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Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
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Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
The restless plant
This book is the product of two of my father’s passions. The fi rst was his passion, as a researcher, for understanding the miracle of plant movement, a topic that was the focus of his research for over 25 years. The second was his passion for teaching— for reaching out to people and conveying the beauty found in science and nature.
Anthropocene Geopolitics : Globalization, Security, Sustainability
With the new geological age known as the Anthropocene heralding dramatic disruptions in the earth system, geopolitics needs to be fundamentally reconsidered to deal with these new circumstances. Planetary boundaries and ecological change are now the key contextualization for considering future global political arrangements. We now find ourselves in a new geological age: the Anthropocene. The climate is changing and species are disappearing at a rate not seen since Earth’s major extinctions. The rapid, large-scale changes caused by fossil-fuel powered globalization increasingly threaten societies in new, unforeseen ways. But most security policies continue to be built on notions that look backward to a time when geopolitical threats derived mainly from the rivalries of states with fixed boundaries. Instead, Anthropocene Geopolitics shows that security policy must look forward to quickly shape a sustainable world no longer dependent on fossil fuels. A future of long-term peace and geopolitical security depends on keeping the earth in conditions roughly similar to those we have known throughout history. Minimizing disruptions that would further put civilization at risk of extinction urgently requires policies that reflect new Anthropocene “planetary boundaries.”
Деҳқончиликда ресурстежовчи технологияларни қўлланишнинг пахта ҳосилдорлигига таъсири
Битирув малакавий ишимни “Деҳқончиликда ресурстежовчи технологияларни қўлланишнинг пахта ҳосилдорлигига таъсири” мавзусини танлаб уни ўрганишни мақсад қилиб қўйдим.
Buni har bir yosh matematik bilishi kerak
Qadrli o‘quvchi! Modomiki Siz matematikani o‘rganishga qaror qilgan ekansiz, shuni aytishimiz lozimki, to‘g‘ri yo‘ldasiz. Zero matematika miya uchun eng yaxshi ozuqa, dunyoqarashni kengaytirish uchun eng yaxshi mashg‘ulotdir. Ushbu kitob esa matematikaning eng go‘zal bo‘limi hisoblanmish geometriyani o‘zlashtirishingizda Sizga yordam berishi uchun yozilgan, tarjima qilingan.
Иссиқ иқлим шароитида Бованс-Браун Кросс товуқларининг тухум маҳсулдорлигини таҳлил қилиш
Ишнинг мақсади ва вазифалари. Ўзбекистонда турли тизимга хос бўлган серпушт товуқлар урчитилиб келинади шу сабабли уларни бизнинг кескик континентал иқлим шароитимизга кўникиши, мослаша олиши, ўсиши, ривожланиши ва маҳсулот бериб бориши амалий аҳамиятга эга бўлиб таъқоза этади.
Мазкур илмий мажмуа Республика Олий таълим муассасалирида замонавий тарбия, маънавий-маърифий ишларни самарадорлигини ошириш, аниқ мезонларда баҳолаш тизимини шакллантириш жараёнида ахборот хуружлари ва маънавий таҳдидлардан огоҳ этиш ҳамда миллий урф-одатларни сингдиришни илмий тадқиқ этади.
Embodying Geopolitics : Generations of Women’s Activism in Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon
When women took to the streets during the mass protests of the Arab Spring, the subject of feminism in the Middle East and North Africa returned to the international spotlight. In the subsequent years, countless commentators treated the region's gender inequality as a consequence of fundamentally cultural or religious problems. In so doing, they overlooked the specifically political nature of these women's activism. Moving beyond such culturalist accounts, this book turns to the relations of power in regional and international politics to understand women's struggles for their rights. Based on over a hundred extensive personal narratives from women of different generations in Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon, Nicola Pratt traces women's activism from national independence through to the Arab uprisings, arguing that activist women are critical geopolitical actors. Weaving together these personal accounts with the ongoing legacies of colonialism, Embodying Geopolitics demonstrates how the production and regulation of gender is integrally bound up with the exercise and organization of geopolitical power, with consequences for women's activism and its effects.
Ш. Мирахмедов фермер ҳўжалиги шароитида биринчи тўғиш ёшидаги ғўножинларни ўсиш-ривожланиши ва биринчи лактациядаги сут маҳсулдолигини таҳлил қилиш
Битирув малакавий ишимни “Ш. Мирахмедов фермер ҳўжалиги шароитида биринчи тўғиш ёшидаги ғўножинларни ўсиш-ривожланиши ва биринчи лактациядаги сут маҳсулдолигини таҳлил қилиш” мавзусини танлаб уни ўрганишни мақсад қилиб қўйдим.
Қора-ола зотли бузоқларнинг ўсиш ва ривожланишини ўрганиш
Мавзунинг мақсади ва вазифалари. Ушбу битирув малакавий ишининг мақсади қора-ола зотли бузоқларнинг ўсиш ва ривожланишини мавзуга оид мавжуд адабиётларни тахлил этиш йўли билан илмий-назарий жиҳатдан ўрганишдан иборат.
Building Serverless Applications with Python
This book is for Python developers who would like to learn about serverless architectures in cloud-based platforms such as Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Python programming knowledge is assumed.
Emerging Artificial Intelligence Applications in Computer Engineering
The book is organized in 4 parts. Part I “General Purpose Applications of AI” focuses on the most “conventional” areas of computational intelligence. On one side, we discuss the application of machine learning technologies and on the other we explore emerging applications of structured knowledge representation approaches.
Олтинкўзни иссиқхонадаги сўрувчи зараркунандаларга қарши қўллашни биологик самарадорлиги
Илмий тадқиқотнинг долзарблигидан келиб чиққан ҳолда олтинкўзни иссиқхонадаги сўрувчи зараркунандаларга қарши қўллашни биологик самарадорлиги, сўрувчи зараркунандалар тур таркиби, уларнинг биоэкологик хусусиятларини, аcocий турларнинг зарар келтириши ва зараркунандалар сонини бошқаришнинг биологик асослашни мақсад қилиб олинди.
Rust High Performance Learn to skyrocket the performance of your Rust applications
This book will not cover the whole world of high-performance programming since it's an incredibly wide topic. You will find a gentle introduction to most of the generic highperformance programming concepts and learn how specific patterns can be used in the Rust programming language.
The discovery and naming of living organisms (any life form including plant, animal or microbe) has attracted a lot of attention throughout history. Identification is the process of assigning a specimen to a (pre-existing) taxon‘. Plant species have been regarded as a basic unit of biodiversity and it is the level at which most of the evolutionary studies have focused.
Хориждан келтирилган буғдой навларни етиштиришда агротехник тадбирларни танлашнинг аҳамияти
Тадқиқот мақсади ва вазифалари. Тадқиқотнинг мақсади-Қашқадарё вилояти, суғориладиган ерларида жойлашган фермер хўжаликлари учун минтақа тупроқ-иқлимини ҳисобга олган ҳолда, янги буғдой навларини етиштиришда уларнинг биологик хусусиятларига мос, маъдан ўғитлардан самарали фойдаланишга имкон берадиган ресурстежамкор аготехнологиянинг айрим унсурларини оптималлаштириш.
The macOS User Administration Guide
This book will walk you through the world of macOS from a system administration and support point of view. You will be able to take advantage of the resources macOS offers for a large variety of common administration tasks. In addition, you will be empowered to configure key services and perform essential troubleshooting.