Software Engineering Manager
As someone who has always been drawn to software engineering, I have long harbored a keen interest in eventually transitioning from a software engineer role into management, specifically engineering management (EM). This aspiration stemmed from my admiration for my father, who worked in the same field.
Web Development Career Master Plan
The field of web development is an exciting one, where rapid technological changes are the order of the day. This can make it a challenging field when it comes to knowing where to start. When I broke into this field, all we really needed was a basic text editor such as Notepad, and some time to look at the code behind websites to glean the basics of what was involved in building them. Being self-taug.
Real-Time C++: Efficient Object-Oriented and Template Microcontroller Programming
C++20, the newest evolution of C++, adds various major new language features that can significantly simplify and clarify program expression. At the same time,using C++ in microcontroller programming is steadily gaining popularity and the methods of its use are maturing in the embedded systems community. These steps are matched by the widespread support of modern post-C++11,14,17 adherence delivered by many high-quality microcontroller compiler vendors.
Mastering UI Development with Unity
There are a multitude of built-in UI elements that can be incorporated into a game built in Unity. This book will help you master Unity’s UI system by describing, in-depth, the various UI objects, functionalities, and properties and providing step-by-step examples of their implementation.
Refactoring in Java
In a time when it seems there is no other topic but artificial intelligence, it may seem strange to write a book that gathers the key practices for writing good, maintainable, and, in a word, clean code. As I write this, tools are becoming well-known – perhaps they are already well-known – that assist the developer and help write code, suggesting how to complete the line of code they are writing or even writing some short methods. Opinions at the moment are very polarized, between those who fear becoming obsolete in a few weeks and those who believe their natural intelligence is superior to any artificial intelligence.
Mastering PowerShell Scripting
PowerShell is an object-oriented scripting language aimed at systems administrators that was invented by Jeffrey Snover. PowerShell was first conceived as far back as 2002 and entered mainstream use in 2006. Exchange 2007 was one of the first major systems to adopt it as an administration language.
Spring Security
Knowing that experienced hackers are itching to test your skills makes security one of the most difficult and high-pressured concerns of creating an application. The complexity of properly securing an application is compounded when you must also integrate this factor with existing code, new technologies, and other frameworks. Use this book to easily secure your Java application with the tried and trusted Spring Security framework, a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework.
Practical Event-Driven Microservices Architecture: Building Sustainable and Highly Scalable Event-Driven Microservices
Applications and systems came a long way since the traditional use cases of the turning of the century. You might recall measuring large data in a few gigabytes, waiting for a web page to load for a few dozens of seconds, or the scheduled maintenance that included a few hours of downtime. These were common practices perhaps 20 years ago; today, however, they are completely unacceptable. In fact, serving functionality in dozens of milliseconds and 100% uptime are properties users started getting used to and expect from any application. Achieving them at scale, however, requires a substantially different approach to how we build software and different paradigms to software architecture design
Machine Learning Theory and Applications
The wheels of time turn faster and faster, and as individuals and as human society we all need to adapt and follow. Progress is uncountable in all domains.Over the last two years, the author has dedicated many hours over weekends and late evenings to provide a volume of reference to serve as a guide for all those who plan to travel through machine learning from scratch, and to use it in elaborated domains where it could make a real difference, for the good of the people, society, and our planet.
Modern CSS with Tailwind
Tailwind 3.0 adds a just-in-time (JIT) engine, which changes the way Tailwind determines what Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) code to generate and make available to the browser. Tailwind is a large set of CSS classes that each stand in for some set of CSS properties. In previous versions, Tailwind generated a list of its CSS classes and then allowed you to specify any classes in that list you wanted removed to limit the size of the Tailwind file for performance purposes.
Learn R As a Language
Why did I choose “Learn R: As a Language” as the title? This book is based on exploration and practice that aims at teaching how to express various operations on data using the R language. It focuses on the language, rather than on specific types of data analysis, exposes the reader to current usage, and does not spare the quirks of the language. When we use our native language in everyday life, we do not think about grammar rules or sentence structure, except for the trickier or unfamiliar situations.
Mathematical Methods using Python
In this introductory chapter, we present the basics of using Python, focusing on the most frequently used libraries (SymPy, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib). We discuss the various data types, variables and sequences, and give examples of functions, loops and conditional statements. We show how to use functions and methods and how to work with NumPy arrays using indexing and slicing. We introduce the Matplotlib library and how to set up 2D and 3D graphics. Finally, we give examples of symbolic evaluations using SymPy and how to use the lambdify function in Python.
Advanced Field-Effect Transistors
Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technology has evolved as the dominant fabrication process in the past few decades, and it has become the only option for semiconductor industries, but it’s not best suited for low-power applications. The uses of developing semiconductor devices in electronic circuits are explored throughout this book. It addresses systematic and comprehensive engineering problems as well as applications of sophisticated low-power devices.
Create Your Own Operating System
Take a look around you right now and count how many electronic devices you can see from your current point of view. If you are like most people, you probably have numerous devices just within your current eye sight. In order for many of those devices to work, they have some sort of operating system (OS) that allows them to boot up and provide whatever experiences it is they have to offer. In fact, if you are reading the digital version of this book, the very device you are now holding has an operating system of its own.
Observability with Grafana
In this book, we will use the OpenTelemetry Demo application to simulate a real-world environment and send the collected data to a free Grafana Cloud account that we will create. This administration and support tools offered by Grafana. This approach will teach you how to run the Grafana tools in a way so that anyone can experiment and learn independently.
Modern Operating Systems
The fifth edition of this book differs from the fourth edition in many ways.There are large numbers of small changes everywhere to bring the material up to date as operating systems are not standing still. For example, where the previous edition focused almost exclusively on magnetic hard disks for storage, this time we give the flash-based Solid State Drives (SSDs) the attention that befits their popularity. The chapter on Windows 8.1 has been replaced entirely by a chapter on the new Windows 11. We hav e rewritten much of the security chapter, with more focus on topics that are directly relevant for operating systems (and exciting new attacks and defenses), while reducing the discussion of cryptography and steganography. Here is a chapter-by-chapter rundown of the changes.