Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Aloqa yo'llari undagi xizmat qiluvchi inshootlar
Ushbu o„quv qo„llanmada aloqa yo„llari, jumladan temir yo„llari, avtomobil yo„llari, havo yo„llari, suv yo„llari, sanoat yo„llari, xo„jalik yo„llari va shahar yo„llari haqida umumiy ma‟lumotlar berilgan. Shu bilan bir qatorda avtomobil yo„llari haqida to„liq ma‟lumotlar berilgan bo„lib, avtomobil yo„llarining elemеntlari, avtomobil yo„llaridagi sun‟iy inshootlar, avtomobil yo„llarida harakatni tashkil etish va harakat havfsizligi masalalari keng yoritilgan. Mazkur o„quv qo„llanma 5340800 “Avtomobil yo„llari va aerodromlar”, 5620100 - “Tashishni tashkil etish va transport logistikasi” ta‟lim yo„nalishi bakalavrlar va magistrlari, soha mutaxassislariga mo„ljallangan.
Discovering formal logic
This book is concerned primarily with the logic of connectives and the logic of quantifiers. Much of it was written for two sequenced undergraduate courses that I have taught for some years at the University of Alabama. The introductory course covers material from chapters 1 through 8, while the more advanced course combines a review of chapters 1 through 7 with careful study of chapters 9 through 12.
Kasbiy faoliyat psixologiyasi
O`quv qo`llanma ta`lim standartlari hamda "Kasbiy faoliyat psixologiyasi" fanining o`quv dasturi asosida davlat tilida tayyorlangan bo`lub unda texnik mutaxassislik xodimlari faoliyatining psixologik jihatlari batafsil yoritilgan.
One of the main reasons for teaching English in preschool is that it helps children develop their language skills. Children at this age are at a crucial stage in their language development, and they are learning new words and concepts every day. By introducing them to English, they are exposed to a new set of vocabulary, which enriches their language skills.
Clinical chemistry: principles, techniques, and correlations
This textbook provides clear explanations that balance analytic principles, techniques, and correlation of results with coverage of disease states, helping students develop interpretive and analytic skills for their future careers.
Занимательная психология
Расширение знаний о себе и других людях, умение установить оптимальные отношения, навыки личного и делового общения — вот путь от человекознания к человеколюбию. На этом и построена данная книга, читая которую, и взрослый, и ребенок научится развивать и совершенствовать память, волю, внимание. Эта книга станет союзницей любого человека, стремящегося осмыслить волнующие вопросы повседневной жизни — проблемы воспитания детей, психического здоровья, формирования личности. Для широкого круга читателей самого различного возраста.
Cardiology in a heartbeat
This text serves as a useful tool that alows you to excel in cardiology, gain a greater appreciation for the subject and serve your patients to the best of your ability.
This book, it has become increasingly apparent that lifestyle factors (maintaining proper diets, replacing sedentary behaviors with moderate exercise, obtaining sufficient sleep, limiting stressful experiences, and coping effectively) may be fundamental in limiting cancer occurrence and may also enhance the effectiveness of therapies for many types of cancer.
Biochemistry For Dummies
This book, you can see a lot of chemical structures and reactions. Much of biochemistry revolves around knowing the structures of the molecules involved in biochemical reactions.
English writing skills
Ushbu o‘quv qo‘llanma O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligining 2024-yil 11-noyabrdagi 429-sonli buyrug‘iga asosan nashr etish uchun tavsiya qilingan
A to Z of Plastic Surgery
This book does not replace, but rather complements fuller chapter-based texts. The primary focus is for Plastic Surgery trainees, but it will also be of value to the specialist as a reference text and to medical workers in allied specialties.
"Ақлли шахар" концепцияси
Бугунги кунда Ўзбекистонда «Ақлли шаҳар» инновацион технологияларини жорий этишнинг бошланғич босқичи давом этмоқда. «Ақлли шаҳар» технологияларини жорий этиш бўйича Тошкент шаҳрида «Хавфсиз шаҳар», «Ақлли ҳисоблагичлар», «Ақлли транспорт», «Ақлли тиббиёт» йўналишлари бўйича дастлабки синов лойиҳаларини режалаштириш ва амалга ошириш йўлга қўйилмоқда. Тошкент вилоятининг янги маъмурий маркази Нурафшон (олдинги Туйтепа) шаҳрида замонавий шаҳар инфратузилмасини жорий этиш бўйича кенг қамровли ишлар билан бирга «Tashkent City» ва «Delta City» “Akai City” лойиҳалари доирасида замонавий шаҳарсозлик инфратузилмасини жорий этиш бўйича комплекс ишлар амалга оширилмоқда.
Nazariy mexanika
Ushbu darslikda nazariy mexanikaning nuqta dinamikasining, mexanik sistema dinamikasining differensial tenglamalari, asosiy teoremalari, prinsiplari batafsil yoritilgan.
Atlas of lymph node anatomy
We hope the content will be useful and informative to a wide range of readers fi lling in the void about nodal anatomy.
Muhandislik va kompyuter grafikasi.
O'quv qo'llanmada amaliy mashg'ulotlarni bajarish bo'yicha 60712400-Avtomobilsozlik va traktorsozlik bakalavr ta'lim yo'nalishlari va boshqa ta'lim yo'nalishi talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan.
Jismoniy madaniyat va sport.
Ushbu o'quv qo'llanma sportga oshno bo'lgan talaba-yoshlarga,o'smirlarga va yosh Jismoniy tarbiya o’qituvchi-murabbiylar uchun yaratildi.O'quv qo'llanmani o'qib sport o'yinlari tarixi, o'rgatish uslubiyoti,sportchilarning texnik, taktik, Jismoniy, ruhiy tayyorgarligi, metodikasi ularning mashg'ulot musobaqa faoliyatini boshqarish, hakamlik qilish uslubiyoti haqida ma'lumotlarga ega bo'lasiz.