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Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Psychology and Politics Intersections of Science and Ideology in the History of Psy-Sciences
The book collects ideas and findings on the history and politics of psy-sciences including scientific and theoretical discourses, institutions, and professionals. This volume will allow us to compare the development of the psy-sciences and the institutions in which they are practiced in Eastern European with developments in other regions.
Сармоя тикиш санъати
Қўлингиздаги китобни «Сармоя тикиш санъати» деб номладик. Уни «Бой ота, камбағал ота» ва «Пул оқимининг квадранти» китобларининг чоп этилишидан то муваффақиятга эришишигача яқиндан ёрдам берган инсонларга миннатдорлик рамзи сифатида нашрга тайёрладик.
Psychology and Law A Critical Introduction Second edition
Finally, this book would not have been possible without the tremendous support and patience of my wife Maria. In appreciation, this book is dedicated to her and to our three children.
F# for Machine Learning Essentials Get up and running with machine learning with F# in a fun and functional way
Machine learning is a set of algorithms that learn prediction programs from past data in order to use them for future predictions—whether the prediction programs are represented as decision trees, as neural networks, or via nearest-neighbor functions.
Hands-On Reinforcement Learning with Python Master reinforcement and deep reinforcement learning using OpenAI Gym and TensorFlow
His area of research focuses on practical implementations of deep learning and reinforcement learning, which includes natural language processing and computer vision. He used to be a freelance web developer and designer and has designed award-winning websites. He is an open source contributor and loves answering questions on Stack Overflow.
Raspberry Pi 3 Cookbook for Python Programmers Third Edition Unleash the potential of Raspberry Pi 3 with over 100 recipes
He has an interest in promoting science, technology, engineering, mathematics education, and public understanding of science. He has written more than a dozen technical books published by Packt, Apress, BPB, and Leanpub. He has also reviewed four other books for Packt.
In this book I have aim ed above all a t five things. First, to be clear; concrete illustrations are given throughout, and technical terms are introduced only where essential, and are explained when they are first used.
Recurrent Neural Networks with Python Quick Start Guide Sequential learning and language modeling with TensorFlow
All examples are accompanied by in-depth explanations of the theory to help you understand the underlying concepts behind this powerful but slightly complex model. Reading this book will leave you confident in your knowledge of RNNs and give you a good head start in using this model for your own specific use cases.
Hands-On Automated Machine Learning
This book covers the foundations you need to create AutoML modules, and shows how you can get up to speed with them in the most practical way possible.You will learn to automate different tasks in the ML pipeline, such as data preprocessing, feature selection, model training, model optimization, and much more. The book also demonstrates how to use already available automation libraries, such as auto-sklearn and MLBox, and how to create and extend your own custom AutoML components for ML.
Безыгольные инъекции
В книге представлены результаты медико-технических исследований по изучению струйного (безыгольного) способа введения веществ в организм.
Python Machine Learning Second Edition Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow
While Sebastian's academic research projects are mainly centered around problem-solving in computational biology, he loves to write and talk about data science, machine learning, and Python in general, and he is motivated to help people develop data-driven solutions without necessarily requiring a machine learning background.
Practical Machine Learning Tackle the real-world complexities of modern machine learning with innovative and cutting-edge techniques
Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.
Yangi o'zbekiston taraqqiyot strategiyasi
Kitobning ushbu nashirida saylovda uchrashuvlar patida xalq bilan muloqot jarayonda o'rtaga tashlangan muhim fikir-mulohaza taklif va tashabuslari ham o'z aksini topgan
Қашқадарё вилояти тақирсимон тупроқлари шароитида ғўзани субирригация усулида суғоришнинг пахта ҳосилдорлигига таъсири
Битирув малакавий ишида тажриба далаларидаги ер ости сувларининг чуқурлиги, шўрланганлик даражаси ва зовурларнинг асосий кўрасаткичлари ва бошқа маълумотлар берилган.
Тошкент шароитида жийдазорлар ҳолати ва уларни парваришлаш
Битирув малакавий ишида Тошкент вохасида шарқ жийдасининг генетик биохилмахиллигини ўрганиш натижалари ва бошқа маълумотлар берилган.