Flutter and Dart Cookbook
Welcome to the Flutter and Dart Cookbook. If you haven’t heard of Flutter, it’s the multiplatform framework that is taking the development community by storm. Dart provides a rich software development kit (SDK) underpinning Flutter. Rather than having to learn multiple technologies, Flutter enables you to target Android, iOS, Linux, the web, and Windows from a single code base.
Hands-On Entity Resolution
We all want to make better decisions. Whether it’s to better serve our customers or to keep them safe, we want to make the right judgments and do the right thing. To act with confidence we need to understand who we are serving and what their place is in the world. While there is often an avalanche of data available to us, too often it isn’t joined up and doesn’t tell us the full story of the individual before us.
Linux Pocket Guide
Welcome to Linux! If you’re a new user, this book can serve as a quick introduction, as well as a guide to common and practical commands. If you have Linux experience, feel free to skip the introductory material.
Learning Serverless
This book is about arming you with the knowledge you need to represent serverless as an important new technology. There are plenty of doubters out there. And there are plenty of zealots. This book is not from any of those, or for any of those. This book is for people who want to write serious software and gain the respect of peers and colleagues by doing it predictably. I didn’t choose to defend serverless. I just chose to ship great software in a way that minimizes maintenance as much as possible.
Making Embedded Systems
I love embedded systems. The first time a motor turned because I told it to, I was hooked. I quickly moved away from pure software and into a field where I can touch the world. Just as I was leaving software, the seminal work was done on design pat‐terns. My team went through the book, discussing the patterns and where we’d con‐ sider using them.
Mastering Bitcoin
I (Andreas) first stumbled upon Bitcoin in mid-2011. My immediate reaction was more or less “Pfft! Nerd money!” and I ignored it for another six months, failing to grasp its importance. This is a reaction that I have seen repeated among many of the smartest people I know, which gives me some consolation. The second time I came across Bitcoin, in a mailing list discussion, I decided to read the whitepaper written by Satoshi Nakamoto and see what it was all about.
NGINX Cookbook
The NGINX Cookbook aims to provide easy-to-follow examples of real-world prob‐lems in application delivery. Throughout this book, you will explore the many features of NGINX and how to use them. This guide is fairly comprehensive, and touches on most of the main capabilities of NGINX.
Programming C# 10
C# has now existed for around two decades. It has grown steadily in both power and size, but Microsoft has always kept the essential characteristics intact. Each new capability is designed to integrate cleanly with the rest, enhancing the language without turning it into an incoherent bag of miscellaneous features.
Serverless Development on AWS
Helsinki. It was a warm spring morning in 2019, and I (Sheen) was in the city to speak at ServerlessDays. A couple of engineers I met there during the break sought my advice on taking the serverless story to the public sector department they were working in. They were looking for inspirational serverless adoption stories to bring to their team. Almost a year later, an engineer at AWS Community Day in Stockholm asked an innocent but important question: What is this “serverless,” and is it good for my company?
Architecting Modern Data Platforms
This book is about all things architecture. We’ve split it up into three parts. In Part I, we establish a solid foundation for clusters by looking at the underlying infrastructure. In Part II, we look at the platform as a whole and at how to build a rock-solid cluster that integrates smoothly with external systems. Finally, in Part III, we cover the important architectural aspects of running Hadoop in the cloud. We begin with a technical primer for Hadoop and the ecosystem.
Automated Machine Learning in Action
The book aims at providing systematic guidance for learning, using, and designing handy AutoML pipelines to students, instructors, practitioners, and researchers who want to learn AutoML basics and adopt AutoML techniques. It’s our intention to avoid onerous mathematical formulations and notations and instead introduce the AutoML concepts and techniques with specific usage examples and code design snippets from both users’ and developers’ perspectives.
Blockchain-enabled Fog and Edge Computing
Blockchain consists of a decentralized ledger of every single transaction that takes place in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network formed by the participants. Blockchain can be permissioned (public), permission-less (private), or hybrid. If blockchain is public, the validator of the transaction can be any participant. If the blockchain is private, the validator of the transaction has to be authorized by the blockchain owner. This blockchain owner can be a single entity validating the transactions and approving the blocks to be added in the blockchain, or it can be a group of entities resulting in the form of consortium blockchain. Potential blockchain applications include electronic voting systems, fund transfers, production, supply chain management, the pharmaceutical industry, the financial sector, and many others.
C++ Core Guidelines
This preface serves one purpose: giving you, dear reader, the necessary background to get the most out of this book. This background includes technical details about me, my writing style, my motivation for writing this book, and the challenges for writing such a book. If you want to skip this section, fine, but read at least the Acknowledgments section.
C++ Data Structures and Algorithms
In this book, we will begin by giving you a basic introduction to data structures and algorithms in C++. We will then move on to learn how to store data in linked lists, arrays, stacks, and so on. We will look at some interesting sorting algorithms such as insertion sort, heap sort, merge sort, which are algorithms every developer should be familiar with. We will also dive into searching algorithms, such as linear search, binary search, interpolation and much more.
Cassandra: The Definitive Guide (Revised Third Ed.)
This book is a technical guide. In many ways, Cassandra and other NoSQL databases represent a new way of thinking about data. Many developers who gained their professional chops in the last 15–20 years have become well versed in thinking about data in purely relational or object-oriented terms. Cassandra’s data model is different and can be difficult to wrap your mind around at first, especially for those of us with entrenched ideas about what a database is (and should be).
ChatGPT for Dummies
This book is written for anyone seeking to understand and use ChatGPT in their work and daily life as well as to prepare for inevitable changes that ChatGPT will introduce.