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Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Understanding the LINUX KERNEL
In the spring semester of 1997, we taught a course on operating systems based on Linux 2.0. The idea was to encourage students to read the source code. To achieve this, we assigned term projects consisting of making changes to the kernel and performing tests on the modified version. We also wrote course notes for our students about a few critical features of Linux such as task switching and task scheduling.
Practical Artificial Intelligence
Practical Artificial Intelligence (PAI) is a book that proposes a new model for learning. Most AI books deeply focus on theory and abandon practical problems that demonstrate the theory introduced throughout the book.
Spring Security in Action (Second Ed.)
The journey through software development is an enthralling dance of building, learning, teaching, and often, unlearning. Ever since I began my journey in 2007, I’ve found myself gracefully expanding my role from being solely a developer to being a developer and trainer. While both roles have their unique charm, it’s the art of imparting knowledge, nurturing curiosity, and witnessing the aha moments of fellow learners that truly lights a fire in me. But let’s face it, the realms of development and training are deeply intertwined. To be a torchbearer, illuminating the way for others, one must first have their feet firmly rooted in the constantly evolving terrains of software application.
Think Like a Data Scientist
In 2012, an article in the Harvard Business Review named the role of data scientist “the sexiest job of the 21st century.” With 87 years left in the century, it’s fair to say they might yet change their minds. Nevertheless, at the moment, data scientists are getting a lot of attention, and as a result, books about data science are proliferating. There would be no sense in adding another book to the pile if it merely repeated or repackaged text that is easily found elsewhere. But, while surveying new data science literature, it became clear to me that most authors would rather explain how to use all the latest tools and technologies than discuss the nuanced problem-solving nature of the data science process.
Web Application Security (Second Ed.)
Welcome to Web Application Security: Exploitation and Countermeasures for Modern Web Applications. In this preface, we will discuss the book’s content and who this book is for, including the skill sets required to make the most of the technical content in the following chapters. Reading the preface will help you understand if this book is for you.
Voice Applications for Alexa and Google Assistant
many Google products day-to-day. My music provider of choice is Google Play Music, my wife and I chat during the day on Hangouts, I use Google Calendar, and more. My interest was strong enough that I flew to the United States just to pick up a device. (Well,that and to see my then girlfriend, now wife, who was still living in Brooklyn.) Of course I was going to start building Actions for the Assistant, too.
The Art of Randomness
Even though the ancient civilizations understood randomness (and philosophized about its role in the universe, causality, and free will), they did not possess the understanding of probabilistic behavior and long-term frequencies. In fact, it wasn’t until the Renaissance that scientists started treating chance with rigor.
Probabilistic Deep Learning
All three of us, the authors, have a background in statistics. We started our journey in DL together in 2014. We got so excited about it that DL is still in the center of our professional lives. DL has a broad range of applications, but we are especially fascinated by the power of combining DL models with probabilistic approaches as used in statistics. In our experience, a deep understanding of the potential of probabilistic DL requires both insight into the underlying methods and practical experience. Therefore, we tried to find a good balance of both ingredients in this book.
Writing a C Compiler
When we talk about how programming languages work, we tend to borrow metaphors from fantasy novels: compilers are magic, and the people who work on them are wizards. Dragons may be involved somehow. But in the day-to-day lives of most programmers, compilers behave less like magical artifacts and more like those universal translator earpieces from science fiction.
Deep Reinforcement Learning in Unity
Machine learning has been instrumental in shaping the scope of technology since its inception. ML has played an important role in the development of things such as autonomous vehicles and robotics. Deep reinforcement learning is that field of learning where agents learn with help of rewards—a thought which has been derived from nature. Through this book, the author tries to present the diversity of reinforcement learning algorithms in game development as well as in scientific research.
Developing a Computer Operating System from Scratch
Most of the operating system are split into two main components which are the kernel and the shell. Kernel of an operating system is what communicates with the hardware, manages memory etc and do all other main stuff etc… The main aim of the kernel is to provide an abstration level to the shell of that operating system which is the software that the user directly communicates with.
IT Risk Management Guide
This document describes the contents of the Risk Management Guide. The information found within the Guide is based on the ITIL Version 3 framework, focusing on the processes of Information Security Management and IT Service Continuity Management. In addition, to these processes are the methodologies supported by ITIL Version 3 e.g. M_o_R and CRAMM which are considered ‘best practice’ all over the world.
Distributed Tracing in Practice
If you’re reading this book, you may already have some idea what the words dis‐ tributed tracing mean. You may also have no idea what they mean—for all we know, you’re simply a fan of bandicoots (the animal on the cover). We won’t judge, promise. Either way, you’re reading this to gain some insight into what distributed tracing is, and how you can use it to understand the performance and operation of your micro‐services and other software. With that in mind, let’s start out with a simple definition.
Service management: operations, strategy, information technology
The book is written in an engaging literary style, makes extensive use of examples, and is based on the research and consulting experience of the authors. Part One begins with a discussion of the role of services in an economy. We first look at the historical evolution of societies based on economic activity and conclude with a discussion of the emerging experience economy.
The Security Risk Assessment Handbook
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use.
Global Health Informatics
his book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.