Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Key Account Management
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other except for brief quotations, not to exceed 400 words, without the prior permission of the publisher.
Web Development on Netlify
Netlify is all about bringing different technologies together, making your web projects not just possible but also powerful and painless. I’m thrilled to take you through the ins and outs of what makes the platform stand out and how it can supercharge your web apps.
Programming Backend with Go
You have arrived at "Programming Backend with Go." Hi! I'm Julian Braun, and I can't wait to show you all the cool stuff about Go backend development. Working with Go for many years has shown me how effective and efficient it is for building scalable, high-performance backend systems. I hope that this book will be useful to you whether you are an experienced developer or just getting your feet dipped in the world of backend programming. The Google Go language, also known as Golang, is known for its simplicity, efficiency, and dependability.
Ultimate Snowflake Architecture for Cloud Data Warehousing
The Snowflake database revolutionized cloud-based databases with its unique hybrid of shared disk and shared-nothing architectures, paving the way for a rather groundbreaking approach that has become a solution for many organizations that were tied to service providers who provided a coupled compute and storage solution.
The DevOps Journey: Navigating the Path to Seamless Software Delivery (1st ed.)
Software development has undergone a significant evolution over the years, shaped by technological advancements, changing business demands, and the need for more efficient and agile processes. This evolution has ultimately led to the emergence of DevOps as a critical approach to software engineering.
Information Technology and Organizational Transformation
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England W1T 4LP.
Production-Ready Microservices
This book was born out of a production-readiness initiative I began running several months after I joined Uber Technologies as a site reliability engineer (SRE). Uber’s gigantic, monolithic API was slowly being broken into microservices, and at the time I joined, there were over a thousand microservices that had been split from the API and were running alongside it. Each of these microservices was designed, built, and maintained by an owning development team, and over 85% of these services had little to no SRE involvement, nor any access to SRE resources.
Salesforce CRM Administration Handbook
As you may already know, Salesforce is a platform that empowers businesses with its robust automation and management capabilities. In the realm of Salesforce, administrators play a pivotal role in overseeing the platform’s functionalities, ensuring smooth operations, and driving business success. This book serves as your comprehensive guide to mastering Salesforce administration, specifically tailored to prepare you for the Admin exam.
Salesforce Sales Cloud – An Implementation Handbook
The Salesforce Sales Cloud – An Implementation Handbook is a practical guide on how to design and deliver Sales Cloud solutions. Concepts and functionality related to Sales Cloud are presented and explained in the context of the software delivery lifecycle to illustrate when and how solution decisions are made. Tips, pitfalls, and examples are given to provide enough information to make decisions for their use case without being overwhelming. The book is beneficial for those who are new to Sales Cloud and software delivery and also for those want to gain an insight into the different aspects of Sales Cloud.
Kubernetes Secrets Handbook
Kubernetes Secrets management is a combination of practices and tools that help users to securely store and manage sensitive information, such as passwords, tokens, and certificates, within a Kubernetes cluster and keep them safe and secure. Securing Secrets such as passwords, API keys, and other sensitive information is critical for protecting applications and data from unauthorized access. Developers who understand Kubernetes Secrets management can help ensure that Secrets are managed securely and effectively, reducing the risk of security breaches. Many industries and regulatory frameworks have specific requirements for managing sensitive data. By learning Kubernetes Secrets management practices, developers can ensure that their applications comply with these requirements and avoid potential legal or financial penalties.
Basics of Python Programming (2nd Ed.)
The author is optimistic that students who want to complete a thorough using Python will find relief in this work. This book provides a range of real world examples, conceptual challenges, and methodically worked-out solutions to help readers understand programming ideas through clear explanations and examples. Additionally, it covers every topic necessary for students to gain a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of Python. This book is a great resource for anyone with programming knowledge and a great place for newbies to start. The abilities needed to understand the fundamentals of Python at a beginner's level are taken into mind when writing this book. The book presents real-world Python examples in an approachable style that makes it easy for students to learn and comprehend.
Kotlin Coroutines by Tutorials
You’re reading an early access edition of Kotlin Coroutines by Tutorials. As we continue to add chapters to the early access edition of this book, we’ll notify you and let you know how to access the updated versions. We hope you enjoy the preview of this book, and that you’ll come back to help us celebrate more releases of Kotlin Coroutines by Tutorials as we work on the book! The best way to get update notifications is to sign up for our monthly newsletter. This includes a list of the tutorials that came out on raywenderlich.com that month, any important news like book updates or new books, and a list of our favorite development links for that month.
Visual Analytics Fundamentals
For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by the power of a good story. Like taste buds, our taste for stories evolves over time, both in terms of format and content. Our appetite changes alongside age, experiences, and interests, yet still the desire for a good story persists. We crave stories; it’s part of our design. Humans are intrinsically hungry for a good story. They entertain us, educate us, and provide mechanisms to transmit knowledge, information, and experiences. We’re rather indiscriminate about how we receive stories, too. In fact, according to scientific evidence, we might even prefer stories that move us and touch our senses.
Information Technology and Educationalmanagement in the Knowledge Society
Developments in management information systems (MIS) have been well suited to the collation, storage and dissemination of summative assessment data and have reached a point where data can now be used for comparative purposes at national, local and individual pupil levels. Trends in assessment in English secondary schools have focused primarily on its use for purposes of monitoring and accountability.
The Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide
The primary purpose of The Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide: Challenges Every Scrum Team Faces and How to Overcome Them is to help Scrum practitioners identify, understand, and address commonly observed patterns of behavior that undermine the effectiveness of Scrum in achieving its goals. The book addresses these challenges—from the misaligned understanding of roles and practices to organizational issues—highlighting these anti-patterns and pointing to practical solutions. The guide seeks to enhance the application of Scrum, making it more effective in driving innovation, productivity, and overall value delivery. In real life, stakeholders are not usually interested in how we solve their problems as long as we ethically play by the rules of our society in alignment with our organization’s culture. Instead, they are interested in the regular delivery of valuable Increments.
The Role of an IT Manager
IT Managers need to wear a lot of hats. Different parts of the organization will have different expectations of this position, and you’ll have to address them all. Finance expects you to manage costs. Sales and Marketing will want to see IT help generate revenue. The auditors are looking over your shoulder. Your staff is looking for guidance, career development, and a work-life balance. The executive traveling to Dubai wants to know if his cell phone will work there, and how to use the hotel’s Wi-Fi. And the administrative assistant down the hall just wants her printer to stop smudging. This chapter examines the varied roles and responsibilities of an IT Manager.