This book is a classic and has been one of the traditional market leaders since its first publication in 1953. In this revision, the authors have made some drastic changes to keep pace with the transformation that has been going on in the curriculum over the past few years. In many schools this course has gone from a two-semester course to a one-semester course. In the fifth edition, transmission lines and other practical applications are addressed early in the text and the coverage of electrostatics is reduced to make this book suitable for a one-semester course. This text provides flexibility in that the core material is provided in the first five chapters with supplementary material that may be used as desired in the remaining chapters. This text is unique in having hundreds of real-world examples accompanied by problems of varying difficulty. Additionally, this book covers numerical techniques and contains useful computer programs and projects to afford students the opportunity to gain direct experience in the use of electromagnetic software and hardware. This text is accompanied by a website containing projects, recent developments in the field, and demonstrations of electromagnetic principles.
Sirk san'atining o'chmas nurlari.
Sirkning katta va kichik yoshdagi qiziqib tomosha qiladi. Bizga manejda g'aroyib dunyo namayoni bo'ladi. Quvnoq masxarabozlar epchil dov- yurak akrobat va janglyorlar o'z ishi ustalari ekvilibristlar chaqqon chavandozlar hayvon o'rgatuvchilar sehrgarlar ajoyib tomosha ko'rsatadilar.
Physics for IIT-JEE 2012-2013. Electricity & Magnetism
Since the time the IIT-JEE (Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination) started, the examination scheme and the methodology have witnessed many a change. From the lengthy subjective problems of 1950s to the matching column type questions of the present day, the paper-setting pattern and the approach have changed. A variety of questions have been framed to test an aspirant’s calibre, aptitude, and attitude for engineering field and profession. Across all these years, however, there is one thing that has not changed about the IIT-JEE, i.e., its objective of testing an aspirant’s grasp and understanding of the concepts of the subjects of study and their applicability at the grass-root level. No subject can be mastered overnight; nor can a subject be mastered just by fonnulae-based practice.
Physics of Classical Electromagnetism
The classical electromagnetism described by the Maxwell equations constitutes a fundamental law in contemporary physics. With the advent of sophisticated new materials, the principles are still active in various applied areas in today’s advanced communication technologies. Referring to modern materials, this book is written with concise introductory arguments for the physics of electromagnetism, covering basic topics including the nature of space-time-dependent radiations in modern applications. However, noted that the classical concept fails generally at optical frequencies, the limit is a significant obstacle for further technical developments. Following basic discussions of electromagnetism in a modernized approach, this book provides readers with an overview of current problems in high-frequency physics. Although written primarily for students of physics and engineering at undergraduate levels, this book should serve as a useful reference for graduate students and researchers as well. The subject matter in this book is all fundamental, although given examples may appear a little too specific.
Engineering Electromagnetics, 8e - Complete Solutions Manual
This is text book. You are buying Manual for Engineering Electromagnetics 8th Edition by Hayt. Solutions Manual comes in a PDF or Word format and available for download only. Engineering Electromagnetics 8th Edition Hayt Hayt Solutions Manual only NO Test Bank included on this purchase.
Electromagnetics and calculation of fields
Intended for undergraduate students of electrical engineering, this introduction to electromagnetic fields emphasizes the computation of fields as well as the development of theoretical relations. The first part thus presents the electromagnetic field and Maxwell's equations with a view toward connecting the disparate applications to the underlying relations, while the second part presents computational methods of solving the equations - which for most practical calses cannot be solved analytically.
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves. Including Electric Circuits
Since its original publication in 1962, Lorrain and Corson's text has offered physics and engineering students a formula for developing a working knowledge of the basic principles of electromagnetism. The formula is practice.
Basic laws of electromagnetism
The main idea behind this book is to amalgamate the description of the basic concepts of the theory and the practical methods of solving problems in one book. Therefore, each chapter contains first a description of the theory of the subject being considered (illustrated by concrete examples) and then a set of selected problems with solutions. The problems are closely related to the text and often complement it. Hence they should be analysed together with the text. In author’s opinion, the selected problems should enable the reader to attain a deeper understanding of many important topics and to visualize (even without solving the problems but just by going through them) the wide range of applications of the ideas presented in this book.
Electricity and Magnetism For IITJEE
My interaction with students, sincerely preparing for IIT-JEE motivated me to writethisbookonelectricity&magnetism. Electricity and Magnetism is also as important as Mechanics because in all the competitive examinations, this part is given same or even more weightage than mechanics. Like Mechanics I & II this book "Electricity and Magnetism is also designed to clear the concepts through numerical approach. This book will help the students in building analytical and quantitative skills, addressing key misconceptions and developing confidence in problem solving.
Electromagnetic Theory for Complete Idiots
Since the time Maxwell first presented a unified theory of Electricity and Magnetism, the field of Electromagnetism has seen numerous advancements. But the fundamentals have remained more or less the same throughout this period. As our search for more advanced communication technology intensifies, the relevance of this field of engineering is only growing day by day. So it is very important for a student of Electrical or Communications engineering or a physics enthusiast to be familiar with the fundamentals of this subject.
Самоучитель системного администратора
Изложены основные задачи системного администрирования, описаны базовые протоколы, даны рекомендации по выбору оборудования и проведению ежедневных рутинных операций. Подробно раскрыты технологии, используемые при построении информационных систем, описаны средства мониторинга и обслуживания как малых, так и распределённых сетей. Рассмотрены методы централизованного управления, основы создания безопасной среды. Даны рекомендации по поиску неисправностей, обеспечению защиты данных. Параллельно рассмотрены решения на основе операционных систем Windows и Linux с использованием как проприетарных, так и открытых технологий. Книга написана на основе многолетнего опыта разработки и практического администрирования информационных систем. В 7-м издании весь материал актуализирован для Windows Server 2022 (русская версия), дополнительно рассмотрены файрвол ufw, утилита monit, виртуализация средствами KVM
Чистый дизайн. Практика эмпирического проектирования ПО
Грязный код создает проблемы. Чтобы код было проще читать, проходится проводить его очистку, разбивая на части, с которыми удобно работать. Кент Бек, создатель методологии экстремального программирования и первопроходец в области паттернов проектирования, рассказывает нам, где и когда лучше проводить очистку для улучшения кода с учетом общей структуры системы. Книга не заставляет читателя проводить очистку сразу и целиком, а позволяет протестировать несколько примеров, которые подходят для поставленной задачи. Вы узнаете, как логически разделить на части большую функцию, содержащую множество строк кода. Познакомитесь с теоретическими понятиями программного дизайна: сцеплением, связностью, дисконтированными денежными потоками и вариативностью.
Эволюционная архитектура. Автоматизированное управление программным обеспечением
Новые инструменты, фреймворки методики и парадигмы вновь и вновь меняют экосистему разработки программного обеспечения. Непрерывный прогресс основных практик разработки на протяжении последних пяти лет заставил искать новые пути и подходы к архитектуре, чтобы соответствовать постоянно меняющимся требованиям пользователей. В обновленном издании авторы Нил Форд, Ребекка Парсонс, Патрик Куа и Прамод Садаладж приводят реальные примеры, соответствующие потребностям современной разработки ПО. «Эта книга знаменует собой важную веху, обозначающую нынешний уровень понимания проблемы. По мере того как люди начинают осознавать роль ПО в XXI веке, информация о том, как реагировать на изменения, сохраняя достигнутое, становится важнейшим навыком в области создания программного обеспечения». — Мартин Фаулер.
JVM Performance Engineering
Welcome to my guide to JVM performance engineering, distilled from more than 20 years of expertise as a Java Champion and performance engineer. Within these pages lies a journey through the evolution of the JVM—a narrative that unfolds Java’s robust capabilities and architectural prowess. This book meticulously navigates the intricacies of JVM internals and the art and science of performance engineering, examining everything from the inner workings of the HotSpot VM to the strategic adoption of modular programming. By asserting Java’s pivotal role in modern computing—from server environments to the integration with exotic hardware—it stands as a beacon for practitioners and enthusiasts alike, heralding the next frontier in JVM performance engineering.
MySQL Crash Course
The fact that you are reading this book indicates that you, somehow, need to interact with databases, and MySQL specifically. And so, before diving into MySQL and its implementation of the SQL language, it is important that you understand some basic concepts about databases and database technologies. Whether you are aware of it or not, you use databases all the time. Each time you select a name from your email address book, you are using a database. When you browse contacts on your phone, you are using a database. If you conduct a search on an Internet search site, you are using a database. When you log in to your network at work, you are validating your name and password against a database. Even when you use your ATM card at a cash machine, you are using databases for PIN verification and balance checking. MySQL is one of the most popular database management systems in the world. From small development projects to some of the best-known and most prestigious sites on the Web, MySQL has proven itself to be a solid, reliable, fast, and trusted solution for all sorts of data storage needs
Рекомендательные системы на практике
Книга посвящена рекомендательным системам, которые собирают данные о пользователе и выводят для него персональные рекомендации, основываясь на его предпочтениях. Ким Фальк, специалист по обработке и анализу данных, предоставляет читателю самые важные сведения о рекомендательных системах – начиная с общего обзора и описания ключевых алгоритмов до рассмотрения тонких нюансов работы, благодаря которым система с максимальной точностью учитывает интересы пользователя. Помимо прочего, обсуждаются методы оценки рекомендательной системы вне интернета и возможности совмещения различных рекомендательных систем