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Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
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Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
O`zbekistonning turistik resurslari
Ma’ruzalar matni, mamlakatimiz turistik resurslari salohiyatini o’rganishga bag’ishlangan bo’lib, unda turistik resurslarni har jihatdan o’rganish, baholash, umuman olganda turizm faoliyatida foydalanish imkoniyatla-rini tahlil etish, ma’lum mintaqada turizmni rivojlantirish istiqbollari yoritiladi.
This report has been reviewed in draft form by individuals chosen for their diverse perspectives and technical expertise, in accordance with procedures ap- proved by the National Research Council’s Report Review Committee.
Гармонично развитое поколение-основа прогресса Узбекистана
Со дня своего рождения человек живет в семейной среде. Семейные традиции, ценности, уклад формируют основу характера ребенка. Самое главное, через семейную жизненную школу дети постигают и ощущают тпебования общества.
Future Medicine Ethical Dilemmas, Regulatory Challenges, and Therapeutic Pathways to Health Care and Healing in Human Transformation
In the late nineteenth century, the rise of scientific medicine (or biomedicine) brought ideological and professional coherence to health care; standards for safe, effective, and ethical practice; educationalrigor; and recognized parameters for research into the validity of therapies.
The gigantean environmental problems we face today only emerged within the last century. They are a result of technology allowed in- dustrializing societies to utilize fossil carbon compounds for energy production that transformed our lands by altering our carbon and nutrient cycles
Unani Medicine in the Making Practices and Representations in 21st Century India Practices and Representations in 21st Century India
Over the last three decades, Asian medicine has become a central feature in most contemporary societies. This series explores the local fabric and global aspirations of these modes of healing.
Revolutionary Medicine The Founding Fathers and Mothers in Sickness and in Health
Many years ago, as an undergraduate freshman in an American history class, I was assigned a term paper on a topic relating to the colonial era. The project necessitated a visit to the New York Historical Society, which led to a lifetime love affair with primary source documents and a deep and abiding interest in the lives and writings of America’s founders.
Animals and Medicine The Contribution of Animal Experiments to the Control of Disease
Animals and Medicine: The Contribution of Animal Experiments to the Control of Disease presents a detailed, scholarly historical review of the critical role experiments using animals have played in advancing medical knowledge. Laboratory animals have been essential, and the knowledge gained has saved countless human lives – and not only human lives.
Simulations in Medicine Computer-aided diagnostics and therapy
Traditional medicine has, since its inception, registered numerous examples of treatment resulting in positive or negative outcomes, depending on the patient. This observation was reinforced after the completion of the human genome sequencing project.
Medicine & Philosophy A Twenty-First Century Introduction
This book is meant to acquaint the reader with problems that are common to medical science, medical ethics, medical informatics, and philosophy. Our conviction is that all the disciplines mentioned can benefit from some more interaction (see Chapter 1).
Medicine – Religion – Spirituality Global Perspectives on Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Healing
Healing is a contested field, and talking about healing from the perspective of the Study of Religion involves many risks. In our experience, studying traditional, complementary, and alternative medicines inevitably leads to accusations of partiality: one is blamed either for taking sides in favor of bio- medicine and against alternative healing systems, or for advocating alternative healing systems without pointing out the alleged risks they imply.
Брошюра из серии «Библиотечка шахматиста» мастера и известного шахматного журналиста раскрывает смысл контратаки, моменты перехода от защиты к нападению и различные способы ведения контратаки. Рассчитана на широкий круг любителей шахмат.
Брошюра на «Библиотечки спортсмена» в доступной форме на конкретных примерах раскрывает понятие «волевая подготовка спортсмена». Она показывает, что волевая подготовка является необходимым условием победы в спорте. В книге даются советы, как воспитать волю в процессе тренировок, при подготовке к соревнованию, а также в процессе самой спортивной борьбы; приводятся примеры самовоспитания воли. Книга рассчитана на спортсменов, тренеров, общественников, занимающихся подготовкой и воспитанием спортсменов.
A brief history of dialect research and dialect classification of Japanese. Tone or pitch-accent? Analysis and use of terminology.
Nie bez kozery nasz album o Polsce zostal zadedykowany dla kazdego Zawarte w nim roznorodne zagadnienia pozwola wybrac cos interesujacego nawet wybrednemu odbiorcy Troche historii i geografii ciut folkloru i odrobina aromatu tradycyjnej kuchni polskiej to dobry poczatek do dalszej degustacji Zapraszamy do zwiedzenia miast i miasteczek kurortow i uzdrowisk tajemniczych zamkow wykwintnych palacow i ziemianskich dworow Na naszym szlaku odwiedzimy koscioly i sanktuaria pomniki historii i obiekty z listy UNESCO wejdziemy na szczyty i zejdziemy pod ziemie odkryjemy rozne ciekawostki i sobliwosci zobaczymy co mozna zrobic z drewna A wiec ad operam
Понимание религии как особой формы духовной культуры особенно важно в наше время, когда происходит отказ от старых идеалов и формирование новых.