Kimyoviy texnologiya. Kimyo sanoati
Kimyoviy texnologiya. Kimyo sanoati
Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
Выбор литьевых машин для производства изделий из термопластов
Методически систематизированы данные по классификации, конструктивным особенностям и назначению узлов пластикации и смыкания форм современных литьевых машин, по расчѐтам основных параметров, определяющих принципы и последовательность выбора литьевых машин. Представленные материалы изложены с целью помочь студентам правильно подобрать оборудование для литья под давлением термопластов при выполнении учебных и квалификационных работ различного уровня.
В пособии приводится описание основных методов получения полимеров посредством реакции полимеризации, поликонденсации и полимераналогичных превращений, а также кратко рассмотрены технологические схемы производства основных крупнотоннажных полимеров.
Computer networking : a top-down approach
We think one important reason for this success has been that our book continues to offer a fresh and timely approach to computer networking instruction. We’ve made changes in this sixth edition, but we’ve also kept unchanged what we believe (and the instructors and students who have used our book have confirmed) to be the most important aspects of this book: its top-down approach, its focus on the Internet and a modern treatment of computer networking, its attention to both principles and practice, and its accessible style and approach toward learning about computer networking.
Zamonaviy garmoniya
Ushbu o'quv uslubiy qo'llanmada O'zbekiston kompozitorlarining fortepiano hamda orkestr uchun yozilgan asarlaridagi fakturaning badiiy salohiyati o'ziga xos funksiyalarini nomoyon etishga qo'l urilgan bo'lib,kompozitorlarning eng namunali asarlari tahlil etilgan
O'quv uslubiy qo'llanma rus tili va adabiyoti yo'nalishi talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan. Ushbu o'quv qo'llanma talabalarga inliz tilini o'z yo'nalishi bilan uyg'unlikda o'rganish uchun yordam beradi. O'quv uslubiy qo'llanma talabalarni nafaqat mashg'ulotlar davomida foydalanishlari uchun balki, ingliz tilini mustaqil o'rganishlarida ham foydalidir. Uslubiy qo'llanma tuzilishi 1lta mavzudan iborat. Har bir mavzu talabalarga mavzu haqida umumiy ma'lumot beruvchi ingliz tilidagi ma'lumot, mavzuga aloqador lug'atlar ro'yxati va o'rganilgan ma'lumotlarni takrorlash va mustahkamlash uchun topshiriq va testlardan iborat.
Physical anthropology fifth edition
Textbooks should not be read as you would read a novel. Moreover, technical books (math, chemistry, electronics, etc.) should be read differently from non-technical ones such as a social science book. But some general principles should be followed in reading all types of textbooks.
ko'zi ojiz bolalar bilan olib borladigan korreksion-pedagogik ishy mazmuni — копия
Xusnuddinova Z.X. Ko'zi ojiz bolalar bilan olib boriladigan korreksion-pedagogik ish mazmuni. USLUBIY QO'LLANMA.. - T.: "Osiyo tur", 2024. 78 b.
Western civilization volume II
William Hughes is a professor of history at Essex Community College in Baltimore County, Maryland. He received his A.B. from Franklin and Marshall College and his M.A. from the PennsylvaniaState University.
American historiy volume I
Two trends have been observable in the writing of American history over the past few decades. Trends historical writing have changed dramatically in recent years. Scholars are placing much greater emphasis on those who formerly received only passing mention or none at all.
Research and Extension in development
The International Center for Economic Growth is pleased to publish Robert E Evenson's Research and Extension in Agricultural Development as the twenty-fifth in our series of Occasional Papers which feature reflections on broad policy issues by noted scholars and policy makers.
The human touch-today's most unusual program for productivity and profit
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers.
Understanding Argument
She has coauthored Introduction to Literature and Landuage Power both now in second editions and is the author of Read, Reason, Write in its third edition, The Writer's Stance Patterns of Reflection and Doing Research. In addition Professor Seyler has published articles in professional journals and popular magazines.
Introduction to education cases for teacher problem solving
For most of you this collection will be new experince in education. It is a series of case studies centered on the experementary and secondary school teachers in the United States.
Human Development Report
It is becoming a tradition to give annual assessment of the achievements and problems in Human Development that our country faces in the process of on-going market reforms. With the reforms becoming deeper and more complex, it is necessary to do whatever possible to preserve the leding role of socially targeted reforms and to prioritize them in of the strategy and methads of the reforms implementation process.
Student Atlas of World Politics
International politics is a drama played out on a world stage. The maps in this atlas serve as the stage for the various scenes in this drama; the tables or data sets are the building materials from which the settings are created. Just as the stage setting helps bring to life and give meaning to the actions and words of a pley, so can these maps and tables enhance your understanding of the vast and complex drama of global politics.
The random house guide to writing
Clear, concise, effective, THE RANDOM HOUSE GUIDE TO WRITING is for anyone who wishes to communicate well in writing Mitchell Ivers shows us how to master the medium and the message with an array of features: Precise guidelines on word usage, grammar, and punctuation--and how to decide with "rules" you can discard to suit your purpose; How to choose the tone and style appropriate to your audience and subject; The essential components of plot in fiction and structure in nonfiction, and much more. An Alternate Selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club A Main Selection of the Writer's Digest Book Club