C++ Game Development Cookbook
This book provides a detailed look at some of the aspects of C++ which could be used for games development.Game Development Basics, explains the basics of C++ programming, writing small programs to be used in games, and how to handle memory in games.
C++ Game Animation Programming
Character animations have existed since the first games were created for computers. The spaceships in SpaceWar!, written by Steve Russell in 1962 for a PDP-1, and Computer Space by Nolan Bushnell, released in 1971 as an arcade cabinet, were animated, with the animation showing the direction in which the spaceships headed.
Data Engineering with Google Cloud Platform
There is too much information – too many options and plans. Things are complicated. We live in a world where there is more and more information, which can be as problematic as too little information, and I’m aware that this condition applies when people want to start doing data engineering in the cloud, specifically Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in this book.
Data Engineering with Scala and Spark
Every company today is a data company regardless of the industry. Innovative companies use data to analyze the past, predict what will happen, and react to what is happening now. Data engineers are some of the most critical employees at companies today. They are essential for collecting, cleaning, and maintaining trusted datasets that analysts, data scientists, and reporting tools use to provide insights.
C++17 Standard Library Quick Reference
The C++ Standard Library is a collection of essential classes and functions used by millions of C++ programmers on a daily basis. Being part of the ISO Standard of the C++ Programming Language, an implementation is distributed with virtually every C++ compiler. Code written with the C++ Standard Library is therefore portable across compilers and target platforms.
Data Labeling in Machine Learning with Python
In today’s data-driven era, where more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are produced daily in various forms such as text, image, audio, and video, data stands as the cornerstone of the AI revolution. However, the majority of real-world data available for training supervised machine learning models lacks labels, or we encounter limited labeled data. This presents a significant challenge, as labeled data is essential for training any supervised machine learning model and fine-tuning large language models in the age of generative AI.To address the scarcity of labeled data and facilitate the preparation of labeled data for training supervised machine learning models and fine-tuning large language models, this book introduces various methods for programmatic data labeling using Python libraries and methods, including semisupervised and unsupervised learning.
Data Structures and Algorithms with the C++ STL
Welcome to Data Structures and Algorithms with the C++ STL, a resource that aims to deepen your understanding of data structures and algorithms using the robust tools provided by the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). Within these pages, you will explore std::vector, advanced usage of sequence and associative containers, in-depth discussions on STL algorithms and their enhancements with modern C++ features, and a penetrating look at creating STL-compatible types and algorithms.
Реверсивный инжиниринг приложений под Windows
Реверсивный инжиниринг считается одним из наиболее сложных направлений в информационной безопасности (ИБ). В книге автор предлагает при- открыть завесу тайны над этой темой и с помощью практических примеров рассмотреть, как работают приложения под ОС Windows, а также разобраться в том, как эксплуатировать уязвимости переполнения буфера, размещать свой код в выполнимых файлах, находить полезную информацию в дампах памяти и многое другое. Книга предназначена как для начинающих специалистов, желающих разобраться в реверс-инжиниринге, так и для опытных специалистов по ИБ, интересующихся данной темой.
Databricks ML in Action
In this book, you will discover what makes the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform the go-to choice for top-tier machine learning solutions. Databricks ML in Action presents cloud-agnostic, end-to-end examples with hands-on illustrations of executing data science, machine learning, and generative AI projects on the Databricks Platform. You’ll develop expertise in Databricks’ managed MLflow, Vector Search, AutoML, Unity Catalog, and Model Serving as you learn to apply them practically in everyday workflows. This Databricks book not only offers detailed code explanations but also facilitates seamless code importation for practical use. You’ll discover how to leverage the open source Databricks platform to enhance your learning, boost your skills, and elevate your productivity with supplemental resources.By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered the use of Databricks for data science, machine learning, and generative AI, enabling you to deliver outstanding data products.
Расширенная аналитика с PySpark
Книга посвящена практическим методам анализа больших объемов данных с использованием языка Python и фреймворка Spark, она знакомит с моделью программирования Spark и основами системы с открытым исходным кодом PySpark. Каждая глава описывает отдельный аспект анализа данных, показаны основы обработки данных в PySpark и Python на примере очистки данных, подробно освещается машинное обучение с помощью Spark. Книга поможет читателю понять, как устроен и работает весь конвейер PySpark для комплексной аналитики больших наборов данных: от создания и оценки моделей до очистки, предварительной обработки и исследования данных с особым акцентом на производственные приложения. Отдельные главы посвящены обработке изображений и библиотеке Spark NLP.
Defending APIs
In today’s hyper-connected digital world, APIs are ubiquitous in providing the connecting tissue between systems and services. The growth of APIs continues at an exponential pace, with almost every developer either responsible for creating APIs of their own or consuming APIs as part of their solution. Unfortunately, attackers have shifted their focus to attacking APIs first, and the alarming rise in API incidents and breaches is testimony to the challenges developers face in producing APIs that are secure and robust.
Designing Hexagonal Architecture with Java
Sometimes, solving problems and expressing our ideas through code is challenging. What looks like an obvious solution in our minds may look unnecessarily complex in the minds of others. But that’s alright if we are open to new ideas and perspectives because we set our minds to learning unexpected things when we have a persistent attitude and a willingness to embrace everything that comes.I was not expecting it when I was first introduced to hexagonal architecture.
Elevate SwiftUI Skills by Building Projects
Welcome to Elevate SwiftUI Skills by Building Projects. This book is your ultimate companion for mastering the art of building projects using Swift and SwiftUI, two powerful technologies at the forefront of Apple platform development. Whether you’re just starting your journey or already have experience, this comprehensive guide is tailored to help you take your skills to the next level.Swift and SwiftUI have revolutionized the way developers create applications for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch. With their intuitive syntax, robust features, and seamless integration, they offer endless possibilities for crafting stunning and performant user interfaces.
Engineering Manager’s Handbook
Hello and welcome to the Engineering Manager’s Handbook! In this book, we use the term engineering manager as a catch-all term for position titles such as software engineering manager, software development manager, and web development manager. Engineering manager has become the prevailing way to refer to these positions within the world of digital product development, so for better or worse, we will uphold that convention here.
Enterprise-Grade Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Strategies
In the last decade, cloud technology has evolved from just another deployment platform into an engine for digital disruption. As modern technologies, such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, edge computing, and quantum computing, continue to build on the foundations laid by cloud agility, scale, and resiliency, the cloud has become an indispensable platform that powers not just IT transformation but also business transformation. Embracing the cloud empowers enterprises to innovate faster, deliver new capabilities more efficiently, and maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic global marketplace.
Executive’s Cybersecurity Program Handbook
The Fog of More is a term created for the onslaught of vendors and cybersecurity professionals who want to throw money at a problem. The problem turns into appliances, with blinky lights, that never get fully implemented or go unused. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars are spent every year on buying the latest and greatest technology only to miss the fundamentals of implementing basic security controls. We, as professionals, need to take a step back and look at the overall current state of the cybersecurity program and decide where we want to go.