Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Kutubxonashunoslik va arxivshunoslik
Sales Management Analysis and Decision Making
This 11th edition of Sales Management continues the tradition of blending the most recent sales management research with the real-life "best practices" of leading sales organizations and sales professionals. Reflecting today’s emphasis on analytics and customer experience (CX), this edition focuses on the importance of employing different data-based selling strategies for different customer groups, as well as integrating corporate, business, marketing, and sales-level strategies and plans. Sales Management includes coverage of the current trends and issues in sales management, along with real-world examples from the contemporary business world that are used throughout the text to illuminate chapter discussions.
Introductory Econometrics A Modern Approach.
My motivation for writing the first edition of Introductory econometrics:A Modern Approach was that I saw a fairly wide gap betwen how econometrics is taught to undergraduates and how emppirical researchers think about and apply econometric methodes.
Supply Chain Management Strategy,planing,and Operation.Fifth Edition.
The rights of Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl to be identified as authors of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the copyright.
Turizm va rekreatsiоn geоgrafiya
Darslikda ilgʻоr xоrijiy tajribalardan fоydalangan hоlda turizm va rekreatsiya sоhasini rivоjlantirishning nazariy va amaliy asоslari yоritilgan. Darslikdan har bir mavzuni talaba tоmоnidan yaxshi оʻzlashtirish bоʻyicha tayanch sоʻz va ibоralar, mustaqil ishlash uchun savоllar, amaliy mashgʻulоtlarga tayyоrgarlik kоʻrish uchun tоpshiriqlar va test savоllari оʻrin оlgan. Mazkur darslik оliy оʻquv yurtlarining turizm (faоliyat yоʻnalishlari bоʻyicha), geоgrafiya, geоgrafiya va iqtisоdiy bilim asоslari bakalavriat taʼlim yоʻnalishlarida tahsil оlayоtgan talabalarga, magistrantlarga mоʻljallangan. Undan talabalar, magistrlar va turizm sоhasida faоliyat kоʻrsatayоtgan mutaxassislar ham fоydalanishlari mumkin.
Geometric and engineering Drawing.
This introduction to descriptive geometry and contemporary drafting guides the student through the essential principles to create engineering drawings that comply with international standards of technical product specification.
Understanding and Managing public organizations fifth edition.
Wiley publishes in a variety of print and electronic formats and by print-on demand.
Macroeconomics Fifth Edition.
The nights of Stephen D Williamson to be idintifed as the auther of this work have been assented by him in accordance vith the copyright.
Основы современной издательской деятельности
В учебнике рассмотрены основные понятия современной издательской деятельности, вопросы организации издательского процесса, ГОСТы СИБИД, основы редактирования, корректуры и верстки текстов, особенности оформления изданий, а также принципы деловой коммуникации в издательской сфере.
Мазкур дарсликда Республикада экологик сиёсатнинг шаклланиши экологик омиллар, экологик тизимлар, популяциялар экологияси, биосфера хақида маьлумот, саноатдаги экологик жараёнлар, атроф-мухитни тозалаш усуллари, атроф-мухитнинг ифлосланиш даражаси ва бошқа мавзулар тасдиқланган ўқув дастурига мувофиқ киритилган
Банковское дело. Управление и технологии.
В учебнике подготовленном с учетом последних правовых и организационных изменений в банковской системе РФ, освещаются важнейшие вопросы, раскрывающие природу банков, иных кредитных организаций и банковской системы, управления банковской системой в целом и отдельно взятым коммерческим банком по всем существенным направлениям их формирования и функционирования, излагаются технологии проведения банковских финансовых операций и технологии управления соответствующими подразделениями банка. Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей экономических вузов, работников банковской сферы, а также всех, кто самостоятельно изучает организацию и управление банковской деятельностью в стране.
Option pricing models & Volatility Using excel-VBA
The Wiley Finance series contains books written specifically for finance and investment professionals as well as sophisticated individual investors and their financial advisors. Book topics range from portfolio management to e-commerce, risk management, financial engineering, valuation, and financial instrument analysis, as well as much more.
Cosmetology and Dermatology
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Copyright for all individual chapters remain with the respective authors as indicated. All chapters are published with permission under the Creative Commons Attribution License or equivalent. A wide variety of references are listed. Permission and sources are indicated; for detailed attributions, please refer to the permissions page and list of contributors. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the authors, editors and publisher cannot assume any responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use.
Introduction to Library and Information Science
This textbook and course includes interactive activities made possible through H5P, which is a learning system created with the HTTP5 language.
Air traffic management
This book addresses each of the Air Navigation Services’ five broad categories of services provided to air traffic during all phases of operation: air traffic management (ATM), communication, navigation and surveillance services (CNS), meteorological services for air navigation (MET), aeronautical information services (AIS) and search and rescue (SAR).
Musical Topics and Musical Performance
The principal purpose of topics in musicology has been to identify meaningbearing units within a musical composition that would have been understood by contemporary audiences and therefore also by later receivers, albeit in a different context and with a need for historically-aware listening.
Choreography the basics
This book provides a comprehensive and concise overview of choreography both as a creative skill and as a field of study, introducing readers to the essential theory and context of choreographic practice.