Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
High Speed Calculations - A Guide to GRE, GMAT, SAT candidates
A book for all those engrossed in preparations for SAT, GRE, GMAT ,CAT and various other similar examinations. Are you "wasting TIME" in calculations? 90% of the time goes in this. Here is a book which can significantly increase the speed by 50%. The reason for errors in calculating are two fold, lack of time and no definite way for verification of result. The problem is aggravated more when speed and accuracy are the essence, and even a slight error can fetch negative marks. This simply is overwhelming and remorse occurs in potential candidates. This book has been compiled after extensive study of various quick calculation techniques picked up from Prof Tratchenberg’s Book and Vedic Mathematics, and also from tidbits across a spectrum of books. It has been kept very simple and only the very relevant and “truly” QUICK techniques have been mentioned. The entire book is available as preview free of charge; a minimum download price has been kept for a little support to the author's future endeavors.
The Real Life Guide to Accounting Research: A Behind the Scenes View of Using Qualitative Research Methods
A book that goes behind the more official presentations and accounts of research methods to explore the lived experiences, joys and mistakes of a wide range of international researchers principally working in the fields of accounting and finance, but also in management, economics and other social sciences. The authors of the articles in this book address a wide range of issues and obstacles that they have confronted at various stages in their respective research careers. In reflecting on their personal experiences, they provide practical guidance on how to overcome the types of problems that typically confront researchers in their day-to-day work. Practical tips on how to undertake research and get findings published. Research project management skills. International and interdisciplinary perspectives.
About Financial Accounting. Vol. 1
The accelerating globalisation of business has affected South Africa in many ways and the discipline of accounting has not been left untouched. Accounting is a challenging subject because it is always changing. These changes are reflected in this book, but the authors have not lost sight of the fact that the basic principles of accounting havenot altered since the invention of double-entry bookkeeping centuries ago. One has to learn to crawl before one can learn to walk. This is a fact of life and a reflection of life itself. With this in mind, many aspects of the intricacies of disclosure and the exact or complete disclosure requirements of generally accepted accounting practice were left for the more advanced student of accounting. This book is not intended to be a reference book. Rather, the following guidelines were adopted by the authors: simplicity, basic principles, creating knowledge blocks, practical application, demonstration by way of examples. To achieve this goal, the focus is on a handwritten system, thus avoiding the notion that the basics of accounting, like the processing of data and closing-off procedures, are mysterious activities that take place inside a computer. This notion seems to be a growing problem for serious students of accounting.
Principles of Financial Accounting (11th Ed.)
This revision is based on an understanding of the nature, culture, and motivations of today's students and on extensive feedback from instructors. These substantial changes meet the needs of students, who not only face a business world increasingly complicated by ethical issues, globalization, and technology but also have more demands on their time. To help them meet these challenges, this textbook shows students how business transactions, which are the result of business decisions, are recorded in a way to show their effects on the financial statements. Built on historically strong pedagogy, this edition demonstrates strengthened transaction analysis and its link to the accounting cycle. Proven Presentation: Students learn from a trusted approach built on proper accounting principles and technical detail to ensure mastery of core accounting concepts. Relevant Coverage: Chapter-opening Decision Points have been enhanced to expose students to the changing financial reporting environment and IFRS. Critical-Thinking Tools: New Stop & Apply features help students develop the judgment skills they need in the modern business world. Needles/Powers/Crosson demonstrates accounting in motion!
Essentials Of Payroll: Management And Accounting
This book is designed for the accountant who is setting up a payroll system,wants to improve the efficiency of an existing system,or who needs answers to the inevitable variety of compensation, tax, deduction, and record-keeping issues associated with payroll. Each chapter includes an example of how a company has addressed a specific payroll issue, as well as Tips & Techniques that offer guidance on how to handle specific payroll situations. The book is divided into two parts.The first part addresses the overall set of policies and procedures,controls,and best practices that comprise a payroll system. The second part addresses the processing of specific transactions, encompassing compensation benefits, taxes, deductions, and other related issues.
Accountants' Handbook. V. 2: Special Industries and Special Topics
This highly regarded reference is relied on by a considerable part of the accounting profession in their day-to-day work. This handbook is the first place many accountants look to find answers to practice questions. Its comprehensive scope is widely recognized and relied on. It is designed as a single reference source that provides answers to all reasonable questions on accounting and financial reporting asked by accountants, auditors, bankers, lawyers, financial analysts, and other preparers and users of accounting information. The eleventh edition of Accountants’ Handbook continues the tradition established in the first edition over 82 years ago of providing a comprehensive single reference source for understanding current financial statement and reporting issues. It is directed to accountants, auditors, executives, bankers, lawyers, and other preparers and users of accounting information. Its presentation and format facilitates the quick comprehension of complex accounting-related subjects updated for today’s rapidly changing business environment.
Accounts Demystified. How to Understand Financial Accounting and Analysis (4th ed.)
An excellent primer on accounting, this book explains in simple language how to understand balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and cash flow statements. It also has useful chapters covering important subjects like return on capital employed, gearing and book values as well as providing insight into the tricks of the accounting trade." Jim Slater, investment guru and best selling author of The Zulu Principle This is the new edition of the bestselling guide to understanding and using business accounts and accounting principles, written in a way that even the financially nervous novice can easily absorb. Accounting is generally viewed as a highly technical and complex subject. However, accounts are actually based on simple principles. It's not company accounts that are complex, it's all too often the way that they are explained. In this simple, easy read book, the author guides you through all the major accounting concepts. Discover how to master company accounts, understand balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and cash flow systems. Learn to analyse and monitor your company's financial performance."Accounts Demystified" is the definitive, user-friendly guide to the fundamental principles of accounting that no manager will want to be without.
The Essential Guide to Internal Auditing
The Second Edition of The Essential Guide to Internal Auditing is a condensed version of the Handbook of Internal Auditing, Third Edition. It shows internal auditors and students in the field how to understand the audit context and how this context fits into the wider corporate agenda. The new context is set firmly within the corporate governance, risk management, and internal control arena. The new edition includes expanded coverage on risk management and is updated throughout to reflect the new IIA standards and current practice advisories. It also includes many helpful models, practical guidance and checklists.
Every Airbnb Host’s Tax Guide
This book the first of its kind shows you how to make the most out of your hosting business without risking problems with the IRS. Learn everything you need to know about taxes, including: what deductions you should be taking how to report your short-term rental income how to deduct losses and vacation home and tax-free rental rules. The book covers the new tax law, including the new 20% pass-through deduction. Whether you rent your property through Airbnb, FlipKey, HomeAway, TripAdvisor, Craigslist, or VRBO, you want to make sure you understand these tax rules. This new edition is completely updated to cover the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
The Finance Book. Understand the Numbers Even if You're Not a Finance Professional
The Finance Book has been officially shortlisted in the 'Practical Manager' category for the 2018 Management Book of the Year prize which has just been announced by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) and the British Library. The Finance Book will help you think and manage like a financial strategist. Written specifically for non-finance professionals, it will give you all you need to know to manage your business more effectively and think more strategically.
Audit Planning. A Risk-Based Approach
More now than ever before, auditing is in the spotlight; legislators, regulators, and top executives in all types of businesses realize the importance of auditors in the governance and performance equation. Previously routine and formulaic, internal auditing is now high-profile and high-pressure! Being an auditor in today's complex, highly regulated business environment involves more than crunching the numbers and balancing the books-it requires ensuring that appropriate checks and balances are in place to manage risk throughout the organization.Designed to help auditors in any type of business develop the essential understanding, capabilities, and tools needed to prepare credible, defensible audit plans, Audit Planning: A Risk-Based Approach helps auditors plan the audit process so that it makes a dynamic contribution to better governance, robust risk management, and more reliable controls.Invaluable to internal auditors facing new demands in the workplace, this book is also a "hands-on" reference for external auditors, compliance teams, financial controllers, consultants, executives, small business owners, and others charged with reviewing and validating corporate governance, risk management, and controls.The second book in the new Practical Auditor Series, which helps auditors get down to business, Audit Planning: A Risk-Based Approach gives new auditors principles and methodologies they can apply effectively and helps experienced auditors enhance their skills for success in the rapidly changing business world.
Advanced Accounting (7th ed.)
financial accounting and reporting in the following topical areas: business combinations, consolidated financial statements, international accounting, foreign currency transactions, accounting for derivative instruments, translation of financial statements of foreign affiliates, segment reporting and interim reporting, partnerships, fund accounting and accounting for governmental units, and accounting for nongovernment—nonbusiness organizations. The primary objective of this book is to provide a comprehensive treatment of selected topics in a clear and understandable manner. The changes related to FASB ASC Topics 805 and 810 (SFAS No. 141R and 160) are integrated throughout the edition. As in previous editions, we strive to maintain maximum flexibility to the instructor in the selection and breadth of coverage for topics dealing with consolidated financial statements and other advanced topics.
India GST for Beginners
The objective of this book is to explain the key concepts of GST in an easy and simple manner with the intention that the business community, which would be impacted by GST, can have good understanding of what is in store for them under the GST regime. The book also makes an attempt to explain the concepts of GST with the help of pictures, drawings, flowcharts and illustrations so as to provide practical insights and examples into how GST would impact the day-to-day business transactions. Through this book, an attempt is being made to simplify GST concepts for the businesses, especially the mid-size and small-size businesses, which may not have adequate access to the GST knowledge-base. We also believe that this book will be useful for tax consultants and students of GST in understanding the basic concepts of GST. The purpose of this book would be served if the readers are able to understand the basic concepts of the proposed GST.
Bookkeeping the Easy Way
This updated edition presents a simplified, step-by-step approach to bookkeeping principles for beginners. The book also concentrates on instructing owners of small businesses who keep their own records. Chapters demonstrate use of financial statements, the ledger, the two-column general journal, and various other journals. Instruction includes true-to-life bookkeeping problems with answers.
Multinational Financial Management (8th ed.)
The eleventh edition of Multinational Financial Management is a comprehensive survey of the essential areas of the international financial market environment, including foreign exchange and derivative markets, risk management, and international capital markets and portfolio investment. Designed for upper-level undergraduate and masters-level courses in international finance and management, this textbook offers readers a conceptual framework for analyzing key financial decisions of multinational firms. The authors both explain and simplify multinational financial management by illustrating how its basic principles share the same foundation as domestic corporate finance.
Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists (5th ed.)
Now in its fifth edition, this successful text introduces the basic principles and underlying concepts of accounting and finance. It adopts a practical, non-technical approach, making it the ideal text for students from non-accounting disciplines. The text is written from a 'user' perspective, demonstrating ways in which accounting statements and financial information can be used to improve the quality of decision making.