Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
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Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
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Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Building a Straw Bale House: The Red Feather Construction Handbook
A story of compassion, determination, and courage lies behind the Red Feather project. A decade ago, Robert Young read how three Native American elders froze to death during the winter in South Dakota due to a severe lack of proper housing. He then traveled to the Pine Ridge Reservation and was shocked by conditions on the Indian reservation- poverty, overcrowding, hunger, and hopelessness. Back home in Seattle, Robert sought solutions. With a group of friends and family he went back to South Dakota and gathered the materials for the construction of the first house-a home for Oglala Lakota elder Katherine Red Feather. This initial project was successful and, upon its completion, Robert asked Katherine if he could establish a non-profit housing organization in her honor.
Macroeconomics : A Critical Companion
Macroeconomics is your guide to how economics shape how the world functions today. But too often our understanding is based on orthodox, dogmatic analysis. This distinctive book draws upon years of critical questioning and teaching and exposes how macroeconomic theory has evolved from its origins to its current impoverished and extreme state. Moving from the Keynesian Revolution to the Monetarist Counter-Revolution, through to New Classical Economics and New Consensus Macroeconomics, the authors both elaborate and question the methods and content of macroeconomic theory at a level appropriate for both undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Macroeconomics provides a unique alternative to the multitude of standard textbooks by locating macroeconomic theory in its own history. It will be perfect for those studying macroeconomics, as well as for those looking for a new way to understand our increasingly complicated economic system. It is accompanied by a counterpart Microeconomics: A Critical Companion.
Successful Management of Mergers & Acquisitions Development of a Synergy Tracking Tool for the Post Merger Integration
The body of this study includes the three subsequent chapters. In Chapter four the general necessity of synergy management and synergy tracking within M&A is explained and a distinction between these functions is made. Furthermore, the tasks of synergy tracking are described in detail and challenges which have to be coped with while synergy tracking are addressed.
Computer Simulation in Physics and Engineering
The book aims to provide an overview of the basic principles underlying modern computer simulations as applied to physics and engineering, represented here by the unit of three disciplines: physics, mathematics, and computer science.
A book that collects theories that are useful for workplace research. It was an idea that had been in Rianne’s head for some years before she shared it with Vitalija at a conference in Hong Kong in early 2019.
Misbehaving : the making of behavioral economics. First edition.
"Traditional economics assumes rational actors. Early in his research, Thaler realized these Spock-like automatons were nothing like real people. Whether buying a clock radio, selling basketball tickets, or applying for a mortgage, we all succumb to biases and make decisions that deviate from the standards of rationality assumed by economists. In other words, we misbehave. More importantly, our misbehavior has serious consequences. Dismissed at first by economists as an amusing sideshow, the study of human miscalculations and their effects on markets now drives efforts to make better decisions in our lives, our businesses, and our governments"
Computer Application in Electronic Engineering
This book explains everything you need to know to begin using MATLAB to do all these things and more. Intermediate and advanced users will find useful information here, especially if they are making the switch to MATLAB 7 from an earlier version.
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered herein. It is sold with the clear understanding that the Publisher is not engaged in rendering legal or any other professional services.
Ўнгимдаги хотираларим
Инсон борки-маънавий юуксалишда бўлади. Маънавияати юксалиш билан бирга унинг иродаси хам кучайиб боради. Ироданинг-бақувватлиги-ишончнинг мустахкамлигидир. Башарти, инсоннг одамдан фарқи хам шундадир.
Все права защищены. Все названия программных продуктов являются зарегистрированными торговыми марками соответствующих фирм. Никакая часть настоящего издания ни в каких целях не может быть воспроизведена в какой бы то ни было форме и какими бы то ни было средствами, будь то электронные или механические, включая фотокопирование и запись на магнитный носитель, если на это нет письменного разрешения издательства Irvin, McGraw-Hill.
The book is proposed to be read in association with processing the design work by using the computer software ASTRA Pro as referred to in the book. The book describes two essential facets of the work, which are ‘Analysis of the Grillage Model of the DeckGirder Superstructure’ and the subsequent ‘Design of Deck Slab and PSC I-Girder’.
The World Economy: Trade and Finance. Seventh Edition
The success of earlier editions of The World Economy: Trade and Finance owes much to developments outside the classroom. Specific episodes come and go, but the pace of world events continues to remind us all of the big role international issues play in our economic lives. Zimbabwe slips into economic crisis as Argentina attempts to crawl out, and Japan teeters between economic recovery and continued stagnation. The United States and China make progress on intellectual property rights disputes, while the European Union and the United States bicker and test the World Trade Organization’s ability to resolve disputes over U.S. tax and antidumping policies.
Когда вы спросите меня ...
Этот день никогда не забуду. 10 апреля 1976 года состоялся мой юбилейный концерт. Решение об этом было принято еще в феврале. Тогда же с музыкальной редак- цией Всесоюзного радио мы договорились, что программа будет исполняться в сопровождении эстрадно-симфонического оркестра под управлением Юрия Силантьева и инструментального ансамбля «Рапсодия», которым руководит Григорий Парасоль. Два месяца подготовки, два месяца работы, особенно напряженной в первую апрельскую неделю. Но когда после одной из последних репетиций, чуть ли не накануне концерта, я ехала по Москве и увидела огромную афишу с моим именем, почувствовала необычайное волнение, которое уже не покидало меня ни на минуту, вплоть до того момента, когда ведущий программу Евгений Суслов объявил: «Благодарим вас за внимание, концерт окончен!»
Chоrvаchilikni mехаnizаtsiyalаsh
Ushbu uslubiy ko’rsаtmа Tоshkеnt dаvlаt аgrаr univеrsitеti o’quv - uslubiy kеngаshining «10» январ 2007 yildа bo’lib o’tgаn №2 – sоnli mаjlisidа ko’rib chiqildi vа chоp etishgа tаvsiya etildi. Uslubiy ko’rsаtmаdа «Chоrvаchilikni mехаnizаtsiyalаsh» fаnidаn tаlаbаlаr mustаqil ishini bаjаrish tаrtibi qаrаlаdi.
Русское искусство. Исторический очерк
Русское искусство насчитывает почти тысяче- летие своего развития. За это время русский народ создал художественные ценности общемирового значения. Дух свободы и высокие гуманистические идеалы пронизывают творения лучших русских художников. В этих творениях отчетливо высту- пает высокое представление о человеке. Разумеется, это глубокое содержание русского искусства раскрывалось живописцами, скульпторами, зодчими поразному, в зависимости от того, в какое время они творили. Но в целом процесс развития русского искусства был связан с развитием самосознания народа, с образованием и укреплением русского государства и русской на- цин, с большими общественными движениями. История русского искусства делится на две большие эпохи-древнерусское искусство и искусство нового времени. Первая охватывает эпоху средневековья, Х—XVII столетня.
Независимые страны Африки
Возросший интерес именно к этой стороне жизни народов Африки далеко не случаен. Он объясняется изменением общей обстановки на континенте, отражает наступление нового этапа в развитин африканских стран после достижения ими политической независимости