Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Uchgacha ayni vaqti
Farzand chaqaloqligidan boshlab ulg'aygunicha uning tarbiyasida nimalarga kechikmasligimiz kerak, nimalarga kechikib qo‘ydik, xatolarni tuzata olamizmi? Masaru Ibuka ko‘pincha ota-onalar ilg'amagan, lekin bolaning ongi, ruhiyatida, jismonan va ma’nan shakllanishida hal qiluvchi rol o‘ynaydigan xatti-harakatlar, hayotdan olingan turfa jihatlarni ko‘zguda aks etganday siz-u bizga ko‘rsata olgan. Ushbu kitobni o‘qib, bunga amin bo'lasiz deb ishonamiz.
Из истории фортепианной пелагогики.
Хрестоматия включает фрагменты важнейших трактатов и школ, посвященных игре на клавире и фортепиано, начиная от времен зарождения клавирной музыки до расцвета пианистического искусства эпохи романтизма.
Deeltjesfysica: verrassend onvoorspelbaar?
In onze moderne tijd voert de reis naar het kleine eerst naar de moleculen: die vormen het kleinste deel van een stof dat nog alle eigenschappen van die stof bezit. Ga je nog kleiner, dan is de stof niet meer herkenbaar.
Шайх ас-Соғаржий авлодлари ва Иброҳим ас-Самарқандий тарихи
Юртимиз ва Марказий Осиёда, жумладан, Х,инди-Хитой ва Индонезия заминларида ислом дини, тасаввуф таълимотини ёйишдаулкан ҳизматлар қлган буюк мутасаввуф Шайх Бурҳониддин Согаржий ва авлодларининг фаолияти тугрисидаги ушбу илк монографик рисола алж лома фаолияти зикр этилган баъзи қадимый манбалардан истифода этилган қолда ёзилган. Китобда Шайх Бурҳониддин Согаржий х,аёти ва у зотнинг набираси Мавлоно Иброҳим Самарқандийнинг Шарқ мамлакатларида (Индонезия ва Х,инди-Хитой юртларида) ислом дини ва тасаввуф таълимотларини тарқатишдаги фаолиятлари баён этилган.
Ишнинг кўзини биладиган одамнинг замонавий одоб-ахлоқ китоби
Китоб дунё ва халқаро этикет мезонларига асосланиб тайёрланди, бу эса сизга халқаро ишбилармонликда ҳам жуда қўл келади. Шунингдек, ушбу китобдан юқоридаги саволларга атрофлича жавоб топасиз.
Quarks and Letters Naturwissenschaften in der Literatur und Kultur der Gegenwart
Die Quarks wurden 1964 als konzeptuelles Modell für die elementaren Bausteine der Materie von dem theoretischen Physiker Murray Gell-Mann in das Standard-modell der Physik eingeführt, um den beobachteten subatomaren Streuprozessen einen naturgesetzlichen Rahmen zu geben.
Multifunctional and nanoreinforced polymers for food packaging
The current book intends to review the latest developments in the fuctionalization of high performance plastic materials for food packaging applicatins.
Converters of neutron radiation play a determining role in the development of detectors of these radiations. They determine the basic characteristics of detectors: the efficiency of registration, energy, time and spatial resolution.
Physics Through the 1990s Elementary-Particle Physics
This report has been reviewed by a group other than the authors according to procedures approved by a Report Review Committee consisting of members of the National Academy of Sci- ences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine.
Дунёда бўлмаса муаллим агар...
Муаллим аввало, ота-она, боғча мураббийси, мактаб ўқитувчиси, олий ўқув даргохи устозлари, энг муҳими ҳаётнинг ўзи эканлигини унутмайлик.
Globalization, Nationalism, and Music Education in the Twenty-First Century in Greater China
My interest in exploring theoretical issues and empirical knowledge about the relationship between nationalism, school music education, and social change in an increasingly globalized world is closely related to my journey as a researcher of contemporary Chinese studies.
Roots of language.
To the people of Palmares, El Palenque de San Basilio, The Cockpit Country, and the Saramacca River, who fought for decency, dignity, and freedom against the Cartesian savagery of Western colonialists and slavemakers; whose tongues, having survived to confound pedagogue and philosopher alike, now, by an ironic stroke of justice, offer us indispensable keys to the knowledge of our species
Surfi ng about Music
This book is a collaborative effort, and I owe many individuals and institutions a debt of gratitude. I am especially grateful to the individu- als who took the time and effort to read and comment on drafts of parts of this book.
Microbial Risk Analysis of Foods
Thanks to all of my friends and colleagues who agreed to give generously of their time in the midst of birth, death, and the responsibilities of their day jobs. This book would not have been possible without all of your efforts.
Instruments for New Music Sound, Technology, and Modernism
This book would not exist without the involvement of many wonderful friends and colleagues. Those I name here are only the foremost. Instruments for New Music began as a PhD dissertation at the Univer-sity of Pennsylvania, where it was researched and written from 2010 to 2013.
Vietnamese Language, Education and Change In and Outside Vietnam.
This book series is committed to advancing scholarship on Vietnam and Vietnam-related issues and to nurturing a new generation of Vietnam scholars in arts, human-ities, education and social sciences, and interdisciplinary studies. It engages with Vietnam in global contexts and with global Vietnam across time, space and commu-nity. It features new writings and understandings that reflect nuances, complexities and dynamic that Vietnam in all of its possible meanings and constructs has inspired, generated and pushed. It recognises the ever expanding circles of Vietnam scholars around the world whose scholarship can be seen as the products of a new era when knowledge production has become increasingly globalized and decentralized. All of these have been reflected and in motion in the well-established over-a-decade-long Engaging With Vietnam conference series, of which this book series is an offspring. For more, visit: https://engagingwithvietnam.org/global-vietnam-book-series/