Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Texnika va amaliy fanlar
A Student’s Guide to Coding and Information Theory
This easy-to-read guide provides a concise introduction to the engineering background of modern communication systems, from mobile phones to data compression and storage. Background mathematics and specific engineering techniques are kept to a minimum so that only a basic knowledge of high-school mathematics is needed to understand the material covered. The authors begin with many practical applications in coding, including the repetition code, the Hamming code and the Huffman code. They then explain the corresponding information theory, from entropy and mutual information to channel capacity and the information transmission theorem. Finally, they provide insights into the connections between coding theory and other fields. Many worked examples are given throughout the book, using practical applications to illustrate theoretical definitions. Exercises are also included, enabling readers to double-check what they have learned and gain glimpses into more advanced topics, making this perfect for anyone who needs a quick introduction to the subject
Basic Antennas. Understanding Practical Antennas and Design
This must have book for beginners is a comprehensive introduction to antennas. It covers basic antenna concepts, practical designs, and details of easy-to-build antennas. This book will provide a foundation in antenna theory and design necessary for anyone undertaking more advanced topics or projects. Basic Antennas is a comprehensive introduction to antennas--basic concepts, practical designs, and details of easy-to-build antennas. Includes: Dipole Antennas, Antenna Impedance, Transmission Lines, Practical Two Element Arrays, Wideband and Multiband Antennas, Reflector Antennas, Yagis for HF and VHF, Loop Antennas, Antennas for Microwave Applications, Vehicle Antennas, Antenna Measurements Plus, an Introduction to Antenna Modeling...and much more!
3D Printed Microfluidic Devices
Savas Tasoglu joined the University of Connecticut (UCONN) in 2014 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He received his Ph.D. in 2011 from UC Berkeley, with a research focus on transport phenomena and the pharmacokinetics of anti-HIV microbicide drug delivery. Dr. Tasoglu held a postdoctoral appointment at Harvard Medical School and Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology until he joined UConn in 2014. His current research interests are point-of-care diagnostic devices, bioprinting, magnetic focusing, microfluidics, and regenerative medicine. He serves on the editorial board of several journals including Bioprinting (Elsevier), Scientific Reports (Nature), Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine (FSG), and International Journal of Bioprinting. Dr. Tasoglu's achievements in research and teaching have been recognized by fellowships and awards including Chang-Lin Tien Fellowship in Mechanical Engineering, Allen D. Wilson Memorial Scholarship, and UC Berkeley Institute Fellowship for Preparing Future Faculty.
A History Of The Personal Computer
This book describes the beginning of digital computer technology. It is a cursory overview of the early significant developments. It starts with the beginning of relay technology in the late 1930s and concludes with the integrated circuit technology of 1959. The review of prior technology sets the stage for a discussion of personal computing and the microcomputer. It also forms the basis for a historic appreciation of the power and capabilities of today’s personal computer, as compared to those early digital computers.
Creating ASP.NET Core Web Applications
.NET Core has given .NET developers a lot to think about. Some developers have embraced the technology, while others have taken a wait-and-see approach. Whatever approach you are taking, .NET Core is without a doubt here to stay.Developing web applications is also not one of the easiest things to do. I’ve always wanted to write a book on developing web applications, but to do it in a way that is very structured and takes the reader on a journey of discovery.
Cryptography and Cryptanalysis in Java
In the last decade, technology has rapidly evolved. Statistics show that 64.2 zettabytes of data were generated in 2020 (1 zettabyte is equivalent to 1021 bytes or 1012 gigabytes), and it is predicted that by 2025, the digital data generated will reach 181 zettabytes [1, 2]. Electronic communication has become an essential part of our lives, and due to its rapid evolution, all manner of security issues have arisen. Because digital messages, in all of their forms, are sent daily over public networks across the world, the need for secure channels and security mechanisms has also increased.
Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++
Readers of this book should have completed a programming course, preferably in C++. Appendix A covers the essentials of C++ that we assume readers will know. You can use this appendix as a review or as the basis for making the transition to C++ from another programming language. Note that Appendices K and L offer some help for those who are transitioning from Java or Python, respectively.
Database Internals
Distributed database systems are an integral part of most businesses and the vast majority of software applications. These applications provide logic and a user inter‐ face, while database systems take care of data integrity, consistency, and redundancy. Back in 2000, if you were to choose a database, you would have just a few options, and most of them would be within the realm of relational databases, so differences between them would be relatively small. Of course, this does not mean that all data‐ bases were completely the same, but their functionality and use cases were very similar.
Iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy geografiya
Ushbu darslikda iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy geografiyaning hozirgi zamon mazmuni, tadqiqot obyekti va predmeti, shakllanishi hamda rivojlanish xususiyatlari, ichki tuzilishi, tadqiqot usullari ko`rib chiqilgan.
Selected Readings on Information Technology and Business Systems Management
The fundamental advantages of information technology in regard to efficiency and effectiveness assure that its diffusion in society and in most industries will continue. The constant and rapid development of Internet-related technologies in the accompanying net economy has inevitably had a significant influence on various possibilities for developing innovative online business concepts and realizing these by establishing entrepreneurial ventures.
Information Assurance Architecture
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The Authors and Publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint.
Kon elektromexanik uskunalarini ishlatish
Konchilik mashinalarini boshqa xususiyatlari bilan birga ishlov berishga qulay va ta’mirga yaroqli ko’rsatkichlari uning sifat ko’rsatkichi va mashina konstruktsiyasini takomillashish darajasini belgilaydi
Книга содержит общие основы психологических знаний, а также знания из области психофизиологии, психологии человеческой деятельности и познавательных процессов, психологии личности, межличностных отношений, социальной психологии, истории психологии.
Общая социология
Данный университетский учебник неоднократно переиздавался в Югославии. В нем автор предлагает свое видение предмета и основных направлений развития социологии, в основе которых л е жит анализ состояния и динамики сознания и поведения людей в главных сферах общественной жизни - экономической, социальной, политической и духовной. Достоинством учебника является четкая теоретическая концепция в сочетании с детальным и зложением проблем развития и функционирования наиболее актуальны х общественных процессов. Автор прослеживает ход исторического развития социальной мысли, дает представление о месте общей социологии в системе наук, ее предмете и методе. Учебник представит большой интерес для студентов и преподавателей высших учебных заведений.
Энтони Гидденс — один из крупнейших современных социологов, внесший существенный вклад в исследование проблем современной теоретической социологии. Он занимался разработкой проблем стратификации современного общества, теорией социального действия и социальной структуры, теорией общества. Учебник Э. Гидденса «Социология* представляет собой практически исчерпывающее описание современного социологического знания и наиболее профессионально и теоретически обоснованно структурирует проблемное поле современной социологии, полагая в основу этого представления соответствующую новейшую теорию общества. В этом плане учебник Гидденса выгодно отличается на фоне всех существующих на русском языке учебников по социологии.
Учебник дает практически исчерпывающее описание современного социологического знания; он наиболее профессионально и теоретически обоснованно структурирует проблемное поле современной социологии, основываясь на соответствующей новейшей теории общества. В этом плане учебник Гидденса выгодно отличается от всех существующих на русском языке учебников по социологии.