Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
San’at. San’atshunoslik
The 4-hour body
The material in this book is for informational purposes only. As each individual situation is unique, you should use proper discretion, in consultation with a health care practitioner, before undertaking the diet, exercises, and techniques described in this book. The author and publisher expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects that may result from the use or application of the information contained in this book.
Abstract expressionism
Hailed as the first American-born art movement to have a worldwide influence, Abstract Expressionism denotes the non-representational use of paint as a means of personal expression. It emerged in America in the 1940s, with lead protagonists including Jackson Pollock, Philip Guston, Robert Motherwell, Mark Rothko, and Willem de Kooning. Abstract Expressionism spawned many different stylistic tendencies but two particularly prominent sub-categories: action painting, exemplified by de Kooning and Pollock, and color field painting, made most famous by Rothko. Throughout, Abstract Expressionists strove to convey emotions and ideas through the making of marks, through forms, textures, shades, and the particular quality of brushstrokes. The movement favored large-scale canvases, and embraced the role of accident or chance. With featured works from 20 key Abstract Expressionist artists, this book introduces the movement which shifted the center of art gravity from Paris to New York and remains for many the golden moment of American art. About the series Born back in 1985, the Basic Art Series has evolved into the best-selling art book collection ever published. Each book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art History series features: approximately 100 color illustrations with explanatory captions a detailed, illustrated introduction a selection of the most important works of the epoch, each presented on a two-page spread with a full-page image and accompanying interpretation, as well as a portrait and brief biography of the artist
Night and Low-Light photography
Finally! A resource that sheds light on the unique challenges of night and low-light photography With their unique sets of challenges, night and low-light photography are often touted as some of the most difficult and frustrating genres of digital photography. This much-needed guide demystifies any murky topics provides you with all the information you need to know from choosing the right gear and camera settings to how to best edit your photos in post-production. Renowned photographer Alan Hess shares techniques and indispensable tips that he has garnered from years of experience. Helpful projects and full-color stunning photos in each chapter serve to educate and inspire, while assignments at the end of every chapter encourage you to practice your skills and upload your photos to a website so you can share and receive critiques. * Details best practices for taking portraits, landscapes, and action shots in night or low light * Features specific coverage of concert photography and low-light event photography * Answers the most frequent questions that photographers face while tackling this challenging technique Packed with invaluable advice and instruction, Night and Low-Light Photography Photo Workshop doesn?t leave you in the dark.
Высокоэффективные лекарственные растения
Данной энциклопедии, целитель, автор множества популярных книг по народной медицине, рассказывает о лечебных и профилактических свойствах высокоэффективных растений, приводит рецепты лечебных препаратов, расчет дозировок в зависимости от возраста человека и сложности заболевания. В начале издания приведен подробных алфавитный перечень болезней, которые можно вылечить с их помощью. Помимо этого, в книге собрана богатая подборка фотографий, чтобы каждый мог определить то или иное лекарственное растение.
Improve your sight-reading!
Being a good sight-reader is so important and it needn’t be difficult! If you work through this book carefully - always making sure that you really understand each exercise before you play it you’ll never have problems learning new pieces or doing well at sight-reading in exams!
Отопление и вентиляция жилых и гражданских зданий
В справочнике приведены основные нормативные материалы и необходимые сведения по проектированию систем отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха жилых и общественных зданий. Рассмотрены вопросы выбора ограждающих конструкций, расчета теплопотерь и теплопоступлений, гидравлического и теплового расчета систем отопления, расчета требуемых воздухообменов при борьбе с тепло- и влагоизбытками, а также расчета оборудования кондиционеров и приточно-вытяжных систем, воздуховодов и воздухораспределительных устройств.
Handbook of technical textiles
The second edition of Handbook of Technical Textiles, Volume 1: Technical Textile Processes provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the latest advancements in technical textiles. With revised and updated coverage, including several new chapters, this volume reviews recent developments and technologies in the field, beginning with an overview of the technical textiles industry that includes coverage of technical fibers and yarns, weaving, spinning, knitting, and nonwoven production. Subsequent sections include discussions on finishing, coating, and the coloration of technical textiles.
Пўлат Солиев
Мазкур тарихий рисолада XX асрнинг дастлабки ўттиз йиллигида ижод қилган етук тарихчи олим, профессор Пўлат Содиевнинг ҳаёти, илмий-ижодий фаолияти ва тарихий қарашлари, шунингдек, бу даврда Ўзбекистонда тарих фани ва тарихшунослик жараёнлари, олимнинг илмий меросига бўлган муносабат каби масалалар ўз аксини топган. Рисола илмий жамоатчилик ва кенг китобхонлар оммасига мўлжалланган.
Химические и биологические средства защиты растений
В книге содержатся краткие сведения о препаратах, рекомендованных для практического и опытно-производственного применения. Даны рекомендации по использованию химических и биологических средств защиты сельскохозяйственных культур от вредителей и болезней с указанием условий и основных регламентов применения.
Кардиология. Стандарты медицинской помощи. Критерии оценки качества. Фармакологический справочник
В данном справочнике собраны все актуальные порядки и стандарты оказания медицинской помощи при заболеваниях сердечно-сосудистой системы у детей и взрослых. В конце книги даны краткий справочник лекарственных средств, указанных в стандартах, а также справочник по Международной классификации болезней со ссылками на стандарты медицинской помощи. Все лекарства распределены по группам в соответствии с анатомо- терапевтическо- химической (АТХ) классификацией, что облегчает поиск нужной информации. Впервые в справочник включен приказ по критериям оценки качества медицинской помощи.
Ашёда ишлаш фанидан ўқув-услубий мажмуа
Амалий санъат йўналиши талабалари учун мўлжалланган бу дастурда Меъморий ёдгорликлар безагини таъмирлаш бўлимини 1-курс талабалари учун ашёлар билан ишлаш фани бўйича назарий ва амалий машғулотлар мазмуни берилган.
"Замонавий ашёлар" ўқув услубий мажмуа
“Замонавий ашёлар” фани бўйича тузилган ушбу намунавий дастур ДТС талаблари асосида ишлаб чиқилган бўлиб, Республикамизда бадиий таълим ислоҳотларини янада чуқурлаштириш, малакали мутахассислар; бакалавриат таълим йўналиши таркибидаги дизайннинг “Интерьерларни лойиҳалаш” ва “Архитектуравий мухит дизайни” турлари бўйича билим олаётган талабалар учун мўлжалланган бўлиб, бўлажак дизайнер-архитекторларга қурилиш лойиҳа ишларида инсон ҳаётий фаолияти учун қулай бўлган ва ўзаро уйғунлашган буюмлар мухитини шакллантириш масаласи жиддий тарзда қўйилади; бино иншоотларни лойиҳалашда қурилиш материаллари ва малакали кадрлар тайёрлаш учун фан сифатида зарурият жуда катта.
Figure drawing
Figure Drawing: Design and Invention is an instructional figure drawing book geared towards the novice and experienced artist alike. This book emphasizes a simplified understanding of surface anatomy, in order to clarify the mechanics of the figure, facilitate invention, and ultimately create a skill-set that can be successfully applied to other media. In addition, this book focuses very strongly on practical usage, making sure the artist is able to assimilate the steps presented here into a cohesive working process.
Fundamentals of modern manufacturing
Engineers rely on Groover because of the book’s quantitative and engineering-oriented approach that provides more equations and numerical problem exercises. The fourth edition introduces more modern topics, including new materials, processes and systems. End of chapter problems are also thoroughly revised to make the material more relevant. Several figures have been enhanced to significantly improve the quality of artwork. All of these changes will help engineers better understand the topic and how to apply it in the field.
This new volume in the Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science series, published in conjunction with the Medical Commission of the International Olympic Committee, offers comprehensive and practical guidance on the training and medical care of competitive gymnasts. Written and edited by leading trainers, team doctors, coaches and other professionals with unparalleled experience in elite gymnastics, this book covers all the key aspects of caring for gymnasts, minimizing the unique risks these athletes face, and treating injuries when they happen. The book is organized into 4 sections covering: * The evolution of gymnastics * Growth and development * Training and performance * Sports medicine Individual chapters cover key topics such as energy needs and body weight management; biomechanics; psychology; the epidemiology of gymnastic injuries; treatment and rehabilitation of common injuries; injury prevention; and more. Endorsed by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG), no other book offers such an in-depth look at the unique considerations and challenges that affect the growth, performance, training, and medical care of athletes in this demanding sport.
From alchemy to chemistry in picture and story
From Alchemy to Chemistry in Picture and Story takes you on an illustrated tour of chemistry’s fascinating history, from its early focus on the spiritual relationship between man and nature to some of today’s most cutting-edge applications. Drawing from rare publications and artwork that span over five centuries, the book contains nearly 200 essays and over 350 illustrations—including 24 in full color—that tell the engaging story of the development of this fundamental science and its connection with human history. Join Arthur Greenberg as he combines the “best of the best” from his previous works (as well as several new essays) to paint a colorful picture of chemistry’s remarkable origins! ARTHUR GREENВERG is Professor of Chemistry and former Dean of the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of New Hampshire. He has authored or edited several books, including A Chemical History Tour, The Art of Chemistry, and The Amide Linkage, all published by Wiley.