San’at. San’atshunoslik
Perspective drawing handbook
This handy guide provides numerous insights and shortcuts to drawing and sketching effectively. Describing mandatory skills for beginning and advanced students, the text covers such subjects as diminution, foreshortening, convergence, shade and shadow, and other visual principles of perspective drawing. Accompanying a concise and thoughtfully written text are more than 150 simply drawn illustrations that depict a sense of space and depth, demonstrate vanishing points and eye level, and explain such concepts as appearance versus reality; perspective distortion; determining heights, depths, and widths; and the use of circles, cylinders, and cones. Artists, architects, designers, and engineers will find this book invaluable in creating works with convincing perspective.
Автоматизация производственных процессов легкой промышленности
В книге освещаются вопросы автоматизации управления типовыми производственными процессами легкой промышленности. Рассматриваются важнейшие типовые схемы автоматического управления технологическими перемещениями, дозированием материалов, гидропрессовыми, выпарными и ректификационными установками и т.п.
Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of the information presented and to describe generally accepted practices. However, the authors, editors, and publisher are not responsible for errors or omissions or for any consequences from application of the information in this book and make no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the contents of the publication.
Трактат об электричестве и магнетизме.
Она содержит созданную Максвеллом теорию электрических и магнитных явлений. Эта теория в настоящее время составляет фундамент современного естествознания.
Perspective drawing
Perspective drawing is a definitive handbook covering all the major concepts of linear perspective. Written in a straightforward style, this textbook provides clear explanations of one-point, two-point, and three-point perspective drawing, and explores the perspective grid, shadows, reflections, plans and elevations, and fisheye and panoramic views. The book employs a highly visual design, with step-by-step illustrations and contemporary examples that connect theory with practice.
Perspective: Using the grid system for Interior design sketching
This graphically heavy book covers the basic concepts of perspective and geometry. It then goes on to show how to create perspective grids on several different angles and from different directions. The book then shows how use the grids to draw interior furniture, architectural designs such as stairs and finally a complete room. This e-book will enable you to sketch an interior or a piece of furniture quickly and accurately, allowing you to share your vision with others and communicate ideas with clients on the spot.
City & Guilds International ESOL Qualifications
The City & Guilds International ESO L qualifications will help you demonstrate your ability to communicate in English to enable you to work or study in English-speaking countries and/or environments.
Cultural Awareness
The publisher and author would like to thank the following for their kind permission to use articles,extracts,or adaptations from copyright material. There might be instances where we have been unable to trace or contact the copyright holder before our printing deadline.We apologize for this and if notified the publisher will be pleased to rectify any errors or omissions at the earliest opportunity.
Matematik analiz
Ushbu o ‘quv qo'llanma pedagogika oliy ta’lim muassasalari «Matematika o‘qitish metodikasi» bakalavriat ta’lim yonalishining «Matematik analiz» fani dasturiga mos yozilgan bo‘lib, bunda matematik analizning ko‘p o‘zgaruvchili funksiyaning differensial va integral hisobi bo‘limlaridan nazariy materiallar, asosiy masalalar yechish usullari, misol va masalalar berilgan.
The Succeed in City & Guilds Level B2 Communicator book includes 12 Complete Tests for the Level B2 Communicator lESOL exam (Listening,Reading and Writing) and another 12 Complete Tests for the Level B2 Communicator ISESOL exam (Speaking).The book is also accompanied by Audio CDs for the Listening section.
Advanced Skills
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication,and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain,accurate or appropriate.Information regarding prices,travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter.
Кўлингиздаги китобда тасаввуф таълимотининг тарихий-фапсафий асослари, онтологик ва диний-исломий илдизлари, шаклланиши ва ривожланиши тадқиқ қилинади. Тасаввуф илмининг вужудга келиши ва ривожланиши, буюк тасаввуфшунос аждодларимизнинг илоҳиётшунослик ҳамда диний-фалсафий тафаккур тараққиётига қўшган улкан ҳиссалари таҳлил этилади. Китоб фалсафа тарихи, исломшунослик, шарқшунослик фанлари билан шуғулланувчиларга ва ислом дини матавий дунёси ва тафаккури билан қизиқувчи кенг китобхонларга мўлжалланган
Современные проблемы электронной спектроскопии
В книге кратко рассмотрены основные процессы взаимодействия излучений с веществом, в частности сильноточных релятивистских электронных пучков с плазмой, описаны методы определения строения поверхностей твердых тел по энергетическим спектрам эмиттированных или рассеянных ими электронов.
Методик қўлланмада қадимги Миср ва Греция олимларининг геометрия фани тўғрисидаги айрим кашфиѐтлари, Ўрта Осиѐ мутафаккирларининг геометрия соҳасидаги изланишлари, Европада уйғониш даврида геометриянинг турли соҳаларининг ривожланиши келтирилган. Шунингдек чизма геометрия фанининг пайдо бўлиши, ўқитилиши ва ривожланиш йўналишлари берилган. Россия, Украина ва Ўзбекистонда графика фанларининг ўқитилиши ва тараққий қилиши, биринчи ўқув адабиѐтларининг яратилиши берилган.