Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Oziq-ovqat sanoati
Jismoniy tarbiya va sport
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Шесть столпов самооценки
Эта книга — классика психологии. Автор подробно разбирает все аспекты самооценки: что это такое, почему она важна, что на нее влияет и как повысить ее уровень. В изменчивом мире здоровая самооценка дает внутреннюю стабильность и уверенность, без которых невозможно справиться с жизненными вызовами и развиваться. Для этого автор предлагает шесть простых практик, которые помогут утвердиться внутреннему «я» и научат опираться на самого себя. Натаниэль Бранден — известный психотерапевт, авторитетный специалист по самооценке. Он написал более двадцати книг, которые переведены на восемнадцать языков.
Ушбу асарда буюк файласуф Афлотун (Платон) давлат ва жамият тузилиши, қонунлар, қонунларга бўлган асосий талаблар, уларни аҳолига тушунтириш на ниҳоят жорий этиш ҳакида мулоҳазалар юритади. Китобда умуминсоний қадриятлар, адолат , мардлик, номус, ватанпарварлик, ота-она ҳурмати ,эзгу ишларни амалга ошириш каби масалалар ёритилган.
НейроМаркетинг. Как влиять на подсознание потребителя
В книге объясняется, как приспособить нейронауку и поведенческие исследования к целям маркетинга и понять закономерности принятия покупательских решений. Нейромаркетинг изучает реакции мозга на различные маркетинговые стимулы, как информационного, так и чувственного плана, чтобы понять, на что реагируют покупатели и почему они принимают те или иные решения.
Recent Developments in Plant Biotechnology: Progress in Lipidomics and Proteomics
The chapter covered an important emerging field of research concerning the use of cereal to produce compounds of high value, i.e., proteins and lipids with applications for both human health and agricultural purposes.
TensorFlow Deep Learning Projects
TensorFlow is one of the most popular frameworks used for machine learning and, more recently, deep learning. It provides a fast and efficient framework for training different kinds of deep learning models with very high accuracy. This book is your guide to mastering deep learning with TensorFlow with the help of 12 real-world projects.
Quality Control for Value Addition in Food Processing
The book entitled “Quality Control for Value Addition in Food Processing” consisting of 12 chapters is a well written text book covering the most important informations pertaining to food processing, potential food hazards, quality management, food standards & safety assurance systems, additives, enzymes, waste utilization, marketing management and methods for quality control along with useful glossary and annexures.
Neural Nets WIRN10 Proceedings of the 20th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets
This publication provides an opportunity to read the proceedings, a process which may perhaps have additional value, after reading similar documents from con- ferences worldwide on the same topics.
Quality and risk management in agri-food chains
This book follows on the necessities and challenges mentioned by providing an up-to-date overview of queries, approaches and problem solutions in quality and risk management of individual enterprises and across enterprises in the agri-food industry. This book addresses both, representatives from companies and from public and private organisations as well as teaching staff and students.
Travel Medicine: Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Immunisation
In an epoch where every generation travels more frequently and at longer distances than the previous generation, with a mean increase of 30 million travellers per year from 1995 until today [1], physicians throughout the world are confronted with new diseases.
This book reviews research on new developments in all areas of food science and technology. Topics discussed herein include the role of the processing industry for food security in India; the characteristics and utilization of black rice; the formation of flavours and off-flavours in legumes; legumes as cover crops and their effects on weed populations and crop productivity; optimizing barley grain use by dairy cows; and enhanced production of B carotene and L-asparginase from a tribal food alga.
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered herein. It is sold with the clear understanding that the Publisher is not engaged in rendering legal or any other professional services. If legal or any other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent person should be sought.
Большая книга самых необходимых знаний для мальчиков
Ты хочешь стать сильным, смелым и отважным, научиться правильно вести себя в самой опасной ситуации, а оказавшись в незнакомой местности, чувствовать себя как рыба в воде?
What Is Medicine? Western and eastern approaches to healingpaul u. Unschuld Translated from the German by Karen Reimers
University of California Press, one of the most distinguished university presses in the United States, enriches lives around the world by advancing scholarship in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Its activities are supported by the UC Press Foundation and by philanthropic contributions from individuals and institutions.
Ушбу рисолада Ўзбекистон биоэнергетикаси – инновацион ривожланиш омили сифатида таҳлил этилмоқда. Республикамиз иқтисодиётини инновацион йўлга ўтишида, муҳим устуворлик, биологик энергия манбаларини, экологик соф технологияларни жорий этишдир. Энергияга ўсиб бораётган талаб асосан қазиб олинадиган ёқилғилар эвазига қондирилмоқда, бу энергетика томонидан табиатга антропоген босим ўтказилмоқда.
O`zbekistonning turistik resurslari
Ma’ruzalar matni, mamlakatimiz turistik resurslari salohiyatini o’rganishga bag’ishlangan bo’lib, unda turistik resurslarni har jihatdan o’rganish, baholash, umuman olganda turizm faoliyatida foydalanish imkoniyatla-rini tahlil etish, ma’lum mintaqada turizmni rivojlantirish istiqbollari yoritiladi.