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Решение трудных и увлекательных задач на Python
Цель данной книги – укрепить навыки логического рассуждения и раз- вить творческое мышление, представив и решив 90 не самых простых задач на Python. Задачи изложены доходчиво и сжато, снабжены алгоритмами и комментариями, что помогает читателям следить за процессом их решения и понимать его суть. Издание предназначено читателям с базовыми знаниями языка Python, которые стремятся вывести свои способности на новый уровень. Книга будет полезна студентам, преподавателям, разработчикам, а также участникам соревнований по программированию.
C# Game Programming Cookbook for Unity 3D
The overall goal of this book is to provide a library of C# code with which to jumpstart your projects and to help you with the overall structure of your games.Many development cookbooks focus on only providing snippets of code, but, here, we take a different approach. What you are holding in your hands right now (or on your screen) is a cookbook for game development that has a highly flexible core framework designed to speed up development of just about any type of Unity project.
Essential C# knowledge for beginners: best 100
Welcome to a tailored learning journey in the world of C# programming. Designed for individuals who already grasp basic programming concepts, this book aims to equip beginners with the essential knowledge necessary to master C#. Each section of this guide is crafted to ensure that you gain a deep understanding of key C# elements without overwhelming details.
C# and Algorithmic Thinking for the Complete Beginner
In today's society, almost every task requires the use of acomputer. In schools, students use computers to search the Internet and to send emails. At work, people use them to make presentations, to analyze data, and to communicate with customers. At home, people use computers to play games, to connect to social networks and to chat with other people all over the world.
Business Intelligence with Looker Cookbook
This book offers a comprehensive guide to mastering Looker,a powerful cloud-based business intelligence platform. You’ll learn the fundamentals of setting up your Looker account and creating LookML projects,along with the art of exploring data and crafting impactful dashboards. Additionally, the book delves into advanced techniques including dashboard interactivity, troubleshooting, application development, content organization, and seamless integration with other tools. By the end, you’ll have the skills to harness Looker’s full potential for data analysis, visualization, and customized data-driven solutions.
Clang Compiler Frontend
Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM), is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies used to develop compilers and compiler tools, such as linters and refactoring tools. LLVM is written in C++ and can be considered a good example of a well-structured project that uses interesting techniques aimed at making it reusable and efficient. The project can also be considered an excellent example of compiler architecture; diving into it will give you a sense of how compilers are organized and how they function.This should help to understand usage patterns and apply them accordingly.
Clean Code with C#
Welcome to Clean Code in C#. You will learn how to identify problematic code that, while it compiles, does not lend itself to readability, maintainability, and extensibility. You will also learn about various tools and patterns, along with ways to refactor code to make it clean.
Cloud Penetration Testing for Red Teamers
Congratulations, dear reader! Over the past 15 years or so, there has been tremendous growth in the use of cloud platforms. Amazon’s AWS formally launched in 2006, and Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) soon followed in 2008. There are many cloud platforms out there, but AWS, Azure, and GCP are the most popular. AWS, Azure, and GCP empower companies, organizations, and enterprises to deploy networks that are more powerful and scalable than what was possible to do on their own premises. Many organizations even have more than one cloud platform in their networks.Cloud networks are connected to the public internet, so naturally, they’re susceptible to a wide range of cyberattacks. With the growing popularity of cloud platforms and companies realizing that they need to secure their cloud networks for the sake of business success, people with cloud penetration testing skills are greatly needed in the international job market. By learning how to simulate cyberattacks in cloud platforms for the sake of security testing, your abilities will be desired, no matter where in the world you are.
C++ High Performance for Financial Systems
The financial industry is complex and always changing, needing advanced tech solutions. C++ is a popular language for creating powerful software in finance due to its speed and reliability. This book explores how C++ is used in finance and trading, guiding you on applying it to build effective trading systems.Whether you’re a tech-savvy developer entering finance or a finance pro wanting more tech know-how, this book helps you navigate financial technology. It covers the technical basics for building trading systems, including network protocols and other essential considerations
Cracking the Data Engineering Interview
Within the domain of data, a distinct group of experts known as data engineers are devoted to ensuring that data is not merely accumulated, but rather refined, dependable, and prepared for analysis. Due to the emergence of big data technologies and the development of data-driven decision-making, the significance of this position has increased substantially, rendering data engineering one of the most desirable careers in the technology sector. However, the trajectory toward becoming a prosperous data engineer remains obscure for many.Cracking the Data Engineering Interview serves as a printed mentor. Providing ambitious data engineers with the necessary information, tactics, and self-assurance to enter this ever-changing industry. The organization of this book facilitates your progression in comprehending the domain of data engineering, attaining proficiency in its fundamental principles, and equipping yourself to confront the intricacies of its interviews
Решение основных задач линейной алгебры на языке R и Excel
В учебном пособии рассматриваются основные темы курса линейной алгебры, связанные с матричной алгеброй: матрицы, определители, методы решения систем линейных уравнений. Объясняются способы вычисления определителей нахождения обратной матрицы, ранга матрицы. Разбираются методы Гаусса, Крамера, обратной матрицы для решения систем уравнений. Для всех разделов приводятся основные теоретические сведения, подробные решения типовых задач с помощью языка R и Excel. Также на каждую тему приводятся задачи для самостоятельного решения.
Решение задач глубокого обучения с использованием фреймворков Pytorch и Pytorch Lightning
Представляет собой комплексное руководство, предназначенное для изучения и применения фреймворков PyTorch и PyTorch Lightning в контексте задач глубокого обучения с акцентом на область компьютерного зрения. Предназначено для студентов 3 и 4 курсов направления подготовки 09.03.02 «Информационные системы и технологии», 1 и 2 курсов направления подготовки 09.04.02 «Информационные системы и технологии».
Cracking the Data Science Interview
In today’s dynamic technological landscape, the demand for skilled professionals in artificial intelligence (AI) and data science roles has surged, and the data science job market is increasingly saturated by various levels of data science and AI employees. This book is a comprehensive guide, crafted to equip both aspiring and seasoned individuals with the essential tools and knowledge required to navigate the intricacies of data science interviews. Whether you’re stepping into the AI realm for the first time or aiming to elevate your expertise, this book offers a holistic approach to mastering the fundamental and cutting-edge facets of the field.The chapters within this book span a wide spectrum of critical subjects, from programming with Python and SQL to statistical analysis, pre-modeling and data cleaning concepts, machine learning (ML), deep learning, Large Language Models (LLMs), and generative AI. We aim to provide a comprehensive review and update on the foundational concepts while also delving into the latest advancements. In an era marked by the disruptive potential of language models and generative AI,it’s imperative to continually hone your skills. This book serves as a compass, guiding you through the intricacies of these transformative technologies, ensuring you’re poised to tackle the challenges and harness the opportunities they present
Рецепты Python. Коллекция лучших техник программирования
В «Рецептах Python» используется простой, но эффективный метод освоения 63-х базовых навыков программирования на Python. Сначала формулируется вопрос, например «Как найти элементы в последовательности?» Затем приводится базовое решение на чистом понятном коде. Далее исследуются другие интересные подходы, такие как поиск подстрок или пользовательские классы. Перед переходом к следующему вопросу полученные навыки закрепляются с помощью решения задач. Автор рассматривает все языковые средства, необходимые для уверенного владения Python. По ходу знакомства с книгой вы изучите лучшие приемы написания питонического кода. В освоении каждого инструмента помогут конкретные рекомендации и рисунки. Многочисленные перекрестные ссылки указывают на возможность повторного использования рассматриваемых средств и концепций в различных контекстах.
Рендеринг на основе законов физики
В книге описывается рендеринг, основанный на рейтрейсинге – алгоритме трассировки лучей, который способен отображать физически реалистичные изображения сложных сцен. Описывается рейтрейсинг как вычислительный метод, основанный на физике процесса; рассматриваются радиометрия, спектры и цвет, представление геометрии сцены, иерархии ограничивающих объемов, текстуры и материалы, семплинг и антиалиасинг, источники света и многое другое. Большое внимание уделяется оптимизации процесса рендеринга, а также использовани. графического процессора для ускорения вычислений. Издание предназначено для разработчиков программного обеспечения, тех, кто занимается исследованиями в области компьютерной графики, а также студентов и аспирантов, обучающихся по данному направлению.
Critical Infrastructure Security
This book offers an essential guide for anyone aiming to fortify critical infrastructure against cyber threats. It merges fundamental cybersecurity principles with compelling real-world case studies, enhancing retention and offering engaging insights into the complexities of critical infrastructure cybersecurity. The book specifically addresses the knowledge gap brought about by the convergence of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT), providing valuable perspective for practitioners navigating this evolving landscape. It serves as an invaluable resource for cyber defenders, delivering practical knowledge gained from historical cyber incidents to prevent future breaches. From exploring vulnerabilities to presenting strategies for protection, this book equips readers with the understanding necessary to mitigate attacks on critical infrastructure