting, and Java Enterprise Best Practices is the tangible compendium of experience that developers need to breeze through this fourth and final stage of Enterprise Java mastery.Crammed with tips and tricks, Java Enterprise Best Practices distills years of solid experience from eleven experts in the J2EE environment into a practical, to-the-point guide to J2EE.Java Enterprise Best Practices gives developers the unvarnished, expert-tested advice that the man pages don't provide--what areas of the APIs should be used frequently (and which are better avoided); elegant solutions to problems you face that other developers have already discovered; what things you should always do, what things you should consider doing, and what things you should never do--even if the documentation says it's ok.Until Java Enterprise Best Practices, Java developers in the fourth stage of mastery relied on the advice of a loose-knit community of fellow developers, time-consuming online searches for examples or suggestions for the immediate problem they faced, and tedious trial-and-error. But Java has grown to include a huge number of APIs, classes, and methods. Now it is simply too large for even the most intrepid developer to know it all. The need for a written compendium of J2EE Best Practices has never been greater.Java Enterprise Best Practices focuses on the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) APIs. The J2EE APIs include such alphabet soup acronyms as EJB, JDBC, RMI, XML, and JMX.
Java & XML
This book is based on the prem ise th at XML is quickly becom ing (and to some exten thas already become) an essential part of Java programming. The chapters instruct you in the use of XML and Java, and other than in Chapter 1, they do not focus on if you should use XML. If you are a Java developer, you should use XML, without question. For this reason, if you are a Java program mer, want to be a Java program mer, manage Java programmers, or are associated with a Java project, this book is for you. If you want to advance, become a better developer, write cleaner code, or have projects succeed on time and under budget; if you need to access legacy data, need to distribute system components, or just want to know what the XML hype is about, this book is for you.
LINUX Network Administrator's Guide
This book was written to provide a single reference for network administration in a Linux environment.
Microsoft Access 2000 in 21 Days
This edition adds Pam Palmer as a co-author while Paul Cassel remains on board. Pam’s extensive experience as a database specialist in Access extends the experiential scope of this work. Together, Pam and Paul literally have a lifetime of experience working with databases, and both have extensive specific experience with not only Access, but also all Microsoft professional products. No other book on the market combines such experience and so many years of reader feedback.
Linux Device Drivers
Linux continues to succeed in the market and, more importantly, in the hearts and minds of developers worldwide. The success of Linux is clearly a testament to its technical quality and to the numerous benefits of free software in general. But the true key to its success, in my opinion, lies in the fact that it has brought the fun back to computing. With Linux, anybody can get their hands into the system and play in a sandbox where contributions from any direction are welcome, but where technical excellence is valued above all else. Linux not only provides us with a top-quality operating system; it gives us the opportunity to be part of its future development and to have fun while we’re at it.
Application Development with Oracle & PHP on Linux for Beginners
This book has been specifically written to provide genuine domain knowledge to programmers who wish to learn web-based application development using PHP as the front-end programming tool, Apache as the web server and Oracle 10g as the DBMS, all running on Linux. Learning web development is done through a set of examples and is then strongly reinforced by the development of a Personnel Management System in the end.
Mastering Database Technologies
Written to provide a grounding to those who wish to learn database technologies using ORACLE.
Comdex computer course kit (Professional Edition 2003)
The book describes the fundamentals of the computer such as input-output devices, computer memory, system unit, and software. The book helps you in mastering Windows XP, latest Windows operating system, and enables you to work with files and folders, commonly used applications, and writing data on CD. The book covers word processing software, MS Word 2003, and enables you to format text and create professional letters. The book describes the use of MS Excel 2003 and allows you to perform mathematical calculations and data analysis. The book enables you to create and configure online presentation by using PowerPoint 2003. The book covers Internet, Email and OneNote and allows you to communicate with other people. The book also covers topics on data backup and restore and use of anti-virus software to safeguard the computer.
Comdex Computer Course Kit (XP Edition)
Training Kit on Computer Fundamentals, Windows XP, DOS, MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Internet/Email and Internet Telephony • No previous knowledge required • Unique 3-Stage self-learning system with CD • In the 1st Stage, this book offers you detailed explanation with illustrations and examples. In the 2nd Stage, the Audio-video CD demonstrates what was taught in the book. And finally in the 3rd Stage, the self-testing software tests your skills and corrects you in case you go wrong.
Database in Depth Relational Theory for Practitioners
This book sheds light on the principles behind the relational model, which is fundamental to all database-backed applications--and, consequently, most of the work that goes on in the computing world today. Database in Depth: The Relational Model for Practitioners goes beyond the hype and gets to the heart of how relational databases actually work.Ideal for experienced database developers and designers, this concise guide gives you a clear view of the technology a view that's not influenced by any vendor or product. Database in Depth will appeal not only to database developers and designers, but also to a diverse field of professionals and academics, including database administrators (DBAs), information modelers, database consultants, and more. Virtually everyone who deals with relational databases should have at least a passing understanding of the fundamentals of working with relational models. Author C.J. Date has been involved with the relational model from its earliest days. An exceptionally clear-thinking writer, Date lays out principle and theory in a manner that is easily understood. Few others can speak as authoritatively the topic of relational databases as Date can.
Easy Oracle Automation. Oracle 1Og Automatic Storage, Memory and Diagnostic Features
Explaining how to use the powerful Oracle10g automatic features for simple database administration, this book has complete coverage for 10g Automatic Storage Management (ASM), 10g Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM), Automatic SGA Management (ASM), and the SQL Tuning Advisor. Demonstrated is how a non-Oracle person can quickly install and configure Oracle database 10g for automatic database administration and how, in less than a day, a complete Oracle10g database can be ready to use. Also explained is easy disk and file management with the 10g Automatic Storage Management and how the 10g Automatic Workload Repository collects important Oracle performance statistics.