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Qishloq xo'jalik ekinlari seleksiyasi va urug‘chiligi
Dehqonchilikning asosiy vazifasi ekinlar hosildorligini oshirish va sifatli mahsulot yetishtirishdir. Yer yuzidagi aholining yil sayin ko‘payishi, o‘sib borishi bilan foydalaniladigan, sug‘oriladigan yerlar maydoni o‘smasdan, chegaralangan holda qolmoqda. Aholini oziq-ovqat bilan, sanoatni esa xom-ashyo bilan ta’minlashning faqat bir yo‘li mavjud. U ham bo'Isa. qishloq xo‘jalik ekinlarining hosildorligini oshirishdir.
Практическое пособие для поваров III разряда
Цель пособия помочь работникам получить знания необходимые для присвоения им квалификатции повара III разряда.
RELIGIONS OF THE SILK ROAD. Premodern Patterns of Globalization. 2nd edition
The decade since thisbookwas firstpublishedhasbrought considerable feedback, much of it positive, some critical, but-significantly I think-it has not yet abated. The fact that the book continues to reach new readers is deeply gratifying, yet it also brings a sense of obligation.
Optical Waveguide Theory. Mathematical Models, Spectral Theory and Numerical Analysis
This book addresses the most advanced to-date mathematical approach and numerical methods in electromagnetic field theory and wave propagation. It presents the application of developed methods and techniques to the analysis of waves in various guiding structures —shielded and open metal-dielectric waveguides of arbitrary cross-section, planar and circular waveguides filled with inhomogeneous dielectrics, metamaterials, chiral media, anisotropic media and layered media with absorption. It also looks into spectral properties of wave propagation for the waveguide families being considered, and the relevant mathematical techniques such as spectral theory of non-self-adjoint operator-valued functions are described, including rigorous proofs of the existence of various types of waves. Further, numerical methods constructed on the basis of the presented mathematical approach and the results of numerical modeling for various structures are also described in depth. The book is beneficial to a broad spectrum of readers ranging from pure and applied mathematicians in electromagnetic field theory to researchers and engineers who are familiar with mathematics. Further, it is also useful as a supplementary text for upper-level undergraduate students interested in learning more advanced topics of mathematical methods in electromagnetics.
O'zbekiston iqtisodiyotida amalga oshirilayotgan tub islohotlaming bugungi kundagi bosqichida raqamli iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirish masalasiga alohida e ’tibor qaratilmoqda. Aksiyadoriik jamiyatlarida moliyaviy menejment mexanizmini raqamli moliyaviy texnologiyalar asosida bosqichma-bosqich rivojlantirish bugungi xalqaro integratsiyalashuv jarayonlarini takomillashtirish, yirik aksiyadoriik jamiyatlarida davlatning ulushini kamaytirish asosida xorijiy investorlarga sotish kabi masalalarni hal qilishda alohida ahamiyat kasb etadi. Ta’kidlash lozimki, aksiyadoriik jamiyatlarida korporativ oshkoralikni ta’minlashda ularning kelgusida moliyaviy holati qay darajada ekanligi, bankrotlik ehtimolligi va moliyaviy risk darajasini prognoz qilish kabi korporativ baholash amaliyotini samarali yo‘lga qo‘yish orqali erishish mumkin.
Urban Cultures of Central Asia from the Bronze Age to the Karakhanids.
The present monograph on the urban cultures of Central Asia from the Bronze Age to the Karakhanid Middle Ages is the result of the international conference organised by the Society for the Exploration of EurAsia (Hergiswil, Switzerland) and the Institute of Archaeological Sciences (IAW) of the University of Bern (Switzerland) held from 4 to 6 February 2016 in Bern.
Telecommunication Breakdown. Concepts of Communication Transmitted via Software-Defined Radio (+ Matlab code)
This book helps readers build a complete digital radio that includes each part of a typical digital communication system. Chapter by chapter, the learner creates a Matlab realization of the various pieces of the systemexploring the key ideas along the way, and in the final chapter puts it all together to build a fully functional receiver. For communication systems builders.
Digital Communications with Emphasis on Data Modems: Theory, Analysis, Design, Simulation, Testing, and Applications
This book discusses the design, implementation and performance verification of waveforms and algorithms appropriate for digital data modulation and demodulation in modern communication systems. Using a building-block approach, the author provides an introductory to the advanced understanding of acquisition and data detection using source and executable simulation code to validate the communication system performance with respect to theory and design specifications. The author focuses on theoretical analysis, algorithm design, firmware and software designs and subsystem and system testing. This book treats system designs with a variety of channel characteristics from very low to optical frequencies. This book offers system analysis and subsystem implementation options for acquisition and data detection appropriate to the channel conditions and system specifications, and provides test methods for demonstrating system performance.
Oliy matematika
Ushbu darslik oliy o'quv yurtlarining tabiiy va muhandis-texnik sohalarining barcha ta'lim yo'nalishlarida oliy matematikani o'rganuvchi talabalar uchun mo'ljallab yozilgan. Darslikning ikkinchi qismida ko'p o'zgaruvchili funksiyalar, sonli qatorlar, funksional kyetma-kyetliklar va qatorlar, Furye qatori integrallari, karrali integrallar, egri chiziqli va sirt intyegrallari hamda maydonlar nazariyasi bo'blarini qamrab olgan. Darslik sodda, ayni paytda matematik qatiyat va izchillikda bayon qilingan bo'lib, amaliy mashg'ulot mavzulariga mos tipik misol va masalalar batafsil yechib ko'rsatilgan hamda mustaqil shlash uchun yetarli miqdorda misol va masalalar javoblari bilan eltirilgan.
Foundations for Radio Frequency Engineering
The book provides a comprehensive coverage of the fundamental topics in microwave engineering, antennas and wave propagation, and electromagnetic compatibility, including electromagnetic boundary value problems, waveguide theory, microwave resonators, antennas and wave propagation, microwave circuits, principles of electromagnetic compatibility designs, information theory and systems. Deals systematically with fundamental problems in radio frequency engineering, this important volume provides an updated treatment of radio frequency theory and techniques.The book can be used as a one-semester course for senior and first-year graduate students or as a reference for radio frequency engineers and applied physicists.
Информационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности
В учебнике рассмотрено применение информационных технологий в профессиональной деятельности среднего медицинского персонала. Подробно описаны технические и программные средства персональных компьютеров. На примерах изложено использование средств Microsoft Office для подготовки текстов, выполнения вычисленийи построения графиков, создания медицинской базы данных, показаны возможности компьютерной презентации. Уделено внимание работе с основными подсистемами медицинской информационной системы. Дана классификация медицинских приборно-компьютерных систем. Содержание учебника соответствует примерным программам учебных дисциплин «Информатика» и «Информационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности», разработанным на основе новых федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов по всем специальностям среднего медицинского профессионального образования. Издание предназначено студентам медицинских и фармацевтических училищ иколледжей, а также может быть полезно студентам и аспирантам медицинских и фармацевтических вузов.
В сборнике освещаются результаты археологических исследований, проведен-ных на территории Центральной Азии. Хронологически охватывается широкий диапазон— от памятников эпохи палеолита до позднего средневековья; освещается планировка и топография городищ, история архитектуры, ремесла и ремесленная технология, а также вопросы развития идеологических воззрений и результаты ан-тропологических исследований.
Inklyuziv ta'lim
Ushbu darslikda imkoniyati cheklangan bolalarni inklyuziv ta'lim sharoitida o'qitishning mohiyati, inklyuziv ta'limni tashkil etishning huquqiy-me'yoriy asoslari hamda pedagogik-psixologik aspektlari yoritib berilgan. Shuningdek, inklyuziv ta'lim sharoitida eshitishida, koʻrishida, aqliy va psixik rivojlanishida, nutqida, tayanch-harakat a'zolarida, autistik sohasida muammolari bo'lgan bolalarni o'qitish va
Монография посвящена роли климатического фактора в жизни и политической истории кочевых народов Центральной Азии, тесно связанного с понятием сакрального характера верховной власти.
Первое в отечественной и мировой науке монографическое исследование политической и социально-иерархической истории государства Караханидов(Средняя Азия и Южный Казахстан), осуществленное на основе сохранившихся нумизматических памятников с привлечением других письменных источников и археологических данных. В книге скрупулезно анализируется богатейший репертуар имен и титулов караханидских правителей, упоминавшихся на монетах; выявляются и аргументирование исправляются многочисленные ошибки, допущенные в публикациях различных авторов вследствие беспримерной сложности исследуемого материала.