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Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Расширения ядра Linux: драйверы и модули
В книге подробно рассмотрено программирование драйверов ядра Linux, исследованы возможности расширяемости ядра при помощи модулей. Основная версия ядра — 5.15. Код примеров отработан и проверен на десятках различных инсталляций Linux, установленных из различных дистрибутивов и разных семейств дистрибутивов: Fedora, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Mint. Уделено внимание архитектурам x_64, x_86, ARM, а также одноплатному компьютеру Ra pberry Pi и драйверам устройств, подключаемых по USB. Затронут стандарт POSIX, разобраны API ядра, работа с Raspberry Pi, системные вызовы и подключение разнообразных периферийных устройств.
Django 5 By Example
Django is an open-source Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It takes care of much of the hassle of web development and presents a relatively shallow learning curve for beginner programmers. Django follows Python’s “batteries included” philosophy,shipping with a rich and versatile set of modules that solve common web-development problems.The simplicity of Django, together with its powerful features, makes it attractive to both novice and expert programmers. Django has been designed for simplicity, flexibility, reliability, and scalability.
Разработка приложений на базе GPT-4 и ChatGPT
Эта небольшая книга представляет собой подробное руководство для разработчиков на Python, желающих научиться создавать приложения с использованием больших языковых моделей. Авторы расскажут об основных возможностях и преимуществах GPT-4 и ChatGPT, а также принципах их работы. Здесь же вы найдете пошаговые инструкции по разработке приложений с использованием библиотеки поддержки GPT-4 и ChatGPT для Python, в том числе инструментов для генерирования текста, отправки вопросов и получения ответов и обобщения контента.«Разработка приложений на базе GPT-4 и ChatGPT» содержит множество легковоспроизводимых примеров, которые помогут освоить особенности применения моделей в своихпроектах. Все примеры кода на Python доступны в репозитории GitHub. Решили использовать возможности LLM в своих приложениях? Тогда вы выбрали правильную книгу.
HashiCorp Packer in Production
The answers to these questions are surprising, and it turns out Packer can do every one of these things. It can replicate your local VMware environments in the cloud for lift-and-shift workloads. It can update your container image registry at the same time as it builds a virtual image or even a bare-metal environment for storage or network booting. This book and the corresponding GitHub repo show you how.
C++20 - The Complete Guide
C++20 is the next evolution in modern C++ programming, which is already (partially) supported by the latest version of gcc, clang, and Visual C++. The move to C++20 is at least as big a step as the move to C++11. C++20 contains a significant number of new language features and libraries that again will change the way we program in C++. This applies to both application programmers and programmers who provide foundation libraries.
Cloud Native Microservices
Welcome to the preface of this book, where I am thrilled to share my journey and passion for technology with you. From the very beginning, I have been captivated by the wonders of technology, finding immense joy in seeing my contributions come to life and being used by people. It has been an exhilarating ride dedicating my entire career to crafting and delivering technology solutions, particularly in the BFSI domain.
The Ultimate Guide to Snowpark
Snowpark is a powerful framework that helps you unlock a realm of possibilities within the Snowflake Data Cloud. However, leveraging Snowpark’s full potential with Python can be challenging without proper guidance. Packed with practical examples and code snippets, this book will guide you to successfully use Snowpark with Python.The Ultimate Guide to Snowpark helps you develop an understanding of Snowpark and how it integrates various workloads, such as data engineering, data science, and data applications, within the Data Cloud.
Modern Full-Stack React Projects
In my time as a technical advisor and developer for enterprises and the public sector, I have noticed that more and more companies look to reduce the gap between frontend and backend developers.Their business requirements often result in the need for a so-called “backend for frontend,” where data is fetched from different backend systems and prepared in a way that can be easily displayed in the frontend.As an entrepreneur, I also have experience with starting new projects with smaller teams, where it is essential that every developer on your team can do everything, not just the frontend or the backend.In such cases, it often makes sense to develop the backend and frontend in the same language, which is often JavaScript (or TypeScript), because there is a big ecosystem and a large number of developers available.
Computer Architecture. A Quantitative Approach
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Sixth Edition has been considered essential reading by instructors, students and practitioners of computer design for over 20 years. The sixth edition of this classic textbook from Hennessy and Patterson, winners of the 2017 ACM A.M. Turing Award recognizing contributions of lasting and major technical importance to the computing field, is fully revised with the latest developments in processor and system architecture. The text now features examples from the RISC V (RISC Five) instruction set architecture, a modern RISC instruction set developed and designed to be a free and openly adoptable standard. It also includes a new chapter on domain specific architectures and an updated chapter on warehouse scale computing that features the first public information on Google's newest WSC. True to its original mission of demystifying computer architecture, this edition continues the longstanding tradition of focusing on areas where the most exciting computing innovation is happening, while always keeping an emphasis on good engineering design.
Concurrent, Parallel and Distributed Computing
Computing that is concurrent, parallel, and distributed (CPDC) is increasingly integrated into nearly all aspects of computer use. It is no longer adequate for programmers of any level to have merely abilities in conventional sequential programming. Even beginner programmers need to be able to do more. This book discusses hands-on exploration of parallelism, targeting instructors of students with no or minimal prior programming experience.
C++ Programming Cookbook
"C++ Programming Cookbook" stands out as a clear, concise, and powerful technical resource for programmers who want to master C++'s intricacies. C++ programmers face a wide variety of problems, and this carefully written book is a treasure trove of solutions and methods to those software development challenges. Each chapter is organized to help you get a good grasp of the language and everything it can do, from the basics of C++20 to more complex topics like sophisticated type manipulation and performance optimization.
Data Science
This textbook aims to be an approachable introduction to the world of data science. In this book, we define data science as the process of generating insight from data through reproducible and auditable processes. If you analyze some data and give your analysis to a friend or colleague, they should be able to re-run the analysis from start to finish and get the same result you did (reproducibility).
Exploring Data Science with R and the Tidyverse
This is the first edition of “Exploring Data Science with R and the Tidyverse: A Concise Introduction”, published by CRC Press. This textbook was used to teach the courses Data Science for the World (CSC100) and Introduction to Data Science in R (CSC200) at the University of Miami in Fall 2021 and Fall 2022.
Gidrologiyaga kirish
Ushbu “Gidrologiyaga kirish” darsligi shu fan dasturi asosida yozilgan. Unda mazkur fanning shakllanish va rivojlanishi tarixi, tadqiqot usullari, suvning tabiiy va kimyoviy xususiyatlari, gidrosfera va uning tashkil etuvchilari, tabiatda suvning aylanishi, atmosfera yog‘inlari va bug‘lanish, okeanlar va dengizlar, yer osti suvlari, muzliklar va botqoqliklar gidrologiyasi, daryolar, ularning suv rejimi va to‘yinish manbalari, ko‘llar va suv omborlari, gidrologiya va atrof muhit muhofazasi kabi asosiy mavzulari yoritilgan.
Telecommunication Switching and Networks
This text, ‘Telecommunication Switching and Networks' is intended to serve as a one-semester text for undergraduate course of Information Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, and Telecommunication Engineering. This book provides in depth knowledge on telecommunication switching and good background for advanced studies in communication networks. The entire subject is dealt with conceptual treatment and the analytical or mathematical approach is made only to some extent. For best understanding, more diagrams (202) and tables (35) are introduced wherever necessary in each chapter.
Fundamentals of Telecommunications
This book is an entry-level text on the technology of telecommunications. It has been crafted with the newcomer in mind. The eighteen chapters of text have been prepared for high-school graduates who understand algebra, logarithms, and basic electrical principles such as Ohm's law. However, many users require support in these areas so Appendices A and B review the essentials of electricity and mathematics through logarithms. This material was placed in the appendices so as not to distract from the main theme: the technology of telecommunication systems. Another topic that many in the industry find difficult is the use of decibels and derived units. Appendix C provides the reader with a basic understanding of decibels and their applications. The only mathematics necessary is an understanding of the powers of ten.