Elektronika. Radiotexnika
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Как освоить радиоэлектронику с нуля. Учимся собирать конструкции любой сложности
Если у вас есть огромное желание дружить с электроникой, если вы хотите создавать свои самоделки, но не знаете, с чего начать, — воспользуйтесь самоучителем «Как освоить радиоэлектронику с нуля. Учимся собирать конструкции любой сложности». Эта книга поможет модернизировать и дополнить некоторые основные схемы. Вы узнаете, как читать принципиальные схемы, работать с паяльником, и создадите немало интересных самоделок. Вы научитесь пользоваться измерительным прибором, разрабатывать и создавать печатные платы, узнаете секреты многих профессиональных радиолюбителей. В общем, получите достаточное количество знаний для дальнейшего освоения электроники самостоятельно. Книга также содержит небольшой справочник по радиодеталям, который, возможно, будет интересен и профессионалам. Данный учебник написан доступным и простым языком, без лишней литературной лирики. Чтобы познакомить юных радиолюбителей с электричеством и различными величинами измерения, использован элементарный метод сравнения. Рядом с каждой принципиальной схемой — изображение с внешним видом и цоколевкой (расположение выводов) радиодеталей. Все подробно описано, иногда представлен монтаж того или иного устройства, чтобы визуально можно было увидеть, что же должно получиться.
Introduction to Queueing Theory and Stochastic Teletraffic Models
The aim of this textbook is to provide students with basic knowledge of stochastic models with a special focus on queueing models that may apply to telecommunications topics, such as traffic, performance evaluation, resource provisioning, and traffic management. These topics are included in a field called teletraffic. This book assumes prior knowledge of a programming language and mathematics normally taught in an electrical engineering bachelor program. The book aims to enhance intuitive and physical understanding of the theoretical concepts it introduces. The famous mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace is quoted to say that “Probability is common sense reduced to calculation” as the content of this book falls under the field of applied probability, Laplace’s quote very much applies. Accordingly, the book aims to link intuition and common sense to the mathematical models and techniques it uses. It mainly focuses on steady-state analyses and avoids discussions of time-dependent analyzes.
Reference Data for Engineers Radio Electronics Computer and Communications
The ninth edition provides new knowledge in the fields of satellite technology, space communication, microwave science, telecommunication, global positioning systems, frequency data, and radar. Also revised and updated were the chapters on intellectual property and patents, probability and design, power electronics—rectifiers, filter, and power supplies, properties of materials, units, constants and conversion factors, active filter design, antennas, integrated circuits, digital signal processing, and surface acoustic wave devices. I am sure that as you read this text you will also appreciate the hard work and expertise of these authors. This edition of Reference Data for Electrical Engineers will continue its tradition of being an important reference text for all electrical engineers.
Encyclopedia of Electronic Components. Volume 2
This is the second of three volumes. Its purpose is to provide an overview of the most commonly used electronic components, for reference by students, engineers, hobbyists, and instructors. While you can find much of this information dispersed among datasheets, introductory books, websites, and technical resources maintained by manufacturers, the Encyclopedia of Electronic Components gathers all the relevant facts in one place, properly organized and verified, including details that may be hard to find elsewhere. Each entry includes typical applications, possible substitutions, cross-references to similar devices, sample schematics, and a list of common problems and errors
CWNA Certified Wireless Network Administrator Official Study Guide
The wireless networking market is in a continual state of change. There have been more than a dozen amendments to the IEEE 802.11 standard since it was first released, and as I write these words in mid-2007, the IEEE is preparing to release the IEEE 802.11-2007 rollup any day now. For this reason, it is important that a wireless network administrator stay on top of the changes in wireless networking. This book and the CWNA certification is a great place to start
The Essential Guide to Telecommunications
When The Essential Guide to Telecommunications was first published in 1997, broadband and cellular networks were many times less complex. Voice calls were carried separately from data traffic, and e-mail required arcane commands and was used mostly at universities. The federal government had recently deregulated telecommunications and opened it to competitors. Deregulation opened voice and data networks to new competitors. These competitors competed with established providers for subscribers by offering lower prices. This competition drove innovation and resulted in the build-out of high-speed fiber-optic networks. Large incumbents responded with their own network improvements and lowered prices.
Telecommunications Engineering
Telecommunication engineering is concerned with the transmission of information between two distant points. Intuitively we may say that a signal contains information if it tells us something we did not already know. This definition is too imprecise for telecommunications studies, and we shall devote a section of this chapter to a formal description of information. For the present it is sufficient to say that a signal that contains information varies in an unpredictable or random manner. We have thus specified a primary characteristic of the signals in telecommunications systems; they are random in nature.
Wireless Receiver Design for Digital Communications
There are entire books that deal with statistics, logarithms, significant figures, transmission lines, and s-parameters. We are interested in understanding and designing radio receivers and systems, which requires at least a passing knowledge of all these topics and more. This chapter serves as an introduction to many of the basic concepts we will need in later chapters. This is an optional chapter. Many readers will find the information presented here very basic and may choose to pass this chapter over. For others, it will be required reading. Some of the purists out there may argue that the information presented here is imprecise, incomplete, and greatly simplified. Again, the purpose of this chapter is to acquaint the reader with some of the fundamental material we’ll need later on. For a more complete treatment of any of the topics listed here, refer to the bibliography at the end of the chapter.
Wireless Device-To-Device Communications and Networks
Covering the fundamental theory together with the state of the art in research and development, this practical guide provides the techniques needed to design, analyze, and optimize device-to-device (D2D) communications in wireless networking. With an ever-increasing demand for higher-data-rate wireless access, D2D communication is set to become a key feature supported by next-generation cellular networks. This book introduces D2D-based wireless communications from the physical-, MAC-, network-, and application-layer perspectives, providing all the key background information before moving on to discuss real-world applications as well as potential future developments.
Wireless Communications and Networking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
A thorough treatment of UAV wireless communications and networking research challenges and opportunities. Detailed, step-by-step development of carefully selected research problems that pertain to UAV network performance analysis and optimization, physical layer design, trajectory and path planning, resource management, multiple access, cooperative communications, standardization, control, and security is provided. Featuring discussion of practical applications including drone delivery systems, public safety, IoT, virtual reality, and smart cities, this is an essential tool for researchers, students, and engineers interested in broadening their knowledge of the deployment and operation of communication systems that integrate or rely on unmanned aerial vehicles.
Signal Integrity Issues and Printed Circuit Board Design
There are a great many people who have contributed to this book in some way or another. Pete Waddell and his team have been great to work with through the years on both the article and the seminar levels. I have been very grateful to have met and come to know many of the leaders in our field—wonderful colleagues who learn from each other and who have a lot of fun together. People like Glenn Wells and Gary Farrari have been inspirations as I have watched how much they have given back to the development and growth of new designers starting out in our field. Glenn, in particular, seems to be everywhere in our industry—classroom, seminar room, college administrator’s office pounding the desk for more funds for program development, Top Gun contestant, and Top Gun program coordination. I am honored to count him as a friend and I appreciate the help he has given me with this book during the various phases of its development.
A Student’s Guide to Maxwell’s Equations
Gauss's law for electric fields, Gauss's law for magnetic fields, Faraday's law, and the Ampere-Maxwell law are four of the most influential equations in science. In this guide for students, each equation is the subject of an entire chapter, with detailed, plain-language explanations of the physical meaning of each symbol in the equation, for both the integral and differential forms. The final chapter shows how Maxwell's equations may be combined to produce the wave equation, the basis for the electromagnetic theory of light. This book is a wonderful resource for undergraduate and graduate courses in electromagnetism and electromagnetics.
Classical Electromagnetism
This text advances from the basic laws of electricity and magnetism to classical electromagnetism in a quantum world. Suitable for first-year graduate students in physics who have taken an undergraduate course in electromagnetism, it focuses on core concepts and related aspects of math and physics. Progressing from the basic laws of electricity and magnetism and their unification by Maxwell and Einstein, the treatment culminates in a survey of the role of classical electromagnetism in a quantum world. Each stage of the theory is carefully developed in a clear and systematic approach that integrates mathematics and physics so that readers are introduced to the theory and learn the mathematical skills in context of real physics applications. Topics include methods of solution in electrostatics, Green's functions, electrostatics in matter, magnetism and ferromagnetism, electromagnetic waves in matter, special relativity, and the electrodynamics of moving bodies. Newly revised by author Jerrold Franklin, the book includes the new section Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems.
Basic laws of electromagnetism
The main idea behind this book is to amalgamate the description of the basic concepts of the theory and the practical methods of solving problems in one book. Therefore, each chapter contains first a description of the theory of the subject being considered (illustrated by concrete examples) and then a set of selected problems with solutions. The problems are closely related to the text and often complement it. Hence they should be analysed together with the text. In author’s opinion, the selected problems should enable the reader to attain a deeper understanding of many important topics and to'visualize (even without solving the problems but just by going through them) the wide range of applications of the ideas presented in this book.
This book is a classic and has been one of the traditional market leaders since its first publication in 1953. In this revision, the authors have made some drastic changes to keep pace with the transformation that has been going on in the curriculum over the past few years. In many schools this course has gone from a two-semester course to a one-semester course. In the fifth edition, transmission lines and other practical applications are addressed early in the text and the coverage of electrostatics is reduced to make this book suitable for a one-semester course. This text provides flexibility in that the core material is provided in the first five chapters with supplementary material that may be used as desired in the remaining chapters. This text is unique in having hundreds of real-world examples accompanied by problems of varying difficulty. Additionally, this book covers numerical techniques and contains useful computer programs and projects to afford students the opportunity to gain direct experience in the use of electromagnetic software and hardware. This text is accompanied by a website containing projects, recent developments in the field, and demonstrations of electromagnetic principles.
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