Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Raqamli axborot xizmati
Ushbu o'quv qo'llanma "Raqamli axborot xizmati" fani doirasida yaratilgan bo'lib, uning maqsadi talabalarga raqamli axborot turlari, xususiyatlari va ularni qayta ishlash multimedia mahsulotlari, elektron nashrlar yaratish, raqamli axborotni avtomatlashtirilgan kutubxona tizimlaridan va internetdan qidirish va foydalanuvchilarga taqdim etish, kutubxonalarda xizmat ko'rsatish jarayonida resurslarga bo'lgan mualliflik huquqlariga rioya qilish haqidagi bilimlarni berish hisoblanadi.
Yangi avlod kuchaytirgichlarining texnika va texnologiyalari
Ushbu o'quv qo'llanmada "Yangi avlod kuchaytirgichlarining texnika va texnologiyalari" faniga tegishli bo'lgan, kuchaytirish qurilmalari, texnik ko'rsatkichlari, elementar bazasi, bipolyar, maydoniy tranzistorlardagi ulanish sxemalari, ularnng xususiyatlari, foylanish sohasi, kuchaytirgichlarning ishlash rejimlari, impulsli kuchaytirgichlar, ularning xarakteristikalari, kuchaytirgichlardagi buzilishlar va ularni korreksiyalash, kuchaytirgichlardagi teskari aloqa, operatsion kuchaytigichlar, tor va keng polosali kuchaytirgichlar, optik kuchaytirgichlar kabi mavzularni o'rganishga bag'ishlangan.
Bizness tizimlari tahlili va loyihalash
Ushbu qo'llanma "Kompyuter injeniringi" bakalavr yo'nalishida tahsil oluvchi talabalarning "Biznes tizimlari tahlili va loyihalash" fanidan olgan bilimlarini nazariy mustahkamlash va biznes tizimlarini tahlil qilish, loyihalash va ularni qurishning amaliy ko'nikmasini talabalarga yaratishdan iborat."Biznes tizimlari tahlili va loyihalash" fanini chuqur o'rganish biznes sohasiga tegishli muammolarni hal qilishda muhiim rol o'ynaydi va ushbu sohada muvaffaqiyatga erishish uchun ta'sir etuvchi muammoalr tahlili, ish jarayonlari hamda biznes tizimlarini UML Gant, Pert, CASE modellarini asosida tahlili, qayta tashkil qilish va loyihalash ko;nikmalrini hosil qilishni o'z ichiga oladi.
Learning Oracle PL/SQL
PL/SQL, Oracle's programming language for stored procedures, delivers a world of possibilities for your database programs. PL/SQL supplements the standard relational database language, SQL, with a wide range of procedural features, including loops, IF-THEN statements, advanced data structures, and rich transactional control--all closely integrated with the Oracle database server.Knowing where to start with Oracle's procedural language is not always obvious to a newcomer, especially considering the language's feature set and the sheer size of the official documentation (not to mention Oracle's ever-increasing number of pre-built PL/SQL programs). But Learning Oracle PL/SQL offers the signposts and guidance you need to come up to speed on the language, delivered in a manageable number of pages while covering all the essentials.
Mastering Oracle SQL
The vast majority of Oracle SQL books discuss some syntax, provide the barest rudiments of using Oracle SQL, and perhaps include a few simple examples. It might be enough to pass a survey course, or give you some buzz words to drop in conversation with real Oracle DBAs. But if you use Oracle SQL on a regular basis, you want much more. You want to access the full power of SQL to write queries in an Oracle environment. You want a solid understanding of what's possible with Oracle SQL, creative techniques for writing effective and accurate queries, and the practical, hands-on information that leads to true mastery of the language. Simply put, you want useful, expert best practices that can be put to work immediately, not just non-vendor specific overview or theory.Updated to cover the latest version of Oracle, Oracle 10g, this edition of the highly regarded Mastering Oracle SQL has a stronger focus on technique and on Oracle's implementation of SQL than any other book on the market. It covers Oracle s vast library of built-in functions, the full range of Oracle SQL query-writing features, regular expression support, new aggregate and analytic functions, subqueries in the SELECT and WITH clauses, multiset union operators, enhanced support for hierarchical queries: leaf and loop detection, and the CONNECT_BY_ROOT operator, new partitioning methods (some introduced in Oracle9i Release 2), and the native XML datatype, XMLType.Mastering Oracle SQL, 2nd Edition fills the gap between the sometimes spotty vendor documentation, and other books on SQL that just don't explore the full depth of what is possible with Oracle-specific SQL. For those who want to harness the untapped (and often overlooked) power of Oracle SQL, this essential guide for putting Oracle SQL to work will prove invaluable.
Web Design in a Nutshell
Our popular reference, Web Design in a Nutshell, is one of the first books to capture this new web landscape with an edition that's been completely rewritten and expanded to reflect the state of the art. In addition to being an authoritative reference for (X)HTML and Cascading Style Sheets, this book also provides an overview of the unique requirements of designing for the Web and gets to the nitty-gritty of JavaScript and DOM Scripting, web graphics optimization, and multimedia production. It is an indispensable tool for web designers and developers of all levels.
Java Servlet and JSP Cookbook
With literally hundreds of examples and thousands of lines of code, the Java Servlet and JSP Cookbook yields tips and techniques that any Java web developer who uses JavaServer Pages or servlets will use every day, along with full-fledged solutions to significant web application development problems that developers can insert directly into their own applications.Java Servlet and JSP Cookbook presents real-world problems, and provides concise, practical solutions to each. Finding even one tested code "recipe" that solves a gnarly problem in this comprehensive collection of solutions and best practices will save hours of frustration--easily justifying the cost of this invaluable book.But "Java Servlet and JSP Cookbook" is more than just a wealth of cut-and-paste code. It also offers clear explanations of how and why the code works, warns of potential pitfalls, and directs you to sources of additional information, so you can learn to adapt the problem-solving techniques to similar situations.These recipes include vital topics like the use of Ant to setup a build environment, extensive coverage of the WAR file format and web.xml deployment descriptor, file-uploading, error-handling, cookies, logging, dealing with non-HTML content, multimedia, request filtering, web services, I18N, web services, and a host of other topics that frustrate even the most seasoned developers.For Java web developers of all levels who are eager to put into practice the theory presented in other API-focused books, the solutions presented in this practical book will prove invaluable over and over again. This is painless way for less experienced developers who prefer to learn by doing to expand their skills and productivity, while accomplishing practical solutions to the pressing problems they face every day. More experienced developers can use these recipes to solve time-consuming problems quickly, freeing up their time for the more creative aspects of their work.
Building Java Enterprise Applications. V. 1: Architecture
What are the key decisions and tradeoffs you face as you design and develop enterprise applications? How do you build the back end so that it not only handles your current needs but is flexible enough to allow your system to evolve as your needs expand? Answer these questions and many more with Building Java Enterprise Applications, an advanced guide to building complex Java Enterprise Applications from the ground up that addresses design issues along the way. These practical books take a step back from detailed examination of the APIs and focus on the entire picture, so you can put the pieces together and build something that works! This book explores the infrastructure issues so important to good application design. It isn't just a book about doing things with Entity Beans, JDBC and JMS and JNDI. It takes you step by step through building the back end, designing the data store so that it gives you convenient access to the data your application needs; designing a directory; figuring out how to handle security and where to store security credentials you need; and so on. On top of this, it shows -- as easily as possible --how to build the entity bean layer that makes information available to the rest of the application. Throughout this guide, author Brett McLaughlin uses his wealth of real-world experience with enterprise development to show you one step at a time how to design and build a comprehensive enterprise application from the ground up, starting with the back end.
Enterprise JavaBeans
The new 2.1 version of the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) spec extends its support for web services and the Java Web Services APIs, expands its asynchronous messaging support, adds XML Schema for deployment descriptors, and introduces a new Timer service, which allows for scheduling EJB.
Linux in a Nutshell
Over the last few years, Linux has grown both as an operating system and a tool for personal and business use. Simultaneously becoming more user friendly and more powerful as a back-end system, Linux has achieved new plateaus: the newer filesystems have solidified, new commands and tools have appeared and become standard, and the desktop including new desktop environments have proved to be viable, stable, and readily accessible to even those who don't consider themselves computer gurus. Whether you're using Linux for personal software projects, for a small office or home office (often termed the SOHO environment), to provide services to a small group of colleagues, or to administer a site responsible for millions of email and web connections each day, you need quick access to information on a wide range of tools. This book covers all aspects of administering and making effective use of Linux systems. Among its topics are booting, package management, and revision control. But foremost in Linux in a Nutshell are the utilities and commands that make Linux one of the most powerful and flexible systems available. Now in its fifth edition, Linux in a Nutshell brings users up-to-date with the current state of Linux. Considered by many to be the most complete and authoritative command reference for Linux available, the book covers all substantial user, programming, administration, and networking commands for the most common Linux distributions. Comprehensive but concise, the fifth edition has been updated to cover new features of major Linux distributions. Configuration information for the rapidly growing commercial network services and community update services is one of the subjects covered for the first time.
Building Secure Servers with Linux
Linux consistently turns up high in the list of popular Internet servers, whether it's for the Web, anonymous FTP, or general services like DNS and routing mail. But security is uppermost on the mind of anyone providing such a service. Any server experiences casual probe attempts dozens of time a day, and serious break-in attempts with some frequency as well. As the cost of broadband and other high-speed Internet connectivity has gone down, and its availability has increased, more Linux users are providing or considering providing Internet services such as HTTP, Anonymous FTP, etc., to the world at large. At the same time, some important, powerful, and popular Open Source tools have emerged and rapidly matured--some of which rival expensive commercial equivalents--making Linux a particularly appropriate platform for providing secure Internet services. Building Secure Servers with Linux will help you master the principles of reliable system and network security by combining practical advice with a firm knowledge of the technical tools needed to ensure security. The book focuses on the most common use of Linux--as a hub offering services to an organization or the larger Internet--and shows readers how to harden their hosts against attacks. Author Mick Bauer, a security consultant, network architect, and lead author of the popular Paranoid Penguin column in Linux Journal, carefully outlines the security risks, defines precautions that can minimize those risks, and offers recipes for robust security. The book does not cover firewalls, but covers the more common situation where an organization protects its hub using other systems as firewalls, often proprietary firewalls.
Exploring the JDS Linux Desktop
The Java Desktop System (TM), from Sun Microsystems, is a modern system for all kinds of users, novice through expert. As an unusually robust, well-integrated desktop system, it may become the first to fulfill the promise of mass adoption for open source. JDS brings Linux and other open source software up to a level of usability that makes them suitable for the enormous base of Personal Computer users including office workers, students, mobile and home users. It behaves pretty much the way a Windows or Mac user would expect, but with many more powerful features. JDS has seen widespread adoption in the United States, Britain, China, and elsewhere. This book is the ideal guide to JDS: it is clear and direct, but loaded with insights from authors who have spent time working with, supporting, and enhancing the system. Tom Adelstein is an award winning polymath system designer; Sam Hiser is a respected business consultant with an itch that led him to become the marketing project lead for OpenOffice.org. Both are advocates for open source and founders of the Open Government Interoperability Project, members of the Open Source Software Institute and contributors to the JDShelp.org project.
HTML Black Book
Explains how to use HTML to create interlaced and animated GIF images, add multimedia effects to Web pages, write self-modifying pages, create Java applets, develop XML documents, and determine browser type in code.
murach’s ASP.NET web programming with VB.NET
Explains how to create multi-page web applications with Visual Studio and ASP.NET, work with web server controls and validation controls, and handle database data in web applications using ADO.NET.
Easy Oracle SQL Get Started Fast writing SQL Reports with SQL Plus
In this text, John Garmany leverages his ability to explain complex issues in plain English into a one-of-a-kind book for SQL and SQL*Plus beginners. This book is intended for anyone who needs to extract Oracle data and format reports. John reveals even more secrets for quickly and easily producing stunning reports from Oracle. Unknown to most Oracle professionals, special SQL extraction techniques and SQL*Plus commands can be used to quickly create complex reports, without buying expensive third-party reporting tools. Best of all, John Garmany's exciting second edition shares more working samples in his online code depot than before. Your time savings from a single script is worth the price of this great book. Easy Oracle SQL is your introduction to using SQL and SQL*Plus with an Oracle database. Whether you are just learning SQL or just need a handy reference, this book will provide you with proven methods to building queries and reports using SQL. Each concept is explained in detail with multiple examples and exercises at the end of each section. Also included is a section detailing how to effectively use SQL*Plus to not only create and run queries but also to create quality reports and scripts. This book will have you up and using SQL quickly and efficiently.
Operating System Concepts and Principles
Many books are there around, on operating system concepts. Students of operating system may not always require the entire stuff packaged in them. They end up in paying for what is not completely of use to them. The purpose of this book is to give them the cream of operating system concepts and make the study of operating system a simple task. This book could have been titled, Operating System Concepts; Made Simple, as well. There are four main components in an operating system. They are process management system, memory management system, IO system and file system. They are not independent components. They interact and cooperate among themselves. The author is trying to give a complete picture of the operating system rather than focusing on algorithms alone. With the help of numerous illustrative diagrams and explanatory text the author has succeeded in his endeavor. The main highlight of this book is the numerous diagrams in it. They are speaking diagrams, indeed. Concepts are dissected to the core with the help of these diagrams.