Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Learn T-SQL Querying
This book will start with query processing fundamentals to help you write solid, performant T-SQL queries. You will be introduced to query execution plans and how to leverage them for query troubleshooting. Later, you will learn how to identify various T-SQL patterns and anti-patterns. This will help you analyze execution plans to gain insights into current performance, as well as determine whether a query is scalable.
Fermer xo`jaligi iqtisodi
Ushbu o'quv qo'llanmada agrar sohada ishlab chiqarishni tashkil etishning ilg'or shakllaridan biri hisoblangan fermer xo'jaliklarining iImiy nazariy asoslari, mavjud manbalardan oqilona foydalanish hamda ularni muvaffaqiyatli boshqarish bilan bog'liq bo'lgan masalalar atroflicha yoritilgan.
Learn WinUI 3
This book is for anyone who wants to develop Windows applications with a modern user experience (UX). If you are familiar with Windows Forms, UWP, or WPF, and are looking to update your knowledge of Windows development or modernize existing apps, this book is for you. If you are just learning .NET development, you can take advantage of this book to learn the basics of XAML development in parallel with your C# and .NET journey.
Learning GDScript by Developing a Game with Godot 4
This book is for programmers, game designers, game developers, and game artists who want to start creating games in Godot 4. If you’re new to coding or game development, looking for a new creative outlet, and want to give Godot 4 and GDScript 2.0 a try, this book is for you. While no prior knowledge of programming or Godot is required, this book gradually introduces more complex concepts as you advance through the chapters.
Machine Learning with R
This book is aimed at people in applied fields—business analysts, social scientists, and others— who have access to data and hope to use it for action. Perhaps you already know a bit about machine learning, but have never used R; or, perhaps you know a little about R, but are new to machine learning. Maybe you are completely new to both! In any case, this book will get you up and running quickly. It would be helpful to have a bit of familiarity with basic math and program-ming concepts, but no prior experience is required. All you need is curiosity.
Mastering Adobe Commerce Frontend
The book is ideal for storefront developers proficient in frontend technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, aiming to broaden their knowledge of Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source applications. If you’ve encountered challenges with frontend development for Adobe Commerce and struggled to find solutions online, this book is tailored to assist you.
Mastering AWS CloudFormation
This book is for engineers who work with AWS on a daily basis. Although you will find broad and deep explanations for most of the examples and code blocks in the book, I expect you to have basic knowledge of programming (preferably Python), general IT, and especially of AWS, as well as an understanding of RESTful APIs, JSON, and YAML.
Mastering Kubernetes
This book chapter, we will dive into the topic of highly available clusters. This is a complicated topic. The Kubernetes project and the community haven’t settled on one true way to achieve high availability nirvana. There are many aspects to highly available Kubernetes clusters, such as ensuring that the control plane can keep functioning in the face of failures, protecting the cluster state in etcd, protecting the system’s data, and recovering capacity and/or performance quickly. Different systems will have different reliability and availability requirements. How to design and implement a highly available Kubernetes cluster will depend on those requir
Mastering Python Design Patterns
This book is for Python developers looking to deepen their understanding of design patterns and how they can be applied to various types of projects. With a focus on intermediate and advanced Python programmers, the book also includes introductory chapters that make it accessible for those who are relatively new to the language. Whether you’re a web developer, data engineer, or AI specialist, this book offers valuable insights into the best practices for software design, backed by real-world examples and decades of experience. It’s also an excellent resource for software architects and team leaders who want to improve code quality and maintainability across their projects.
Modern Game Testing
This book is dedicated to the late Milan Rusmir, an exceptional engineer and extended family member. During my formative years, Milan always found time to support and nurture my curiosity and entertain a young girl’s inquisitive mind. He influenced my interest in computers and games from an early age, shaping the path that led me to the fulfilling career I’m so proud of today. Milan’s kindness and encouragement were a big source of inspiration, showing me the transformative power of mentorship and the importance of fostering curiosity in others.
This edition of our NGINX book is meticulously designed for beginner DevOps engineers, system administrators, and web developers who want to improve their understanding of web server management, especially in the areas of performance optimization and cloud infrastructure. Whether you’re just beginning your journey into web technologies or looking to consolidate your base, this book offers practical insights and hands-on experience with NGINX, the heart of modern web applications.
Optimizing Your Modernization Journey with AWS
This book covers a phased approach when it comes to relevant topics on modernization, not just for applications but also for databases, storage, networks, and security. By referencing the best practices and adoption patterns, this book provides a comprehensive view of the knowledge required to consume new technology and to deliver portfolio, application, and infrastructure value faster. This book will also guide you through strategies to simplify your business operations, architecture, and overall engineering practices.
PowerShell for Penetration Testing
In this book, you will delve into the depths of PowerShell, a versatile and robust scripting language that serves as a potent weapon in the arsenal of any pen tester. From its origins as a Windows shell scripting tool to its current status as a cross-platform powerhouse, PowerShell has emerged as a vital weapon in cybersecurity, enabling practitioners to automate routine tasks, streamline workflows, and orchestrate complex attacks with precision, repeatability, and reliability.
Practical Cybersecurity Architecture
This book takes a practical look at the nuts and bolts of defining, documenting, validating, and, ultimately, delivering an architectural vision. It draws on existing standards and frameworks for cybersecurity architecture, outlining where (and more importantly, how) they can be applied to the architecture process in your organization. This book does this by walking through the architecture process step by step, discussing why each step provides the value it does and how to use it to maximum benefit, and provides tips, gotchas, case studies, and techniques from numerous working architects in the field to supplement our own perspective.
Pragmatic Microservices with C# and Azure
This book was a great journey that started before the first public preview of .NET Aspire. I would like to thank the .NET Aspire team for their fast fixes and their support; special thanks to David Fowler with whom I had interesting discussions. I would like to thank my reviewers: István Novák, who has already reviewed several of my books and always helps remind me when I miss something that helps you – the reader – to better follow the content, and Brady Gaster, for his great inspirations and insights on Microsoft technologies, and, if he can’t help, he always has contacts who can.
Reactive Patterns with RxJS and Angular Signals
This book is for web developers who want to increase their understanding of React and apply it to real-life app development. Intermediate-level experience with React and JavaScript is assumed.