Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Latexga kirish
O'quv qo'llanma LaTeX paketidagi maket xususiyatlarini tahlil qilishga bag'ishlangan. Har bir mavzu zarur nazariy, ko'plab misollar va rasmlarni o'z ichiga oladi. LaTeX bilan tajribani shakllantirish uchun nazariy material amaliy vazifalar bilan birga keladi.
Programming Visual Basic 2005
Get the essential, straightforward information you need to master the core capabilities of Visual Basic 2005. Focusing on the language and the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 base class library, a well-known authority on Visual Basic provides both new and experienced developers the pragmatic guidance and examples they need to build innovative solutions.
Office 2003 XML
In Microsoft's Office 2003, users experience the merger of the power of the classic Office suite of applications with the fluidity of data exchange inherent in XML. With XML at its heart, the new version of Microsoft's desktop suite liberates the information stored in millions of documents created with Office software over the past fifteen years, making it available to a wide variety of programs.Office 2003 XML offers an in-depth exploration of the relationship between XML and Office 2003, examining how the various products in the Office suite both produce and consume XML. Developers will learn how they can connect Microsoft Office to others systems, while power users will learn to create and analyze XML documents using familiar Office tools.The book begins with an overview of the XML features included in the various Office 2003 components, and explores in detail how Word, Excel, and Access interact with XML. This book covers both the user interface side, creating interfaces so that users can comfortably (and even unknowingly) work with XML, and the back end, exposing Office information to other processes. It also looks at Microsoft's new InfoPath application and how it fits with the rest of Office. Finally, the book's appendices introduce various XML technologies that may be useful in working with Office, including XSLT, W3C XML Schema, RELAX NG, and SOAP.Office 2003 XML provides quick and clear guidance to a anyone who needs to import or export information from Office documents into other systems. Both XML programmers and Office power will learn how to get the most from this powerful new intersection between Office 2003 and XML.
JavaScript and DHTML Cookbook
On numerous online forums for JavaScript and DHTML, the majority of questions begin with "How do I...?" This new Cookbook provides the answers. After reading thousands of forum threads over the years, author and scripting pioneer Danny Goodman has compiled a list of problems that frequently vex scripters of various experience levels. He has now applied state-of-the-art ECMA and W3C DOM standards and used best practices to create this extensive collection of practical recipes that can bring your web pages to life.The JavaScript & DHTML Cookbook is all about adding value to the content of a web page. The book focuses on practical and sensible applications of scripting, rather than flying images and gratuitous color changes. For every problem Goodman addresses, there's a solution or "recipe"--a focused piece of code that web developers can insert directly into their applications. Yet, rather than just cut-and-paste code, you also get explanations of how and why the code works, so you can learn to adapt the problem-solving techniques to your designs.The recipes range from simple tasks, such as manipulating strings and validating dates in JavaScript, to entire libraries that demonstrate complex tasks, such as cross-browser positioning of HTML elements and sorting tables.
Murach’s Java Servlets and JSP
This book methodically teaches all of the skills necessary for developing a commercial web site using servlets and JavaServer Pages. These skills include working with HTML, HTTP, servlets, JSP, sessions, cookies, JavaBeans, SQL, JDBC, connection pooling, JavaMail, SSL, security, and XML. Unlike many of the competing books, this book provides detailed coding examples for working with Tomcat, one of the most popular servlet and JSP servers, and MySQL, one of the webs most popular database servers. A great book for any Java programmer.
Advance praise for Head First Servlets & JSP
This book will get you way up to speed on the technology you'll know it so well, in fact, that you can pass the brand new J2EE 1.5 exam. If that's what you want to do, that is. Maybe you don't care about the exam, but need to use servlets and JSPs in your next project. You're working on a deadline. You're over the legal limit for caffeine. You can't waste your time with a book that makes sense only AFTER you're an expert (or worse, one that puts you to sleep). Head First Servlets and JSP doesn't just give you a bunch of facts to memorize; it drives knowledge straight into your brain. You'll interact with servlets and JSPs in ways that help you learn quickly and deeply. And when you're through with the book, you can take a brand-new mock exam, created specifically to simulate the real test-taking experience.
Access Cookbook
Not a reference book, and not a tutorial either, the new second edition of the highly regarded Access Cookbook is an uncommonly useful collection of solutions to problems that Access users and developers are likely to face as they attempt to build increasingly complex applications.Although using any single "recipe" in the book will more than pay back the cost of the book in terms of both hours saved and frustration thwarted, Access Cookbook, Second Edition is much more than a handy assortment of cut-and-paste code.Each of the "recipes" examine a particular problem--problems that commonly occur when you push the upper limits of Access, or ones that are likely to trip up a developer attempting to design a more elegant Access application--even some things you never knew Access could do. The authors then, in a clear, accessible, step-by-step style, present the problems' solution. Following each "recipe" are insights on how Access works, potential pitfalls, interesting programming techniques that are used in the solution, and how and why the solution works, so you can adapt the problem-solving techniques to other similar situations.Fully updated for Access 2003, Access Cookbook, Second Edition is also one of the first books to thoroughly explore new support for .NET managed code and XML. All of the practical, real-world examples have been tested for compatibility with Access 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. This updated new edition also covers Access and SharePoint, Access and SmartTags, Access and .NET; and Access and XML.Access power users and programmers at all levels, from the relatively inexperienced to the most sophisticated, will rely on the Access Cookbook for quick solutions to gnarly problems. With a dog-eared copy of Access Cookbook at your side, you can spend your time and energy where it matters most: working on the interesting facets of your Access application, not just the time-consuming ones.
XML in a Nutshell
If you're a developer working with XML, you know there's a lot to know about XML, and the XML space is evolving almost moment by moment. But you don't need to commit every XML syntax, API, or XSLT transformation to memory; you only need to know where to find it. And if it's a detail that has to do with XML or its companion standards, you'll find it--clear, concise, useful, and well-organized--in the updated third edition of XML in a Nutshell.
Programming in Visual Basic 6
Intro Programming course is estimated currently at 150-200,000 and growing. Visual Basic is taking over where BASIC, Qbasic, and QuickBasic once dominated, in the Introductory Business Programming course. That trend will continue as VB continues to encroach on other less progressive languages such as COBOL and the Basic variations listed above within CIS and Business departments. The courses that can be supported by this text are not specific to any one type of institution, since VB in a Business course is largely a functional topic needed by all types of students from 2-4 year, to Vo-Tech, to extended, to even adult education.
Web Enabled Commercial Applications Development Using Java 2
The book has been written to give an excellent grounding to those who whish to learn application development using JDK 2.X. Like all his earlier books this book also has several illustrative examples, which have a logical link between them.Each set of examples helping build skills that will take the reader to the next set of examples, which in turn lead upwards until a strong programming foundation using JDK 2.X has been established.The topics covered are: -Introduction to Java,Java Class,Java Programs,Java Applets,Event-Driven Programming,JavaException Handling,Java File Handling,Java Multi-Threading,Java Database Connectivity,Networking Basis,Java Swing,Serialization,Java-Remote Method Invocation (R.M.I),Java Servlets,Java Beans,Each topic is very liberally sprinkled with examples that are mapped to applications, which fir in the real world.All the example code is on the enclosed CD-ROM, which also contains several other goodies, which would be useful if you are looking at working on the Internet as a way of life. Most of the stuff on the CD-ROM can definitely be used to enhance your web skills.The author believes that this book is focused on addressing the skill building of an individual from entry level to intermediate and in some areas such as JDBC and RMI beyond the intermediate level.
Sams Teach Yourself to Create Web Pages in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself to Create Web Pages in 24 Hours, Second Edition, teaches the beginning Web page author just what you need to know to get a Web page up in the shortest time possible. It starts out introducing you to the included WYSIWYG tool (Microsoft FrontPage Express), and moves into the steps necessary to design, create, and publish a page on the World Wide Web. You don't not need to know anything about HTML.
HTML, DHTML,Java Script, Perl CGI
Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML, JavaScript, DHTML (With CD) and PHP is a comprehensive book for undergraduate students of Computer Science Engineering. The book comprises chapters on introduction to HTML, JavaScript, basics of PHP, working with forms, and debugging and errors. In addition, the book comes with a free CD which can be used to enhance your web skills. This book is essential for IT professionals.
First Encounter with Java Including Blue
This book is for beginning programmers studying the java language. The book teaches object oriented principles, using the BlueJ development environment that runs on top of the Sun Microsystems Java development Kit. The BlueJ environment allows to create objects of any class and interact with their methods. The BlueJ environment is customized to teach objects first and allows students to visualize the class structure.
Understanding the Linux Kernel
The third edition of Understanding the Linux Kernel takes you on a guided tour of the most significant data structures, algorithms, and programming tricks used in the kernel. Probing beyond superficial features, the authors offer valuable insights to people who want to know how things really work inside their machine. Important Intel-specific features are discussed. Relevant segments of code are dissected line by line. But the book covers more than just the functioning of the code; it explains the theoretical underpinnings of why Linux does things the way it does.
Access Database Design and Programming
Access Database Design & Programming takes you behind the details of the Access interface, focusing on the general knowledge necessary for Access power users or developers to create effective database applications. When using software products with graphical interfaces, we frequently focus so much on the interface that we forget about the general concepts that allow us to understand and use the software effectively.
Applied Software Project Management
If you're looking for solid, easy-to-follow advice on estimation, requirements gathering, managing change, and more, you can stop now: this is the book for you. Scott Berkun, Author of The Art of Project Management. What makes software projects succeed? It takes more than a good idea and a team of talented programmers. A project manager needs to know how to guide the team through the entire software project. There are common pitfalls that plague all software projects and rookie mistakes that are made repeatedly sometimes by the same people! Avoiding these pitfalls is not hard, but it is not necessarily intuitive. Luckily, there are tried and true techniques that can help any project manager. In Applied Software Project Management, Andrew Stellman and Jennifer Greene provide you with tools, techniques, and practices that you can use on your own projects right away. This book supplies you with the information you need to diagnose your team's situation and presents practical advice to help you achieve your goal of building better software.