Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Asab kasalliklarida hamshiralik ishi
Ushbu darslikda umumiy nevrologiyaning asoslari shuningdek asab tizimining klinik-anatomik tuzilishi, tekshiruv usullari va turli patologik jarayonlardagi scmiotikasi hamda topik diagnostikasi to‘liq bayon etilgan. Darslikni yaratishda ilmiy, mctodik va ilmiy-tibbiy аdabiyotlaming zamonaviy ma`lumotlari, oliy tibbiy ta’lim tizimidagi amaldagi namunaviy va ishchi dasturlardan foydalanilgan.
Қишлоқ хўжалик экинлари селекцияси ва уруғчилиги
Агрономия йўналишидаги олий ўқув юртларида «Экинлар селекцияси ва уруғчилиги» фанларидан дарсликлар, ўқув қўлланмалари етишмаётганлиги, мавжудлари бир неча йил олдин ёзилиб чоп этилганлиги, давр талабларига жавоб бермай қолганлиги туфайли янги дарсликлар авлодини тайёрлаш ва чоп этиш таълимдаги муаммолардан бири, моҳияти ва мазмуни билан долзарб хисобланади. Профессор Д.Т.Абдукаримов томонидан тайёрланган «Қишлоқ ҳўжалик экинлари селекцияси ва уруғчилиги» дарслиги ҳозирги кун давр талабидан келиб чиқиб ёзилган ва долзарб ҳисобланади.
Книга представляет собой научную монографию по дисциплине "Этносоциология". Автор предлагает углубленный философский подход к категориям этнос, народ, нация, общество, дает четкие определения этих понятий и выстраивает обобщающую этносоциологическую таксономию. Книга отличается четкой последовательностью, широким спектром привлекаемых знаний, использованием разнообразных методологий этносоциологического анализа, сведенных в единую легко воспринимающуюся систему.
Ushbu darslikda menejmentning nazariy jihatlari, boshqaruv munosabatlari va tashkilotlarning rivojlanishidagi yangi tendensiyalar zamonaviy nuqtayi nazardan ko‘rib chiqiladi.
Travel Medicine
‘We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.
The Writer's Guide to Prepositions
But the book kept being deferred, until a mutual friend introduced him to Elizabeth Speyer, whose career was education. In her work at the Centre for the Study and Teaching of Writing , at the Faculty of Education of Mc Gill University, Elizabeth had found that preposition use baffled students, especially those new to the language. Preposition choice is capricious, related to meaning and nuance, and largely based on custom.
Edible Oil Processing
In the years since the first edition of Edible Oil Processing was published (in 2000), there have been many changes in the processing of oils. Two major factors have been involved: first, the need to reduce the hydrogenated fats in food products, and second, the move to use enzymes. These two issues both originate from an overall increased awareness of the possible impact of processing on consumers’ health and on the environment. This edition tries to bring this awareness, and the way in which it has altered the nature of edible oil processing, to the forefront of the discussion.
The pharmacology of alcohol and drugs of abuse and addiction
This book is written especially for the clinician interested in the pharmacology of alcohol and drugs of abuse and addiction. The pharmacology is integrated into a conceptual approach to diagnosis and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse and addiction. The form and style are didactic, critical as well as straightforward in presentation. Literature references from recent clinical research and basic research provide the foundation for the chapters throughout the book. Because the book is written by a clinician-researcher, the information is readily adaptable to clinical problems and research ideas.
Теория бухгалтерского учета
Излагаются основы теории бухгалтерского учета на предприятиях, раскрывается его роль в решении задач, выдвинутых XXV съездом КПСС по дальнейшему росту к повышению эффективности общественного производства, улучшению качества продукции н усилению режима экономии. Значительное место отведено технике первичного наблюдения, механизации учета с применением электронно-вычислительных машин.
English in Medicine
This book aims to help you communicate in English with patients and their relatives, with medical colleagues, and with paramedical staff. It is also designed to help you cope wi th medical reading 01 all kinds from case notes to journal articles. Those of you who are medical students will lind this book useful in the clinical phase of your studies. The authors have cooperated closely with members of the medical profession in preparing this book to ensu re authenticity. They have long experience in helping overseas medical personnel with their cOlllmunicative needs.
Mazkur darslikda, bozorshunoslikning yetuk jahon olimlari va biznesmenlari erishgan fan yutuqlari hamda amaliy tajribalari natijasida shakllangan nazariya va uslublari yoritildi.
Measurement and Instrumentation Principles
The foundations of this book lie in the highly successful text Principles of Measurement and Instrumentation by the same author. The first edition of this was published in 1988, and a second, revised and extended edition appeared in 1993. Since that time, a number of new developments have occurred in the field of measurement. In particular, there have been significant advances in smart sensors, intelligent instruments, microsensors, digital signal processing, digital recorders, digital fieldbuses and new methods of signal transmission. The rapid growth of digital components within measurement systems has also created a need to establish procedures for measuring and improving the reliability of the software that is used within such components.Thus, an up-to-date book incorporating all of the latest developments in measurement is strongly needed.
A Dictionary of Epidemiology
The nature of science is not to reach consensus but to advance our knowledge by bringing confl icting ideas to critical examinations. That is true also for how we defi ne the concepts we use. No dictionary will ever be able to satisfy all, nor should it try to.
Тайёр дорилар технологияси
Дарсликда дорилар тайёрлашнинг замонавий усуллари, шунингдек дориларни ишлаб чиқариш жараёнлари, уларни такомиллаштиришга оид амалий масалалар батафсил баён қилинган. Тиббиёт олий билимгоҳлари талабаларига мўлжалланган.
Ushbu darslikda makroiqtisodiyot fanining asosiy tushunchalari, muammolari va makroiqtisodiy siyosat yuritishning asoslari bayon qilib berilgan. Jumladan, darslikda makroiqtisodiy ko‘rsatkichlarni hisoblash usullari, makroiqtisodiy muvozanatning turli modellari, makroiqtisodiy siyosatning fiskal va monetar yo‘nalishlari, iqtisodiy o‘sish masalalari, tashqi savdo siyosatini yuritishning nazariy asoslari hamda usullari, to‘lov balansi, valuta kursi kabi mavzular joy olgan.