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В I разделе разрабатываются диатонические гаммы о включением хроматических тонов, гаммы с пропущенными ступенями, модулирующие гаммы, двух- и трехголосные гаммы, исполняемые всеми пятью пальцами.
Java Deep Learning Essentials Dive into the future of data science and learn how to build the sophisticated algorithms that are fundamental to deep learning and AI with Java
Technology team and eBay Research Labs, with a focus on image understanding for large scale applications and joint learning from both visual and text information. Prior to that, she was with Ancestry.com working on large-scale data mining and machine learning models in the areas of record linkage, search relevance, and ranking. She received her PhD from Purdue University in 2011 with focuses on data mining and image classification.
R Deep Learning Projects Master the techniques to design and develop neural network models in R
This book is meant mainly for two types of readers: professionals who use R in their daily work and want to know some of the tricks and best practices that we have discovered in our projects, and anyone who wants to jump into the field of deep learning with concrete use cases in mind.
Psychology Six Perspectives
Extending from the natural sciences to the humanities, modern psychology has emerged as a highly diverse, relatively young science. This book offers a broad understanding of the field, using three distinct strategies to promote effective instruction
Бизнесмен бўлсаммикин
Ёнимизда, биз билан бирга юрган кишиларнинг баридан исталган вақтда "бой бўлишни хохлайсизми?” деб сўрасангиз, албатта "Ҳа!" деган жавобни оласиз.
The book provides the reader with a presentation of the state of the art and is best suited to all who are interested in understanding what psychodynamic psychotherapy is about. This concerns both the obvious and the hidden forces and dynamics which are meant to facilitate, but might also hinder, a process that has to be installed and maintained in order to help patients to regain their psychic health, thus engendering the capacity to cope with their conflicts at a mature level and to lead an autonomous life.
PSYCHOANALYTIC LISTENING Methods, Limits, and Innovations
My book aims to rectify this problem by focusing upon analytic listening. Taking Freud’s early description of how an analyst ought to listen as its starting point, the book traverses considerable historical, theoretical, and clinical territory. The ground covered ranges from diverse methods of listening through the informative potential of the countertransference to the outer limits of our customary attitude where psychoanalytic listening no longer helps and might even be contraindicated. Allow me, at this point, to briefly comment upon each of these chapters.
Python Machine Learning Second Edition Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow
Through exposure to the news and social media, you are probably aware of the fact that machine learning has become one of the most exciting technologies of our time and age. Large companies, such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and IBM, heavily invest in machine learning research and applications for good reasons. While it may seem that machine learning has become the buzzword of our time and age, it is certainly not a fad.
Psychoanalytic Geographies
This book contains eight images taken from Kivland’s series. These have been selected to convey the mess and jumble of the psyche with the ruins of the past abutting things in the present and the future; the coexistence of different elements within the same space; a visual metaphor not only for psychic processes, but also for the embodiment of those processes, as well as their intersection with everyday socio-symbolic life; and also, to illustrate Freud’s examples of how the form of the city, both its physical and social characteristics, shifts and changes, sometimes radically, sometimes not.
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered herein. It is sold with the clear understanding that the Publisher is not engaged in rendering legal or any other professional services.
This book attempts to explore certain asymptomatic areas of the mind and to integrate them within the overall domain of psychopathological dynamics. It is in these areas that desire, de-alienation and inner freedom play a predominant role. Far from being trivial, the integrative work done on these issues has repercussions on other psychic functions through associative channels
Modeling of specific safety-critical driving scenarios for data synthesis in the context of autonomous driving software
Autonomous driving will be one of the key characteristics for modern vehicles in the future, especially with the objective of saving more people’s lives on the roads due to significant reductions in the number of traffic accidents. One of the most challenging aspects of autonomous cars are the safety-critical driving scenarios, such as emergency braking.
PSYCHOANALYSIS AND POLITICS Exclusion and the Politics of Representation
Thinking psychoanalytically about the nature of social exclusion involves a self-questioning on the part of the interpreter. While we may all have some experiences of having been subject to stereotyping, silencing, discrimination, or exclusion, it is also the case that, as social beings, we all, to some extent, participate in upholding these practices, often unconsciously
Reinforcement Learning with TensorFlow
The book covers the major advancements and successes achieved in deep reinforcement learning by synergizing deep neural network architectures with reinforcement learning. The book also introduces readers to the concept of Reinforcement Learning, its advantages and why it's gaining so much popularity.
This new series presents leading-edge research on artificial life, cellular automata, chaos theory, cognition, complexity theory, synchronization, fractals, genetic algorithms, information systems, metaphors, neural networks, non-linear dynamics, parallel computation and synergetics. The unifying feature of this research is the tie to chaos and complexity.
This book derives from an intense collaboration among colleagues from various countries as well as a dialogue between the two of us about the current state of education—and for that matter the State and education—and a sense of deep dissatisfaction that seems to pervade discussions around these issues. We have needed to understand more of each other’s perspectives too, given our different biographies and, to an extent, preoccupations.