San’at. San’atshunoslik
Applied Combinatorics
This book arose from our feeling that a text that met our approach to Applied Com-binatorics was not available. Because of the diverse set of instructors assigned to the course, the standard text was one that covered every topic imaginable (and then some), but provided little depth. We’ve taken a different approach, attacking the central sub-jects of the course description to provide exposure, but taking the time to go into greater depth in select areas to give the students a better feel for how combinatorics works.
Architectural Patterns
This book will empower and enrich IT architects (such as enterprise architects, software product architects, and solution and system architects), technical consultants, evangelists, and experts.
Deep Reinforcement Learning in Unity
The book starts with an introduction to state-based reinforcement learning, from Markov processes to Bellman equations and Q-learning, which sets the ground for the successive sections. A plethora of diverse pathfinding algorithms, from Dijkstra to sophisticated variants of A* star, have been provided along with simulations in Unity. The book also covers how navigation meshes work for automated pathfinding in Unity. An introduction to the ML Agents Toolkit, from standard process for installation to training an AI agent with deep reinforcement learning algorithm (proximal policy operation [PPO]) is provided as a starter. Along the course of this book, there is an extensive usage of the Tensorflow framework along with OpenAI Gym environments for proper visualizations of complex deep reinforcement learning algorithms in terms of simulations, robotics, and autonomous agents. Successive sections of the book involve an in-depth study of the variety of on- and off-policy algorithms, ranging from discrete SARSA/Q-learning to actor critic variants, deep Q-network variants, PPO, and their implementations using the Keras Tensorflow framework on Gym. These sections are instrumental in understanding how different simulations such as the famous Puppo (Unity Berlin), Tiny agents, and other ML Agents samples from Unity are created and built. Sections with detailed descriptions about how to build simulations in Unity using the C# software development kit for ML Agents and training them using soft actor critic (SAC), PPO, or behavioral cloning algorithms such as GAIL are provided.
Re-Engineering Legacy Software
This book would not have been possible without the support of many people. I’ve been lucky enough to work with a lot of highly skilled developers over the years who have indirectly contributed countless ideas to this book.
Software Telemetry
This book is about improving what you already have, because every software ecosystem has at least some telemetry at its core. Whether you’re working on a planet-scale.Software as a Service (SaaS) application that deploys to wider percentages of your global data centers as part of your canary deploy process, or a time-card entry system for your city government that you update every couple of months, you’re using telemetry.This book is both for companies in which software is the business and organizations in which software merely enables the mission
The Art of Designing Embedded Systems
This book comes from seeing how we all share the same problems while not finding solutions. Never forget that engineering is about solving problems . . . including the ones that plague the way we engineer! Engineering is the process of making choices; make sure yours reflect simplicity, common sense, and a structure with growth, elegance, and flexibility, with debugging opportunities built in.
Problem Solving in Data Structures & Algorithms Using C++
This book is about usage of data structures and algorithms in computer programming. Data structures are the ways in which data is arranged in computers memory. Algorithms are set of instructions to solve some problem by manipulating these data structures.
RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 for Beginners
In this book, you will learn the concepts of Linux/Unix from scratch easily and practically. It offers a comprehensive guide for effectively handling,managing, and administering one or multiple RHEL servers. It covers a wide spectrum of topics, including installation of RHEL, managing services and processes, various user-level and administrative-level commands, user management, managing filesystem and disk partitions,concepts of cloud and containers, package installation and management,database and web server setup, understanding shell scripts, strategies for enhancing server performance and much more.
Effective Software Testing
Every software developer remembers a specific bug that affected their career. Let me tell you about mine. In 2006, I was the technical lead for a small development team that was building an application to control payments at gas stations. At the time, I was finishing my computer science undergraduate studies and beginning my career as a software developer. I had only worked on two serious web applications previously. And as the lead developer, I took my responsibility very seriously.
Как быстро выучить много немецких слов
В данном пособии предлагается два словаря. Пособие создано по авторской методике. Исходя из различия механизмов работы памяти при восприятии и при воспроизведении речи, предлагается два вида классификации слов. В первой классификации приводятся блоки созвучных слов. При этом виды созвучий могут быть различными. Второй тип классификации основан на смысловой общности слов. Пособие рассчитано на широкий круг лиц, изучающих немецкий язык.
Учебное пособие по складской логистике
Пособие написано для специалистов, работающих в сфере складской логистики, и коллег, которые только начали свой профессиональный путь в этой сфере. Учебный материал предназначен для ознакомления и изучения складской логистики, унификации используемых терминов, определений и структур данных для грамотного и конструктивного общения между специалистами в сфере складской логистики.
В учебном пособии с учетом достижений современной педагогики рассматриваются научно обоснованные пути и условия решения актуальных проблем дидактики высшей педагогической школы.
Fiskal siyosat
“Fiskal siyosat” fani bo‘yicha mazkur o ‘quv qo'lanma shu fanning fan dasturi bo‘yicha barcha mavzular yoritilgan.
Активный англо-русский словарь-минимум
Словарь предназначен для изучающих английский язык на начальном этапе, когда начинают осваивать навыки устной ре чи. Многочисленные примеры-предложения помогают активи зировать усвоенный словарный запас, способствуют развитию устной речи.
Action Script 2.0 Программирование во Flash MX 2004
Action Script 2.0 Программирование во Flash MX 2004